Author | Topic |
Topic initiated on Thursday, November 18, 2004 - 1:07 PM
Poll: What do you like most about Studying Islam
What do you like most about Studying Islam? Its:
Course / Discussion Forums |           | 610 | 46.25 % | Newsletter |   | 89 | 6.75 % | Articles Database |   | 87 | 6.60 % | Query Service |   | 75 | 5.69 % | Qur'an for All Software |        | 458 | 34.72 % | Total Votes : | 1319 |
Posted - Sunday, November 21, 2004 - 6:30 AM
the material of the course, the way it is organised into relevent modules |
Posted - Saturday, December 4, 2004 - 5:03 PM
Assalamu Alykom wa Rahmatullah. I have a question for any one who can help. May be it is out of context but I could not find a clue from where I could open a new topic. I am having difficulty in downloading Surat Al-Qalam update68.exe for the Qur'an for All series. The file download stops after about 1.72 MB. It gives error on install as the whole of 3.6 MB is not downloaded. I tried many times. Will the software developers please look into this and help out? Thank you.
Salahuddin. |
Posted - Thursday, December 16, 2004 - 10:20 AM
Brother SalahBlr. it would be more beneficial if you start a new topic.
Please go through the following steps to start New Topic.
1. On Main Page, click "Forums" 2. Select "Go To General Forums" 3. Select the First Option, "General Discussion" 4. You will see a list of topics, Select "New Topic" available at the TOP of List
I hope this helps. |
Posted - Monday, December 20, 2004 - 3:46 AM
Posted - Thursday, September 15, 2005 - 7:32 PM
Asalaam Alaikum,
Although I have been reading the Quran and the hadith since I reverted to Islam in May of 2001, I have learned more about the Quran through the the courses offered on this website. I believe the various series of lessons regarding the Quran should be a prerequisite for all new Muslims, and for any Muslim who wants to understand his religion better.
Inshallah, this website will continue to prosper and provide needed education to the Muslim ummah. |
Posted - Wednesday, September 28, 2005 - 4:13 PM
Is there no quiz for the Quran All series? |
Posted - Thursday, September 29, 2005 - 5:32 AM
Yes, There is NO quiz for Surahs of Quran for All series. When you yourself are SATISFIED from your Learning Process of One Surah, plz Proceed to the Next ONE & so on. |
Posted - Friday, October 14, 2005 - 4:14 PM
Posted - Wednesday, October 19, 2005 - 8:24 AM
assalamualikum what i think is that each and everyone should be able to understand the quran that is why i voted for quran for all |
Posted - Friday, October 21, 2005 - 5:25 PM
Salamz I love all of studying Islam but best of all i love the Young Minds forum, wow, the moderator of that forum has sure done a good job, dont you think?
this is just a small suggested that i just thought up of...maybe we could have courses for younger kids, around their teens? i mean, ive done SOME courses on this website they're all very good but ... the language is a lil complex...
its just a suggestion ^.^
.xXx. Basmah .xXx.
Posted - Saturday, November 26, 2005 - 2:25 PM
Following are some of the positive and negative feedbacks.
Henna Khan Department of Student Affairs Studying Islam
25/01/10 Dear Student Affairs, Assalaam alikum. Alhamdulillah I have found this treasure of a site for my religious education. I think this is a wonderful site which provides quality and authentic education to the pursuant of Islamic knowledge. 'Studying Islam' motivates to systematically pursue Islamic education with simple yet decisive modules, online exams and certification. Insha allah, I want to complete as many courses as possible. I am glad that I can show my achievement through the certificates that I would receive. I have already completed a course and the next is on the way. I have told many of my Muslim friends about this site and am encouraging them to pursue courses from the site. Thanks to all the team members for doing this great job. May Allah reward your efforts and dedication. Thanks for this wonderful world of Islamic knowledge. I hope I could be of some service in this great task. Sincerely, Zakiya
28/12/09 Asalaam Alaykum, Thank you for your welcome. I am so grateful for your school site. I have searched for an Islamic education for quite a while. It is rather difficult to come by here in the States. By Allah's grace I hope and aspire to do well, as I can see your hard work that has been put into the site. May Allah be pleased with your efforts! Jazak Allahu Khair L.Stewart
02/11/09 Salamwaleikum my brothers, First of all I would like to congratulate with you for the wonderful website and to thank you for giving the possibility to people around the world to study our wonderful religion in a scientific and academic way. My dream is to become a muslim academic and your Institute is of immense help for me and for all those who want to study. I just took the second module exam this afternoon on "Arrengement of Quran" and I'm moving on to my next exam "Belief in God" (my plan is to take all of them). Thank you
Giovanni Muwahid
09/09/09 Assalamu 'alaykum,
First of all I would like to thank you for this great opportunity. I could not study Islam through a proper course before because I had a western education and it was not part of the curriculum. But even here in Pakistan it is taught in Urdu which is also my native language but not to the same degree of fluency as English. I have however read many books on Islam and learnt things through other means, and my work is in an educational environment.
I have seen only the first course material so far (Arrangement of the Quran) and I feel it has the right level of academic rigour that I wanted (although on this particular topic I feel the names of suwar could also be useful to know with respect to their ordering). What I also like is the flexibility you give in working at one's own pace according to other commitments which suits me. As for the zero fees, that is a great honour, for which I am indebted, and may Allah (SWT) reward your organisation and individual efforts amply. If any other students would like to link with me, that is fine by me so you can give my email address. I have one concern though: I prefer to see the original Arabic terms and Quranic text but these are not showing up in the files I downloaded (Arang_QuranWArb1.pdf and Arang_QuranWArb2.pdf) to my mac. I thought PDF files embedded the fonts used but this appears not to be the case. Please could you advise on this issue. Regards, Iqtedar
Feb 24 09 Assalaamu alaykum
I am very much pleased to see your reply. I checked both of your websites. They are excellent. There is a lot for me to learn from I must reorganize my website along those lines. I am still downloading and listening the audio and video lectures of Ghamidi Sahab. Convey my salaams to him. I shall be in contact with you in future, insha Allah.
