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Posted - Tuesday, December 16, 2008  -  11:28 PM Reply with quote
Assalamoeleikumwarahmatullah. Many Brothers are responsible for many of the jahilyah activities by these sisters because their men are not helping them learn.They also stop them from learning. Selfish Desires are working behind lots of these. May Allah guide our men to be practicing Muslim Brothers rather than just "Beard brothers" wearing long clothes. Amin ya Rabbal alamin :P

Posted - Wednesday, December 17, 2008  -  12:25 PM Reply with quote
Assalamu Alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakahtu
Dear brother umarbaig, may i suggest that you go back and read the whole of the posts in this topic, it appears you have not done other wise you would be aware that in the issue of cut and quote style it was in fact the minute comments after the quote i was refering to not the divine revelation.(it seems you also have adopted this style ???)
Dear sister mbellos thank you for giving me a living father brother or husband unhelpful or otherwise alimul gaybe it seems.
it is now at this point that i think i will de register from this site.
jazakallah for your friendly welcome and advice and showing me how a pious and knowledgable muslim should pass on thier ilm and spread the word of islam. may allah reward you appropriatly for your very islamic behaviour guide all muslims to the siratal mustaqeem and grant the correct knowledge to those of us who have none.
your sister in islam

Posted - Wednesday, December 17, 2008  -  5:45 PM Reply with quote



…………….. very unconstructive towards passing on and receiving of knowledge quoting quran and hadith with minute comments does not explain the reasoning behind it

Divine commandments don’t need any reasoning.
2: 2. This is the Scripture whereof there is no doubt, a guidance unto those who ward off (evil).
2: 3. Who believe in the Unseen,
and establish worship, and spend of that We have bestowed upon them;

2: 4. And who believe in that which is revealed unto thee (Muhammad) and that which was revealed before thee, and are certain of the Hereafter.

………… so many of the so called scholars of today are doing they are taking words and seperating them to re make the meaning they require………….

You are correct! The so called modern muslims has adapted this short cut method.

…………. my limited knowledge of islam…………….

You are correct and I agree!

…………. i am saying without giving a constructive argument or proof…………..

You are correct and thanks for confessing!


Posted - Thursday, December 25, 2008  -  2:16 PM Reply with quote
Assalamoeleikumwarahmatullah wabarakatuhu

Time for Sisters to get involved!

Use your area masjids as an Islamic Community Centre and invite your local Muslim & Non-Muslim Brothers, Sisters & Children To come together and learn more about the beautiful ways of Islam.Introduce all the good books and websites you know of.Allah will reward you. INSHALAH

Posted - Friday, December 26, 2008  -  11:39 PM Reply with quote
Asalamo eleikum warahmatullahewabarakatuhu.

Mosques must be used for this. Churches in our area are hosting all such Community activities for children, young people and women. Why cant the Mosques. Why Mosques have to be shut between the Salahs. Dear Brothers & Sisters. Think. Think.Please. Before the there is no time to think.

Posted - Thursday, March 19, 2009  -  8:03 AM Reply with quote
hoping a muslim woman architect will be contributing to the extension of the sacred Mosque-iA;


Posted - Saturday, June 12, 2010  -  11:35 AM Reply with quote
hkhan's messge:
Two ladies asked me last Friday whether it's Fard/obligatory for them to come to the Masjid.
If any of us is in doubt the best measure is to see whether you leave home for other things. Do you go for shopping, holiday, socializing, work etc. If you do and you know a Mosque that does support women's prayers in there, do try and spare time to attend Friday and Eid prayers, even Janazah.Funeral prayers. If the Mosque admin does not support women's presence, try and approach them, converse with logic and reasoning, if you can spare time, volunteer yourself to join the Mosque trustees board so you can have your say in the future decisions made including the women's prayer facilities, child care room while mums pray etc.

As an example: Join us today for the following: (For the local residents of Royal county. Outsiders also welcome as well as people from other faiths)

Dear all, sala'm
Sadly Zari baji (Mrs Zarnigar Siddiqui) has finally left us during the mubarak night b/ween Thursday and Friday innalillah...we all belong to Him and have to return to Him...
she just turned 60 but was suffering from a heart ailment since a while now.

At the head end of her bed where I saw her calm and peaceful yesterday, I noticed the wall hanging she had"Is Allah not enough for His slave?" reflecting her true conviction to Tawheed "oneness of God" in practice with complete trust and faith in Him, despite the ups and downs she faced from her human race, as we all come across and is the most difficult section of life to be dealth with i.e. human relations, on which most accountability will be based.

Please try and join for her funeral after Duhr at 2pm SP Mosque today, sisters who wish to help Ghusl (bath) - earlier-same venue. Her daughter is expecting her 1st child and son was to get married tomorrow. Both these facts were such comforting to her heart. Am sure her soul has left her body as nafs e mutmainna and nafs e raadiah. May we all live and die as a peaceful soul ameen Your comforting words to both her children will be a great reward for them. Am thinking of having a small gathering at my place to remember Zari baji's support to the community, or at PWA insh'Allah on one of the forth coming weekends/or on a Wed ladies club at the PWA Library, to reflect upon her special attachment with books. She called our colleague Mr Sarwar in Wales once to buy the set of Tadabbur e Qura'n and was specifically interested in Amin Islahi's books. She was amongst the ladies who came to see Javaid Ghamidi sahib and discuss her queries when him, Shehzad Saleem, Saleem Kayani and Shakeelur Rehman visited Pak.Welfare office of the County in 2008.

I shall confirm after discussing Mrs Iffat Qureshi and her other friends. Please join in.

"She has not left home, she returned to home; may it be the best aboard for her ameen (I do not wish to delete her from my address book, hence have still addressed this mail to her as she still feels living amongst us and of course her memories will...always)

walk across this world as a traveler who took a short break under a tree....


henna khan
CEO and Dean Faith Anchor
Vice Chair Slough Faith Partnership

Posted - Saturday, June 12, 2010  -  6:04 PM Reply with quote
Apparently Khan is trying to promote this same idea of women trying to access the decision board in the Mosques in order to have their say for a prayers place in the Masjid, that they should also work closely with the brothers in various other religious organisations around them. not only passively but as an important part of the team at every level.

Women have different set of skills which make the life line of organisations. Such organisations are like half the brain. Women must never think that 'Our husbands can do it themselves, so why must we ask them to keep us with them in the decision making bodies. Are they incapable??" This is surely a bad teaching (Bad Command) given to them by their husbands if they have trained them to possess such a tunnel view. Why do we want our husbands to support us for our children's upbringing and other home affairs. Are wives incapacitant??

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