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Topic initiated on Sunday, January 22, 2006 - 4:47 PM
yo pps ow can we spread da wrd of islam in skool
salam 1st of all i would like to say dis to basmah: i aint lazy, see im strtin a topic
now bk to da topic, dere are many non muslims who fink we are terrorists so i fink like most of u fink its time we teach dem a lisen(not beat dem up btw, but if it does get out of hand den its ok(na dont dat was a joke) so any suggestions?
allah haffiz PS. basmah use anova colour if ur gonna reply |
Posted - Sunday, January 22, 2006 - 6:34 PM
the first thing that you have to remember is that not all non-muslims think that we are terrorists; there are only a few people who think this, and most of the time they dont think that we are a threat, but generally this small, ignorant group associate terrorism that they see in the media with Islam, and kiddies like us become scapegoats.
islamophobia does exist, and nuttynum (soz i dont know your name), this is a good topic to start in young minds... a lot of young muslims have been subject to religious hatred or unfair stereotyping, but they often do not know how to react....
i would try to explain what i think we should do in an illustrative story like basmah and nadia, but err the fact is i cant ... so read on and prepare to be bored. again.
righty... there are a number of things that we have to make clear
1)muslims arent terrorists 2)muslims are peaceful 3)we wont get easily provoked and become all shouty or violent 4)we will not sacrifice our faith because of one guy with the wrong impression 5)we are united and look out for each other. 6)we wont just sit back and put up with anything that they throw at us
erm when i had problems with this dude in my school, i was young and innocent and didnt have a clue what to do.. i bottled everything up and didnt tell anyone- it was especially bad cuz this dude was one of my really good "friends" before....
bottling up everything and putting up with that is NOT good- your anger just builds and builds, and you feel worse and worse, and there is more of a chance that you might just explode and let everything out one day..
im not gonna tell you to teach them about Islam and give them a lecture about how we are anti-terrorism, because if they have the audacity to dicriminate you and really are that ignorant, they wont listen and you will just be digging holes for yourself. the most that you can do is to tell them to stop as soon as the truble starts, and make it clear through your actions that you arent going to attack back verbally or physically.
if they dont stop at this point (which they probably wont), spend more of your time around muslim friends- the time you are most vulnerable is when you are alone. if you spend more of your time sitting with or walking around with some muslim kids (make sure they stay neutral too), you are showing the dude(tte) thats picking on you that we are united and will not stand for dicrimination, and you will make yourself feel more secure and wanted...
if you are still getting problems from whoever it is, or if they wait until you are alone for them to say anything, confront them face to face if you can, and make it clear that you wont retalliate, but wont put up with it... make sure they know how serious religious prejudice is, and tell them that you have done nothing wrong, and that they are just being cowardly and ignorant (if you have the guts ), and of course- the bit you were all waiting for.....
talk to a teacher or your family if you havent already
remember to try to speak to someone straight away, or just write them a message or something so that you dont bottle up your feelings and get depressed....
im sure basmah and nadia will add to this soon with plenty of complaints (please i LIVE on the stuff any constructive criticism stuff will be much appreciated) analyse everything- i dont wanna say the wrong thing
till next time kids, wassalam bilal |
Posted - Sunday, January 22, 2006 - 7:41 PM
lol salaaams bilal hope ur ok !
that was good advise given by bilal nuttynum!
well all i can say is that the prejudiced view about terrorism and muslims has come from society and its unwritten rules i never pay attention to it at the end of the day you and your lord nobody can intervene between you we will have to answer for our deeds and non-muslims will have to answer for theirs the way i see things is why should muslims have to spend their lives justifying themselves , proving to the world that our religion teaches us peace not war.
