I want to draw your attention to a very serious issue, i.e., the misuse of Internet. The youth of Pakistan is getting distracted. The prohibited sites are in abundance having vulgar literature and pictures. It is not really possible to have a constant check on kids and their activities
on Internet. But it is virtually possible to filter out such sites on countrywide scale as there is no positive aspect regarding such low level dirty sites. So why don’t concerned authorities take practical step to save the brains and to avoid such sickness.
Currently only one ISP is filtering out these prohibited sites in Pakistan but it is not enough as rest of the ISPs have no censor policy and the purpose is not yet fulfilled. Only PTCL can take this positive step on countrywide scale to save our youth from distracting, because if this ponsibility is left on ISPs alone, it will never work out because of their own interests.
I don’t know how and where I could convey this very message so I would
request to help me by conveying this message to the right authorities and right forums so that it may workout. Its’ not at all just an issue to debate on but its’ the need of time and it has to be implemented on urgent bases and only we people may take an active
part in this regard by raising our forceful voice as a tiny pebble may create many co-centric circles on the surface of stagnant water. Thanks and Regards
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