May Allah guide us all.
Kaleem Al Risala Forum International (USA)
Khaja Kaleemuddin Al Risala Forum International (USA) ;
w'assalam and jzk many thx for your email. We are regular readers of Alrisala and highly appreciate Maulana sb's efforts. Our prayers remain with his hard work. Also check out and pass on some of the work we are involved with for the similar purposes. We offer free online courses.
Dec 0408 assalaamualaikum
i have just received the mail that i received on 2 Dec 2008 with subject: Welcome to Studying Islam!.
i should acknowledge the highness of the cause you people are serving. when i was wandering in the desert of confusion, i found you people to guide me. i hope that i follow the right path to my destination. please accept my gratitude for the great work you people are doing.
may Allah grant you the highest respect and may your work be recognized before him.
Jun 3rd 08. Thank you for providing such kind of a platform where we can increase our knowledge and assess the same by giving the test. Through such types of site we can use our time for some good purpose. May Allah bless your team. Rubeena
Bismillaah. As-Salaam'Alaykum wa Rahmatullaah, One of my main concern regarding this site is the sect being taught, are the courses based on teaches from the sunnah, or has it been influenced by shi'aism and sufism? JazakAllaah Khair, Maisha
Assalamu Alaykum Thanks for your question. In Studying Islam online course we are not teaching any particular sects. Rather, we are aiming to share our knowledge and understanding on how best we can derive our religious beliefs and practices from the two primary sources of understanding Islam, that are the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh). The courses therefore are based on learning from the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh). We hope by apreciating and learning the above, students will be able to decide on their own that to what extent an Islamic sect's teachings are inline with the teachings of Islam. Hope this clarifies and please do not hesitate to let us know if more clarification is needed. The only sources of understanding Islam are the Qur'an and Sunnah. No sect can be regarded as , it is all other sects that need to justify their beliefs and practices according to these two sources AR Abdullah Rahim
AoA, I must first appreciate the efforts you people are making to bring the essentials of islam to people through all available means. I have been listening to Mr Ghamidi for some time through some TV programs and i found his way of understanding and communicating islam very inspiring. I plan to take out some time and do more formal and detailed study of islam but at this time i can only do self study to get a clear understanding. Linking up with other members is always helpful. This is a good starting point and i will definitely come back with positive feedback and comments as i go through the course work.
Saalam Jazakallah for providing this information about Quran for all course. I have personally registered and will inshallah do this course. Jazakallah again for such a great effort to those who set this course up. Allah hafiz
I will welcome if you provide me links of any student of Studying Islam in my area so that I can continue my discussion of Islam with him too. Second, I am very impressed with the way of teaching studying Islam and I hope so that I will learn a lot here Insha Allah. I would like to share one thing with you that y I have started taking interst in my religion at the age of 22. It is just because I found few people around me who are talking against Islam (they are muslims) and they want to prove that Islam has nothing for the Politcal structure of the country. Even one of my friend is raising questions against Quran and Sunnah. This is very alarming situations for us (all muslims) and I thing this is only due the weaknesses of our educational system. Moreover we never try to understand Quran. Therefore I took the responsibilty of understanding Quran and Shariah first from your platform and then with my own resources. Thanks for the cooperation and if I can do anything for this noble cause from your platform (Studying Islam) then it will be my pleasure. I am a computer engineer and can provide my free services for this noble cause. I'll contact u all if I have any problem with the courses.
Walaikum Assalam, I'm a musician by profession, and one of the main reasons what attracted me to "studying Islam", was the Ghamidi sahab's view on music. I would like to get in touch with other like-minded students, so I can discuss with them all the arguments and hadith that prohibit music.
Best regards,
as salaam alaikum I have been reading the studying islam website for a few days now and am really impressed at not only the knowledge of the members, but the open mindedness and tolerance. Insha Allah, i will begin the course tonight i pray that my time spent on studying islam will be useful and productive. salaam regards
Assalamu Alaikum,
First of all I want to congratulate you for initiating such a useful site. I want to draw your attention towards a major "knowledge deficiency" in the muslim world: There are not many people who know arabic. Although a language course itself is not your main concern but arabic is so much connected with the islamic knowledge that it makes perfect sense to offer an arabic course at "Studying Islam". I have been going through your course "The language of Quran" and I must say, I would have got more feeling about its contents, if I knew arabic. I know, such a course offer on your site is neither an easy task nor it can be done overnight but it certainly should be somewhere in your priority list.
I am confident that our combine efforts will help me explore the hidden treasures of ISLAM. I admire the contribution of your entire team. May God give you strength and more courage.
If you can link me up with students in my area with similar interests or students with similar interests and profession etc.I would appreciate it.insha'allah.
its a fantastic site with a good mixture of studies and light material. may god reward you all for this hard work. do you think you can also add some courses about basics of islam like namaz, fasting, etc. ?
Assalamu alaykum (peace)
Insha Allah I will try my best to get useful information and participate in your discussions for Sirat-e-Mustaqeem. May Allah help whole of the team success in golden goals.
