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Topic initiated on Wednesday, March 2, 2005  -  1:37 AM Reply with quote
Access to Sexual Health Information (Spiritual)

One thing I was extreemely happy to see posted on a web site called ask the Imam or Islamic Scholar was a question from a young man having difficulties regarding his right and freedom to Sexual Health Information.

The Imam told him that the Quran and Laws of Islam permit the use of science in solving our challenges and therefore using information regarding Sexual Health was permissible and most acceptable and recommended when there were questions or problems related to Sexual Health Practices and Health in General.

I was so happy to hear this news as it gave me hope that a man who might be intent on molesting a child or anyone might seek out medical attention for his problem.

Or it even could be a woman.

Sexual health in the Christian Community has only just begun to be talk about in the last 100 years it seems in a more positive light.

I was also interested in the issue of the recognition of the states and levels of sexual frustration that could lead one astray and be drawn sexually to a person of the same sex.

Recognizing this is a feeling and we have a choice in who we partner with and that in the end this choice is before Allah alone and no other.

I think positive change is being revealed in our world and it is so great to be a part of it unfolding.

As I see it there is no sin in who we choose as a partner the sin is denying we love someone to that extent and or it is a sin if we force or trick someone into acting on this vulnerable time.

I hope we can talk about these important issues bettween Christians and Muslims.

Salam Ali Koam Salam

Peace be with you also

Anne Marie Elderkin Habibi

Posted - Wednesday, March 2, 2005  -  1:50 AM Reply with quote
I understand most Spiritual Paths recommend abstance!

However abstance is a dangerous pursuit if left uneducated about how to deal with the levels and stages of sexual frustration and lonelieness.

I am concerned because a portion of family violence is caused when a partner is frustrated sexually or other frustrations and is unaware of what to do and how to communicate these frustrations in a more positive and productive manner.

I understand some Imams give such information to families however some do not as the same goes for the Christian community.

I believe the goivernment must also be responsible for ensuring the needed information is produced in an education, graphic detail and well produced in terms of maintaining the dignity of the men and women portrayed in the books or videos.

I am not recommending pornography but information videos for the young man or women on what to expect in the marriage bed and what to do and how to prepare etc.

As sometimes there are some major catastrophies and women and men are hurt by ignorance.

Most of all I want to talk about it because some men have an idea of what women find sexually appealing and I think they could use a little education on this.

A sexy man what is that?

It is not a naked man it is a man whose soul is plain to see and he is not a violence or mean man but a kind and considerate man. He is a man who prides huimself on a job well done. He is a man who would never harm anyone a child of any age, man or woman.

A man who has sex appeal or is attractive is a man with a great smile and no hidden anger or vengence behind it. A man who has self control. A man who speaks his mind and does not yell violently unless of course it is to save a life.

A sexy man asks for help when he is frustrated by his sexual appetite and how to better deal with it from a sexual health counselor or even an ordinary counselor.

Just some of my thoughts on this.

Sorry maybe I said too much!

Posted - Thursday, March 10, 2005  -  8:38 PM Reply with quote

Posted - Thursday, March 10, 2005  -  9:17 PM Reply with quote
Very dignified and informative thank you!!!

It is nice to see info that is in good taste.

Posted - Wednesday, March 16, 2005  -  11:47 PM Reply with quote
With the name of Allah, the most beneficent and gracious.

Assalamu Alaikum,

The fact that one-hundred percent of the human race is born selfish and sinful neither proves that God made us that way nor automatically gives us the right to be selfish and sinful. As we are the product of this sex, have this inborn selfishness and character in all aspect of life, and change of this immaturity or selfishness that is not impossible, in every aspect of life, includes the man in the category of “Ashraful-Makhluqaat” (best of the creatures)

There are three primary needs of man i.e. hunger, sex and security, which demand fulfilling in the checked natural way. This checking system is our religion, Islam. For example the nature compels to eat till no further capacity of the stomach but Islam interferes to stop eating earlier and it is perhaps same with the sex.

Our sexuality is natural and an incredible gift from God that carries with it both tremendous privilege and tremendous responsibility. Becoming so much true pious or pseudo pious, however, is to profane, pollute, defile, stain, and corrupt the gift of God. The aim is to experience it within the limits as the Shariah permits.

It must be remembered that sexual perversions are triggered only and only by the mind. If whenever we think corrupt, sinful thoughts and reinforce such thoughts with corrupt, sinful behaviour, we move one step closer to the impurity that is ever ready to ensnare and enslave us. Sexual impurity is a series of bad decisions on our part, a result of immature and selfish character.

Summarizing the all, as with every other aspect of our being, we are called to subject our sexuality to the authority and direction of God. Because it is such an ingrained part of our human nature, at times our sexuality can feel very overwhelming but that is no reason to put it into a category all its own and exempt it from either criticism or control. If anything, its tremendous power demands tremendous wisdom and tremendous self-control. In so doing, we reinforce our belief that emotions in general and anger in particular, as powerful as they can be, are to be kept under control. It is precisely because our sexuality, regardless of its particular bent is such a powerful, driving force that we can, should, and must control it. We are no longer at our own but God as He is nearer to our Jugular vein.


Posted - Thursday, March 17, 2005  -  3:16 AM Reply with quote
Thank you, this was well written and thoughtful.

May Allah bless and double your reward. Inshallah

Anne Marie Elderkin-Habibi

Posted - Friday, March 18, 2005  -  12:14 AM Reply with quote
Very imformative I have heard some men have issues with this problem and are afraid to ask for help.

This problem can affect the level of pleasure for a woman, however if she loves him she will help him over come it.

Being a Canadian, here men more often openly talk about their problems, then again it depends on who is listening to them.

Hope if you have any issues you are encouraged to speak with your family doctor or sex therapist.

Posted - Saturday, March 19, 2005  -  11:51 AM Reply with quote
I apologize everyone if this message comes across in the wrong way. But.... I'm confused as to what the ultimate goal/topic/purpose of this thread is??? What does the "right to sexual health information" have to do with Christianity or Islam?

Posted - Saturday, March 19, 2005  -  2:27 PM Reply with quote
This has everything to do with all religions as some religions and religious people have tried to keep important information away from those who need or tell them it is a sin to have such imforamation.

From the Christians, Muslims and Jews I have met I would many of them need such imforamation.

This is my views.

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