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Topic initiated on Wednesday, October 18, 2006  -  7:36 PM Reply with quote
sajada in Quran Sharif

salaam all

when you study the Quran you come across sajda's that you have to physically do when you come to one in any verse of the Quran, now i have heard alot of people tell me different things you have to read when doing the sajda, can someone tell me what is the agreed recommendation of what you have to read when doing sajda after coming across it in the Quran sharif.

Posted - Friday, October 27, 2006  -  11:04 PM Reply with quote
so i take it no-one knows the answer or is it no-one knows what im on about

Posted - Saturday, October 28, 2006  -  11:04 AM Reply with quote
w salaam Sister & I'm really v v v Sorry for the Delay in Repling to ur Post.

There is NO NEED to WORRY in this Regard. You can read in your "Sajda e Tilawat" the same words that you read in your daily Prayers BUT plz NOTE that there are some Other words that has also been reported for this purpose.

Posted - Saturday, October 28, 2006  -  11:52 AM Reply with quote
It is our expressing of immediate submission and obedience to the directives of God. As and when the Qur'an directs us to fall in prostration or commends people who fall in prostratioin to God, we immediately fall in prostration, expressing our obedience and expressing our desire to be among the people that God commends. This prostration signifies our active communication with God in the Qur'an.

Posted - Sunday, October 29, 2006  -  6:34 AM Reply with quote
sister, I asked one of friends, and this is his reply

offering appropriate reaction to the verses of the Quran is something that the Prophet used to do. In particular there are some of the verses of the Quran that directly command its addresee (the Prophet) to do Sajda (like the one in Sura Alaq). There are reports saying that the Prophet used to do Sajda when he was reading these types of verses. As we read these verses we too offer the Sajda. There is difference of opinion which verses these are. I don't think it is Wajib to do Sajda but I think it is very appropriate to do this as a naturla reaction to these verses, in particular those that directly orders to do Sajda.

Posted - Sunday, October 29, 2006  -  8:24 AM Reply with quote
sister! please read the answer to another question on the discussion forum. confused. The answer to that question has relevance to your query about sajdah. in referance to surah Suad verses 17 on wards.
kind regards

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