Could you let me know more about your school? Link with other muslims from my area? I have a desire to believe in Allah, learn Islam, socialize with others and have new friends. Why? In my city nobody is muslim and I feel alone, more - uncomfortable without a proper company. Can you give me any advice, how I could seek Brothers and Sisters in Islam?
Good bye,"
"Hello, Asalam alaykum, Im so happy that i got this web. May Allah be with you all always.
Meanwhile, i wish to let you know that in terms of islamic knowledge, i dont know much except for the little i did when i was in secondary school. In terms of praying im trying but there is still need for serious improvement.
However, knowledge is key!!!!!!!!!!! And im seriosly behind in terms of The Holy Quaran, Practice of Islam, Why one is a muslim, why every muslim women should not expose their hair etc.................PLEASE I NEED TO KNOW!!!!!!!!!!! IT BAFFLES ME ALWAYS AS PEOPLE CONSIDERED ME IN MY PLACE OF WORK TO BE A STOUCH MUSLIM BCOS OF THE WAY I DRESS BUT I KNOW WITHIN ME THAT...................YOU KNOW.
i will require your constant help as i m student of computer sciences and dont have much knowledge of islam. as computer professional, if i can do something for your great cause plz do ask me. thank you
would love to chat with others in the area, as well as people in the same profession, etc. I appreciate your site, and the opportunity it offers for me to learn more about Islam, and think that talking with otehr students would make it even more interesting. Let me know if you need more info from me to make those connections.
Assalamu alaykum to you as well!
Wa Alaikum Salam Wa Rahmatullah, I am grateful to the Almighty Allah for making it possible for me to be part of this online Islamic Study group.I am starting with the Qur'an because it is the Word Of Allah Himself and the main source of our IslamicLaw. I am slowly but carefully going through the materials provided and alhamdulillah I haven't come accross any difficulty beyond my comprehension. I will inshallah call for your help when I am in any difficulty. I would be happy to get in touch with other students. may Allah bless and help us all. Wassalam Alaikum
Walaikum asalam,
I look forward to learning what your institution has to offer on the courses I've selected.
I'm curious however; what are the qualifications of the instructors? I could not find any reference to this information on the site. Have they actually studied in formal schools and acquired degrees or are they average brothers and sisters who have done informal studies on the topics they are presenting?
I pray Allah (Swt) reward you all for your work.
Following may help:
Shehzad Saleem (Dean and CEO) Associate Fellow almawrid University of Islamic Sciences. (PhD Islamic studies(History of Qura'n)UK (in process)) email:
Tariq Hashmi (Research Asst) (MAArabic, Punjab University/ Certificate in Islamic Studies, Al-Mawrid) email:
Siddiq Bukhary (Research Asst) (MAPolitical Science/ Certificate in Islamic Studies, Al-Mawrid) email:
Hafiz M. Ibrahim (Research Asst) (MA Arabic, Punjab University / Certificate in Islamic Studies, Al-Mawrid) email:
Jhangeer Hanif (Research Asst) (ACCA UK (in process)/ Certificate in Arabic and English Languages, Al-Mawrid) email:
Besides you may find details on our sister site Team page.
One suggestion would be to have a MSN list for people who are taking the same course as you (or with similar hobbies, careers, interest, etc), so you can communicate and support one another online, rather then just limiting yourself to your local area.
An online forum, would be very helpful aswell.
Assalam O Alaikum,
I am impressed by the service you people are doing in teaching courses online. It's a very good step. Please continue it, expand it and keep it up.
I wanted to ask if these courses are also taught at the institution? Because I live very close to the address that is given on your site. If i can learn from the they offer courses there>?
Thankyou for reading.
Allah Hafiz
Welcome Dear
Please write to They offer postal courses as well but not on site.
You may also like to take part in our course discussion forums.
best wishes
Team at Studying Islam
please do somthing for hindu people in hindi language,.,.,.or give me web addresses of free islamic material in hindi language ,..,,.,.,.i want to perform dawah on hindu people plz also send me any free arabic learning software link ,.,.(full software of any greater size) reply me soon plzzz
Main ap say request kerta hoon ka mujay quran fehmi main madad chahiay.Arabic language main madad derkar hay.Or sabat qadmi kay liay ap ki dua. JAZAKALLAH Rehman
I must say that I am very impressed with the services provided by Study-Islam. May Allah Subhana-Wa-Ta'ala give Jaza you all and your families.
I am working as a Computer Technician at the University.
Again, I thank you for the great work you all are doing by providing this opportunity to learn.
Please feel free to contact me via E-mail, if I can be of any assistance to Study-Islam.
Jazak-Allah-Khair, Fi-Amaan-IlLah,
Assalamu alaykum
I also have a first remark. I had to remove the Qur'an for all course from my pc as it made my pc very unstable. I will try other course material later
(Just for the members info. I think what happens with Qura'n for All downloading is that the PC starts with this each time from bismillahirrahman irrahim. I like this personally on mine and kids' PC but if it gives some other problem, then obviously we have to look into this. So far this is the first complaint in this regard. I shall put it up on our Communities forum as well for the I.T. community members for their expert advice. henna)
I have taken some courses and I find it very good. And may Allah reward the efforts you all are making. Btw can you maybe open a forum topic where we maybe can present ourselfes? (such forum is already there re: course discussions
and General Discussions )
And also if possible to have some courses on tawheed, aqeedah,life of prohpet Muhammad (sws) and so on. These are very important subjects. If we do not know these and also how to teach them to others we will have nothing in our hearts. And the life of Prophet Muhammad (sws) is the very key to our life as Muslims.
