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Topic initiated on Monday, January 16, 2006 - 2:28 PM
list of things i ask for
every body here salam alykum. as i read meanings of surah naba with my mom today, when i got a surprise day off due to parent teachers meeting i found out that siraja is the burning lamp, the sun that allah has placed for us and it helps us live and plants we need to grow and nabata are the plants.we also grow like a plant from baby to boy or girl, then old and then return to allah who made us. there we get paradise f we were good, did not push or pull anybody, did not just play on play station all the time but also pray time and play time, study time, then allah will take us to jannah otherwise throw in the hell fire we say alahuma ajirni minanar when we hear about hell fire. also i made a list with my mum which i have to ask allah for to have in jannak inshallah. 1. play station 2. lots and lots of car and motor bike racing games 3. chocolates. all types. 4. chocolate cakes 5. chocolate biscuits 6. every sort of pets 7. a school made up of chocolates so that i can eat it. all the teachers, kids, walls, books, pencils, white board, r n maths, computers, everything of chcolate so i can eat all  basil year 4 d |
Posted - Friday, January 20, 2006 - 10:40 PM
walaikum as salam!
WOW how very awesome!!!! er im guessing you like chocolate 
wish we could have a surprise day off..... school=work!! why?!?!?
meh i bought a PS2 a few days ago from a friend for £12.50.. only thing was it was very old and a tad broken... it looks like the lens didnt just need a clean but erm a replacement.... costing abt 4x what i payed.....
oh dear |
Posted - Saturday, January 21, 2006 - 12:31 PM
Salamz ^_^
hey basoo no nii chan? you can eat kids now but that would be called cannabalism and is in fact frowned upon in most civilizations *yaaay for charlie and the chocolate factory!!**
bilal san you should erm not trust your friend.
Wassalam .xXx.
Edited by: xxbasxx on Saturday, January 21, 2006 12:31 PM |
Posted - Saturday, January 21, 2006 - 1:56 PM
meh that friend was ario... er the thing is he did actually tell me it was broken and i thought well meh i can fix it
daft boy |
Posted - Saturday, January 21, 2006 - 4:46 PM
next time, dont be so full of yourself hehe
Wassalam .xXx. |
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