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Topic initiated on Friday, August 17, 2007  -  8:57 AM Reply with quote
Seeking help from Doctors

Assalam o Alaikum,

Recently i donated a blood to someone and on screening the blood, the doctors told me that there is some problem. After some tests conducted, current situation is that my Liver Function Test ( LFT ) is showing some disturbed values. Actual Values are as:

Total Bilirubin ----- 1.57
ALT ------------------------ 209
AST ------------------------ 85
Alkaline Phosphate 136
GGT ------------------------ 147
Total Protein ---------- 8.44
Albumin ------------------- 5.51
Globulin ------------------- 2.93
A/G Ratio ---------------- 1.88

According to initial Tests, Hepatitus B and C are negative. Can someone please help me to find out the reason of the results in LFT. Doctor is going through some other tests but i just want to have some advise what could be the possible reason and what will be the effect.

Thanks in Advance.

Posted - Saturday, August 18, 2007  -  3:17 AM Reply with quote
Salam bro

Your liver enzymes are raised. The commonest cause for raised liver enzymes is an infection. there are other causes also. As you have mentioned hepatitis has been excluded. Your doctor needs to examine you in detail to see if there are any swollen lymphatic glands in neck or groin, and also whether there is any suggestion of enlarged liver or spleen in the abdomen. He then may arrange for your you to have ultra sound of your abdomen and other relevant blood test to exclude any other cause of liver dysfunction

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