I am seeking ways to learn about my deen, and feel so blessed to have a site that provides reliable knowledge for no cost. May Allah bless each of you for your efforts.
I find Islam very interesting as it has been radiated to me all my life through friends and many in the community I live in. I am truly honored to have found a way to study Islam with the convenience of Internet.
I am quite impressed by the way in which online courses are being offered on this website and am finding them quite helpful. Moreover I feel that Mr. Ghamidi and his team are playing an important role in trying to encourage research about our religion and looking at it in various new perspectives which, I believe, will contribute significantly in helping reduce the stagnancy in contemporary Islamic thought. Wishing the entire team all the best! Naqib Hamid.
I have registered in a course of "Quraan Fahmi Kay Usul" which is in urdu. I also downloaded PDF file of my first module but couldnt read it at all becoze the required fonts were not available at the web site of Studying Islam. However, I got these fonts from other sources but in my opinion these fonts should be available at your web site. In getting the desired fonts I also visited the forum of above course where I noticed that it has not been updated since long and I further saw that there was a link available which was provided by a student to download required fonts but it was astonished to me that the said linked website belongs to AHMADIS/QADYANIS. Please check whether the said link has been provided erroneously or it was a try to publicised AHMADIS/QADYANIS web site through using your forum which would definitely misguided to the visitors of Studying Islam.
One more suggestion which I would like to add here is that please use those URDU FONTS which are more popular and can easily be read. Some of the fonts which are being used at your web site are difficult to read.
I hope you would check what I mention above and do something to eradicate the problems.
as salamu ally kum i want to practise more and more AL-QURAN and about the islamic personalities it helps to gain taqwa by reading and following the footsteps of the pious persons. jazak ALLAH
i am very much interested in using your services in studying ever i am finding problem with how to the moment i have registered as a member of the website but chosing the subject and begining the course is dificult.the website is a little bit complex.can you please give me simple steps on how to choose the subjects and get started with the course? salaam alaikum. misba
I'm enjoying the courses.
i have passed on studying islam page to all my internet friends. i did find problem the home page did not have a "email this site to a friend" which i belive is vital as it is much easier to pass on site and you then can leave a personal message from studying islam. sahr
assalakmu alakum i am in alain abu dhabi when u send the course and what is your requirment. i also want to be a volounteer how it can be possible. in alain where i can contect u.
w'assalam As you are in Abu Dhabi, you may write to our rep Br. Ajmal there and help him in advertizing our free courses. You may also visit our course discussion forums on
As for Studying Islam volunteering options (SIV) ps follows:
SIV Studying Islam volunteer:
In order to be a part of the SIV in your area/ Chapter, you need to give your feedback on the following Input areas to the regional rep of your chapter/area. i.e. UK, U.S.Australasia or Africa and Middle East. Reps contacts are on Team page of STIslam.
I Academic Input
i. Can you add various articles / links / downloads to the website by browsing through the web?
ii. Can you contribute News items to the News section of the site?
iii. Can you review an article at the SI site?
iv. Can you take active part in the General / Course Discussion Forums?
II Promotional Input
i. Can you help in bringing in more online students for various courses? You can use banners / fliers / posters which will be sent to you?
ii. Can you contact News groups / libraries / MSAs / institutes to introduce the website?
iii. Can you help in advertising the website in Newsletters / Newspapers/ Journals etc?
iv. Since the site is run through zakat money and donations, can you help in asking people to make donations to the site?
I followed the course material with high interest. I see that a very good work was done. Tell me more how I could support you.
I would like to volunteer in some way but hope to do it in a way that be most suitable whish we should have to find out. What I specially liked about the course is that I could proceede step by step. I got books about islam which I have even not read yet but the step by step printed out and evaluated afterwards course material I read and this was inspiring for me With kind regards Lina
Assalamualaikoum, >i would like to congratulate you > for the excellent work > you are doing, i wanted to ask you if after this > course, do you give > certificates and is it recognised world wide or its > just a encouragement > certificate? Actually i have refer lots of friends > to your learning program > but in the end i always get these type of questions > so please do answer me. > And of course i would like to be a volunteer for > Studying Islam's work. > ma'assalam faaleh > > What would I need to do if I agree to be a Volunteer? Please let me know THank You. SabQ
As for volunteering I have some spare time once in a while, and maybe a little more spare time mid-July. Let me know. I'll do my best to put in some time to help out Studying Islam's site. Once again Jazakallah. Noor-i
>I was registered in 2 urdu course and download > there > module # 1 file. Both format was pdf. But no data is > displayed only garbiage. I then download urdu font > from your site but after installing only arabic > text > is shown. I am using WinXP Prof. system. > > Now what I have to do to read the material in these > files. Looking forward for your response. >
> Fawm
> > Please go to ( > and click on "urdu > parhney mein dushwari" which is written in urdu on > left hand corner in yellow. > Then you can download the correct font on to your > pc.
Assalam alikum I was wondering, if the courses are free, who is paying for the research and coordination of the courses.
Once again I am greatful for this opportunity to learn.
i have registered to study islam offered free on line. just afew questions b4 i get started could u pliz tell me what madab are we following here or rather which Imam are we followin here?? -and is this course absoultly free there os no hidden cost or fees??
Please note that all this work is based on self help and donations by those who understand its importance. If you or others wish to donate for the cause. let us know plz.
