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Topic initiated on Saturday, December 25, 2004  -  11:40 AM Reply with quote
Happy Hanukkah and Happy Christmas!

Wishing Happy Hanukkah to our Jewish brothers and sisters and a Happy Christmas to our Christian brothers and sisters.

The birth of Prophet Jesus was indeed a blessing upon the world.

For those of you who are not familiar with the festival of Hanukkah, it is an annual festival of the Jewish people. Hanukkah commemorates the rededication of the Temple of Jerusalem by Judas Maccabee in 165 BC, after it had been profaned by Antiochus IV Epiphanes, king of Syria and overlord of Palestine who had dedicated the temple the worship of the pagan god Zeus Olympius and had forbidden the practice of Judaism.

Posted - Saturday, December 25, 2004  -  7:45 PM Reply with quote
Queen's Message on Christmas

The Queen has appealed for tolerance and understanding between cultural and religious groups in Britain's diverse society.
She said religions were often in the news as "sources of difference and conflict", whereas they all bore messages of tolerance and respect.

She also pointed out that diversity was "a strength, not a threat".

She went on to praise tolerance and fair play as "strong British values", and added that the need to look after fellow human beings was stronger than any ideological divide

ps details


Posted - Saturday, December 25, 2004  -  7:58 PM Reply with quote
as we attended the Christmas day's service in the hospital sanctuary together this morning and the chaplain conveyed the message for the Christmas and Hanukkah, we felt that when people ask"Where is God"
he actually says, "Where are people?" as He awaits us everywhere

may we all join first in the name of God calling eachother to so many common things we have to share. amen

he mentioned the news of a fetus stolen from a mum/mom even before it was due to be born; after killing the mother; and the baby survives(a recent news from the U.S.) and gave moments to think that

where the humanity is going to and Why??


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