As for Madhab/Imam plz check the following details:
Al-Mawrid is a unique institution that envisions the revival and perpetuation of the rich intellectual heritage of the Muslim Ummah. At the beginning of the fifteenth century Hijrah, this institution owes its establishment to the perception that the process of attaining the true understanding of Islam is not being carried out in our Ummah in a judicious and appropriate manner. Lost in the maze of sectarian prejudices and political wrangling, the true message of Islam based only on the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah has become alien to the Muslims. The Holy Qur’an, which is the basis of Islam, is only being used for recitation and committal to memory. No longer is it resorted to for guidance toward moral reformation and intellectual development of the Ummah, and we have been deprived of the tremendous motivation, which could have been obtained only from it. In religious seminaries, those disciplines have become an end in themselves which could at best serve as means toward understanding the Holy Qur’an.
The entire corpus of Hadith literature has been isolated and severed from its roots in the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah, and the real stress is now laid on the indoctrination of the principles and tenets of a particular sect and on proving its superiority over the others.
Al-Mawrid has been established to redress and reform this state of affairs. Hence, the objectives of the Institute are to conduct and facilitate academic and research work on Islamic Sciences, to educate people on its basis and to publish and disseminate it through all available means. The salient features, of the strategy adopted to achieve these objectives, are:
Research and Academics I. To award Fellowship to established intellectuals, who have demonstrated excellence in scholarship and are accredited with academic work of original and seminal value, and whose personalities and works are widely acclaimed across the board among scholars. II. To award project based affiliation to scholars considered equal to the project(s) identified by the Institute or proposed by the personnel themselves and approved by the Institute. III. To provide necessary environment to facilitate the work of Fellows and scholars, which includes maintenance of library and provision of other requisite logistics.
Education and Training I. To arrange short courses, seminars and workshops on religious subjects. II. To develop Distance Learning Courses for online education. III. To help train and induct fresh apprentices, assistants, and scholars for the planned projects.
Communication and Dissemination I. To publish Islamic Research Journals in Urdu, Arabic and English. II. To set up websites of the Institute in Urdu, Arabic and English. III. To publish works of the academic personnel attached with the Institute and produce their lectures etc. in audio/video cassettes and also on compact discs. IV. To introduce, on an extensive basis, the works of the researchers and scholars associated with the Institute. V. To focus special efforts on the widespread introduction of the Institute and its objectives.
Following is a list of the important academic and research projects that the Institute has planned:
1. Translation and exegesis of the Holy Qur’an under the title al-Bayan. 2. Explanation of the contents of Islam at a scholarly level under the title Mizan. 3. Mufradat-ul- Qur’an (Diction, vocabulary and terms of the Holy Qur’an). 4. ‘Arab-ul- Qur’an (Inflexions of the words of the Holy Qur’an). 5. Asalib-ul- Qur’an (Expressions of the Holy Qur’an). 6. ‘Alam-ul- Qur’an (Proper names in the Holy Qur’an). 7. Tarikh-ul- Qur’an (History of the compilation and preservation of the Holy Qur’an). 8. Exposition of major themes of Judeo-Christian Scriptures. 9. Recompilation of the Hadith and Athar literature with explanation thereof. 10. Biography of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). 11. Biographies of the Companions (rta) of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). 12. History of the Muslims. 13. Investigation of the important and controversial Ahadith and the religious views. 14. Comparative study of the Farahi school of thought. 15. Analysis and critique of contemporary views and ideologies.
The Institute plans to establish an educational institution The Institute of Islamic Sciences for religious education. It also has plans to set up a television channel ‘Danish’.
Two monthly journals — Mr Javed Ahmed Ghamidi’s Ishraq and Mr Shehzad Saleem’s Renaissance — are published as organs of the Institute.
The following websites under the aegis of the Institute are also disseminating the message of Islam through various means including Distance Learning Courses.
Mr Moiz Amjad’s website: Mr Shehzad Saleem’s website: Mr Shehzad Saleem’s website: Mr Manzoor ul Hassan’s website: Mr Naeem Ahmed Baloch’s website:
A website of the Institute has also been developed with the URL ‘’.
A query department is also functioning in the Institute to entertain religious and intellectual queries.
Regional Centers
Regional centers of the Institute function under the banner, Danish Sara. These are currently established at the following places:
Danish Sara, Gujranwala Director: Mr Fayyaz Ahmed Address: House No. 15, Street No. 18, Block Y, People’s Colony Gujranwala. Residence: 276 207
Danish Sara, Multan Director: Mr Ikram Ullah Address: Ali Arcade, First Floor, Shop No.7, Multan. Office: 550 861 Mobile: 0300 634 2549 Email:
Danish Sara, Hyderabad Director: Mr Nadir Ali Address: A/7, Mir Fazal Town, Unit No. 9, Latif Abad, Hyderabad. Office: 85 227 Residence: 815 227,866 215 Email:
Danish Sara, Rawalpindi Director: Mr Nasir Mustafa Address: House No. DV 10, Muhalla Dannah Hardu near Block F Satellite Town, Rawalpindi. Office: 441 5364 Residence: 441 3703
Danish Sara, Karachi Director: Mr Rehan Ahmed Yousufi Address: First Floor, Snow White Center, Bahadur Abad Chorangi, Karachi. Office: 494 2445 Residence: 455 2713 Email:
Danish Sara, Dera Ghazi Khan Director: Dr Zafar Ejaz Address: House No. 38, Block No. 40, Dera Ghazi Khan. Residence: 471 557 Email:
Board of Governors The management of the Institute is with a Board of Governors. The members of the Board come from different walks of life. They are fully committed to the development of the Institute.
Founder President: Mr Javed Ahmad Ghamidi Fellow, Al-Mawrid Institute of Islamic Sciences, Lahore.
Chairman: Mr Muhammad Rashid Farooqi Director, Sheikh Wilayat Ahmad & Sons, Karachi.
Vice Chairman: Mr Shehzad Asghar, Director, Style Textile (pvt) Ltd., Lahore.
Secretary General: Mr Shakeel-ur-Rehman Director, Snowhite Dry Cleaning, Karachi.
Secretary Finance: Mr S M Saeed Allahwala Director, Kohinoor Chemical Industries Ltd., Karachi.
Members: Mr Altaf Mahmood Chaudhry Director, Altaf & Company, Lahore.
Mr Parvez Hashmy Chairman, Creative Group, Lahore.
Mr Muhammad Anees Mufti Director, Watt & Volt Co., Metal Farming Group of Companies, Lahore.
Mr Shehzad Alam Chief Executive, Unitech Electronics (pvt) Ltd., Lahore.
Mr Muhammad Nisaar Director, Bilal Enterprises, Karachi.
Mr Nasir Usman Kalia Director, K B Sarkar & Company (pvt) Ltd., Karachi.
Mr Mukhtar Ali Manager Purchase, Kakasian Group of Companies, Karachi.
Dr Muhammad Farooq Khan Psychiatrist, Mardan.
Mr Muhammad Hanif Director, H.M. Hanif & Co., Karachi.
Mr Muhammad Yunus Zindani Proprietor, Swiss Gold Jewelers, Karachi.
Mrs Tariq Rehman Chairperson, Executive Committee, Fatimah Memorial Hospital, Lahore.
Dr Abdul Quddus Alvi Director, Standpharm Pakistan (pvt) Ltd., Lahore.
Dr Munir Ahmed Director, Standpharm Pakistan (pvt) Ltd., Lahore.
Mr Muhammad Ali Durrani President, Wise Education Society, Lahore.
Mr Saleem Safi Bureau Chief, NNI, Peshawar.
Dr Khalid Zaheer Assistant Professor, LUMS Edited by: hkhan on Wednesday, August 23, 2006 12:23 PM
I want to select a course but I can click on 'More' only. I cannot Select it.
Please go to Courses offered icon on home page. A list will appear. You may click on 'More' to see details of each and the click on 'Select' once decided. Our suggestion is you start with 'Religion of Islam' and 'Revelation of Qura'n/Nazool e Qura'n.'
I have registered for 2 courses and have downloaded and printed the materials for The Religion of Islam course. If I have any difficulties, I will contact you.
I have one comment. Most distance learning / correspondence courses alllow open book tests. I was wondering why you mentioned the comment about not referring to the materials when doing a quiz.
Asalaam u Alaykum I can only answer from a students perspective. As I understand, the objective is to read the module with a view to learn from it. The questions are usually very straight forward and you have an MCQ format. i. e choose the right answer or the right combination of the answers. With reference to religion of Islam module, they are not more than 4-5 pages each. With personal experience, I would say if you have read each module well, you should not require to consult it. The exam tests your understanding and its depth and also your grasp of the subject. It is also set against time. As I understand, take the exam after you have read the module thoroughly and understood it. The test then becomes a challenge and more understanding. You find your own depth and understanding. This is self study. We are studying to learn and improve our akhrat (eternal life) not for glorious grades for worldly fame. If there are areas highlighted that we get wrong, we can always go back and read them again. If you are a new member, I would also add, once you have done 2-3 modules, you can begin to predict what may be asked as a question. So whilst doing your reading you can highlight, what you feel is a near cert to be asked. Revise them again. They are usually the important and essential bits of the module. You will soon find out that you are 70-80 % correct. Lastly, all these are guidelines, as I see it, you are learning to improve your knowledge and akhrat.What ever way you find helpful is acceptable. It is not the grade of the module that is important, it is the final grade that we are working towards. kind regards Waseem (student of Studying-islam)
I found out about your project recently and was pleased to find good source for Islamic education. However, I was just browsing through your forums and got little discouraged by some questions and answers. (such as covering, prayers of women). The answers I saw or fatawas were from the stand point of the understanding by the people who take any hadith and derive the conclusion without really looking deep into the matter. I am wondering if you can kindly tell me what is the qualification of your teachers and where have they gotten their knowledge from. The reason I am so picky about this is that I was born and spent my first nineteen years in Pakistan getting the education of Islam by the word of mouth and different mullahs. I was pretty disinterested in the subject of Islam since I beleived that there was no need to get the knowledge since I was born Muslim and thus have all the knowledge which I want and secondly I was preached that Islam is so strict that it is impossible to follow without giving up everything and being a woman it means just staying at home as a maid and servant to my husband with no opinion or voice of my own. Biggest problem was that I developed the fear of Allah instead of Love of Allah which was poured into my heart with the talk of punishment and fire from each lecture. Alhamdolillah, Allah opened my eyes to the truth and more I am finding about Islam more amazed and angry I am getting at the so called scholars (not all of them) of our country who are driving people away rather them bringing them back to the fold of Islam. Right now I am studying Islam through two other universities and couple of intensive projects and also teaching in an Islamic School. I do not have time to waste my time with an organization which I will mistrust for giving me right knowledge. I sincerely wish to find out who is running this project and if I can trust it for my Islamic knowledge. Wassalaam MK
Dear MK, Thank you for your feedback. Please see the intro to Almawrid Institute of Islamic Sciences above for details. Best wishes wassalam Team at Studying Islam
I am having difficulty choosing and starting a course.Yousuf.
To start the Studying Islam course, you register your details and are given a user name and password. When you enter these, you log in. After logging, you will come to the Home page. on the right top corner is LMS (learning management system). Click on it and it will take you to the list of courses offered. If I am right there are 17 topics to choose from. You can choose any three at a time. Please click on three of them. I would recommend religion of Islam and Revelation of the Qur'an to be the starting topics. When you have chosen these, studying Islam course management will send you an e-mail accepting you on the course and name of your tutor, who you can e-mail if you have any problems. This happens within 24 hours of your requesting to be accepted for those courses. Once you have been accepted, you log in, click LMS, go to your now registered course and click on it. You will see the list of modules under the topic. between 2-5. Click on the first module and you will see documents with/without arabic text. Click on one of these that you want and you will see the contents of that module. Print this and start reading. Depending upon the way you feel comfortable and your basic knowledge of Islam, you will soon find out, how many times you need to read it. Once you have read it a couple of times. go back to LMS, registered course and click on to your chosen topic. Then click on it. under document you will see "TEST." Click on it, when you feel you are ready, and you can take the test on that module. The test is timed so make sure you are ready before taking it. Once you have completed all the modules, proceed to register for the next module. I would also recommend clicking on the "Forum" on the home page. it will give you two options, course/general forums. go to course forums and check the debate and questions for your topic. Do ask questions and queries and also have your say in the debate and discussions. If you still have any problems, please do not hesitate to let us know. kind regards Waseem
Salam 3alaykoum 3aid Moubarak. I pray Allah SWT that he accepts our fasting and our deeds of the holy month of ramadan.
I would very much appreciate being put in contact with students in my area (North East of France, Belgium and Luxembourg).
Thank you again for putting together such a good site and may Allah reward you all for your efforts.
Salam 3alaykoum jamk
Salam, So happy for the study and I am willing and prepared to acquire the best out of your institution. How will the course be conducted? When will it commence? wasalam Musa
The courses can be commenced anytime once selected it from LMS on home page and files received(usually within 24 hours of selecting). Student Affairs
I am unable to use urdu courses. Everytime I receive the following message: unable to find the font for some of the material. only some of the arabic verses could be opened; the rest comes blank. I even downloaded latest version of adobe acrobt (7.0.8), but no help. sincerely, shahzad
Plz also try and click on a yellow icon on your left hand side, "parhney mein dushwari" This will offer downloading a file which you may do. Best wihes. Student Affairs.
i want to ask whether the study material of the course can be saved in the adobe acrobat reader or not.i can't find any way how to save it.i'll be obliged if you guide me how to save the material in my computer for easy study. thank you. neel
The course opens in Adobe reader and it gives an option to save. Just click on the save box on the top left hand side. Best wishes. Student Affairs.
I was enrolled for the course, I really appriciated the work being done in that particular regard. I have taken two Exams in "DEEN-E-ISLAM" course, will continue but will be a bit slow process to go ahead as being very busy with job. I would personally like to have a different way of taking exames, rather being subjected to web based Exames. Faiz
As for the courses one need not worry about the time factor. One of the comforts with our courses are that these can be done in one's own time span. The exam method is a multiple choice one and helps brainstorming to bring to the surface what you learnt. Deenul islam and nazool e Qura'n are good ones to start with as a matter of fact.
MashaAllah, the work that you people are doing are really worth praying for and hence I and my friends and family do so. Lately, I have been visiting, and to learn by reading the article, books and other site contents. There are a lot of gaps in our understanding of Islam while we are living in the conventional environment prevailed in Pakistan and other South East Asian countries. These have to be filled and for that we are trying. Please pray for me, my family, my friends, and all the Muslims to come close to Allah's Will by learning the real Islam. My warm regards and wished to the entire team. May Allah Almighty bestow upon us all His blessings. Amen!
I must congratulate the Studying Islam team for their unconditional efforts towards spreading the knowledge of Islam. My Instructor Mr. Jahangeer Hanif has been very helpful in terms of answering my questions promptly. I really appreciate his co operation.
"My readings have been very enlightening. I have always felt my Christian faith had been lacking something. As if the Catholic church had been hiding something from the faithful. Then from what I have heard, gospels have been removed. This is heresy. My readings of the Qu'ran have shown me much truth and have caused me to consider reversion. I would like to find someone in my area to study with, or even a mentor to guide me through my learning. This would be a great help. If this is not possible, I will study and do the best I can. Also, if the is a mosque or place of study where I can go in my area, that would be helpful.
As Salamu Alaikum
As you probably know, Islam is under crisis, and educating people on Islam has become a necessity. First and foremost, educating ourselves (already muslims) is primary, so that we can be comfortable to talk to the non-muslim community worldwide. Living in Canada has made this a challenge. Even though i persue Islamic education out of my own ambitions, i have found the need to step up, educate myself and speak up not only to defend this great and true religion, but to explain it to the many struggling people in the world who are sincerely seeking the truth, but they rather ignore Islam due to our unfortunate misrepresentation in the muslim world. Great Islamic scholars such as Sheikh Hamza Yusuf, which is playing an incredibly huge role in defending this religion is an inspiration, and resources such as 'studying-islam' is the motivation to persue the same challenge that Sheikh Hamza Yusuf has put himself through.
I hope to use your resource to better myself so that i can better the Islamic community as well as clarifying and preaching the true Islam.
May Allah bless you for your service,
Jazakah Allahu Khair (may God grant you peace)
210707 salaam alaikum i got interested in 'quran for all' because of the claim made that it was designed for those who can read the quran but not understand the arabic i have a few questions - has this method proven successful over others? - was the choice of suras purposeful in this regard? - is there a method in reading these - i mean should one finish one sura and proceed to the next or should one continue re-reading it until the arabic is understood and then proceed i have to say that i did not find it to be very helpful - the choice of suras is really bad because they are filled with allegory and tend to be mutashabihat - there are many suras which contain stories of the prophets which make easier reading and translation and quite frankly make more sense to the modern reader which should have been considered please take this criticism as a genuine contribution to improving the quran for all best regards iconoclast
I have been looking for an online course for a while now and coming across your web site has been a sheer pleasure. I look forward to studying under your patronage and would definitely appreciate being in touch with other students. Studying and being able to discuss the course material with other students will enhance our knowledge manifold.
Warm regards,
My suggestion is that any student who has taken more than 15 courses could be qualified to get diploma in islamic studies. You can select a few compulsory courses and balance as an elective course. With diploma program, students must read more about Islam, not just a few things. With the program, you can motivate students to learn and practise Islam.
I did have some questions. The first one is about the material provided for the courses. Are those sufficient to pass the test? If I am to go through some related material, is there some available with Studying-Islam? Secondly, I would definitely like to get link up with other Studying-Islam students. Please do send me the contact of some of them. A.rauf
The material provided is enough for passing the test. However if you wish to read around the subject for better understanding, you may refer to Qur'an and it's commentaries.Also visit our sister sites of almawrid, renaissance and understanding islam. All links are available on our home page. As for contacting members of your area, if you are happy we shall send your email address to them and they can contact you. So let us know. You may also visit our course discussion forums on
Salaam Aliukum I am new the Studying Islam, noticed that you connect people. Anyone signed up in the Vancouver (B.C., Canada) area? All the best, ----------------------------------------------------- Logan Cochrane HIV/AIDS Project Director Working To Empower
walaykum assala'm and welcome to studying Islam! Like we mentioned above,if you are happy we shall send your email address to them and they can contact you.
I have just joined three study programs. I am sorry but I felt two or three problem. One is that when I started taking examination of my first module my IE got crashed and I have to start the test agian but It refused. I therefore, request that there should be any alternative to after some days I would be able to take the test agian. Two is very obvious problem and is that I found that the subject of my topic i.e. History of Quran and Arrangement of Quran is very fascinating but it is more of a very different idea not found is other commonly available books. There I would request that Your site please upload the relevant pages of the reference books online. Or let me know from where these books are avialbe in Pakistan. I would love to have any detail book on the subject By Ghamidi Sahib or any other person from your organization. I want to study these subjects in more detail. Thanks TMax
We are pleased to learn that you are interested in the studies with us. We hope to solve your problems and provide the relative info. As for the tech aspect and resetting the test plz write to our Tech Dept on For the course related material please consult the course instructors on Hx of Qur'an and "tariq mahmood hashmi" <>, Arrangement of Qur'an.
I wish to know other members in my area. Please do send my email address to them if they have no objection. And about the sites you mentioned, yes I having been visiting these sites. In fact I am a regular visitor of since 2004. It has a major contribution in clearing the doubts about Islam. My prayers are with you and your whole team! affan
confirming email. what is the complete translation of as-salaamu alykum? James
The complete translation of assalamu alaykum is ' (the) peace be upon you/ you all' You will find this word used in Aramis and Hebrew languages as all the prophets of the past including Abraham, Moses and Jesus (peace be upon them) taught this as a salutation amongst the communities.
You may also visit our course discussion forums on
The beloved Muhammad sws said that those who tread the path of knowledge tread the path of Paradise(Tirmidhi) ( please note that like all other sayings of the beloved sws in regard to the glad tidings about the Paradise, here too it is understood that this glad tiding implies to the ones who try to practice the teachings of Qura'n and the Prophet's sunnah.)
Edited by: hkhan on Sunday, January 31, 2010 7:30 PM |
Posted - Friday, December 23, 2005 - 2:58 PM
its interesting and usafull
i enjoy learning |
Posted - Monday, January 2, 2006 - 9:36 AM
I have found that "Quran for All" software when installed on a PC, it writes (modifies) in the registry file in the C (Windows destination) drive in Windows (Folder).
It is true that when the program takes few moments in loading the software. But, the loading time may vary computer to computer depending on the processor speed.
Another thing to look into is the Hard-Disk free space. If you do not have enough free space to load and run other applications then it will make your computer unstable.
You may try installing softeare on another PC and see if it works.
I have tried installing it and tested it, it works perfectly fine on Windows XP. |
Posted - Friday, January 6, 2006 - 6:55 PM
Asalam Aalaikum,
You mean the lessons offered by this site?
Asalaam Alaikum,
Although I have been reading the Quran and the hadith since I reverted to Islam in May of 2001, I have learned more about the Quran through the the courses offered on this website. I believe the various series of lessons regarding the Quran should be a prerequisite for all new Muslims, and for any Muslim who wants to understand his religion better.
Inshallah, this website will continue to prosper and provide needed education to the Muslim ummah.
Posted - Tuesday, March 7, 2006 - 8:27 AM
Well Br. Rehman If U can READ urdu Text then U can Join the Correspondance Arabic Course of BASIC ARABIC GRAMMER from the "Sho'ba e Khat-o-Kitabat" of Quraan Academy, 36 - K, Model Town, Lahore. PLZ write to Them if u Want. Allah aap ki Madad Fermay. Aameen
Aslam Sb aap Nai NET per Hindi main Islamic Litrature k liyay koee SEARCH ki hai kia?????
for Those who WANT to Do Courses in the Institution of Al-Mawrid
Plz Contact Me in Person at 0345-4070493 OR meet Me in Al-Mawrid between 10am - 1pm (Mon - Wed)
Regards Hafiz Ibrahim |
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