the concept of jihad has increased our image on terrorism but jihad itself has been interpretated wrongly eg non-muslims take jihad just to mean war killing people but muslims acknowledge that jihad means struggle for islam this struggle can be anything from waking up for fajr namaaz in the morning to fighting for islam in the physical manner. more emphasis is placed on the fighting for peace minor things are undermined and exaggerated which gives us the bad image IE Saddam Hussain
just ignore and keep faith in yourself theres no need to fight back or retaliate your reaction of peace will show them how confident you are with believing in islam
hope thats helped bilal theres nothing to criticise lol |
Posted - Monday, January 23, 2006 - 8:23 PM
yo pps u write so much make it shrt and punchy u get me but its good though jazakallah khair
Edited by: nuttynum on Monday, January 23, 2006 8:51 PM |
Posted - Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 7:01 PM
try reading THIS, numra!!
well i have to read the whole above thread but first i have to say that WELDONE for FINALLY starting a topic XD now IM lazy -i havent said anything.
also, also, also, wow there is a lot of feed back. gonna trudge through it RIGHT NOW Insha'ALlah *but first im going to get some cookies to keep me company while i read all this*
.xXx. |
Posted - Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 7:46 PM
reading through it now. ive got my milk, cookies and rich tea biscuits all out XD
the first thing that you have to remember is that not all non-muslims think that we are terrorists; there are only a few people who think this, and most of the time they dont think that we are a threat, but generally this small, ignorant group associate terrorism that they see in the media with Islam, and kiddies like us become scapegoats.
Masha'Allah, very good point dude. But the thing is, the group of people that dont think we're terrorists doesnt seem so small anymore. my best friend and i are both, Alhamdulillah, hijaabis and we went to the cinema recently to chill out and watch The Chronicles of Narnia - the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe (amazing movie with a lot of hidden messages XD) and, while we were getting popcorn, two 10 year olds came up to us and yelled "OH NO!! TERRORISTS! RUN OR THEY'LL SHOOT YOU!!" and then they ran away laughing. that hurt so much. to see ignorance in the eyes of 10 year old children... but the thing is, wasnt even their fault. they are completely uneducated because their main sources of info (corrupt media, corrupted parents, racially prejudiced schools consisting of ill mannered children who are also uneducated due to the same sources) are total shams. and that is OUR fault, us MUSLIMS that hide behind closed doors and refuse to tell others that BY THE WAY we arent what you think we are. okay, Numra and a handful of others stick up for themselves in RE lessons where the teacher is, unknowingly, telling everyone a media-ised point of view about Islam, but who else does??? when theres a show on tv called Gay British Muslims (yes, it was on channel 4 last night) and we all get the opportunity to call in and give our point of view, do we??? do we say 'excuse me?? kaom e lut!!' and correct them and, in the process, make the sources that those 10 year old children were basing their opinions on a little less corrupt??? none of us do!! and Numra is a very smart girl indeed for asking how exactly do we spread Islam and its beauty?
oh,wait a minute. i just realised something 
why is the question: 'why are MUSLIMS blowing themselves up??' i stress on the words 'WHY ARE MUSLIMS blowing themselves up'. THESE MUSLIMS ARE HUMANS, PEOPLE!!
does no one see the bigger picture?? HUMANS, people just like you and me, are going out on the streets and KILLING themselves in a disgusting, brutal and (self)destructive way. and people are asking why MUSLIMS are blowing themselves up??
pretend there arent any Muslims in the world and yet these suicidal bombings are still happening. theres got to be a reason behind it- and now, no one can say 'its because they're Muslims'.
why on earth would a 16 year old boy strap dynamite around his own waist at 6am one bright and cheerful morning, and then kill himself and a great deal of others at 1 o clock in the happy dappy afternoon??? oh i dont know, maybe its because there are soldiers pouring into his country, raping his mother, sister, aunties, killing his father, brother, uncles, and then threatening to do the same to him. maybe its because he sees blood shed, murder, torture every day. maybe its because he hears bombs raining down on his own people, hears women screaming, the din of guns and rifles and the unmistakable sound of yet another corpse hitting the floor. maybe its because he hasnt had anything to eat in only Allah knows how many days, hasnt drank clean water since a week ago. wait a minute. no no that CANT be the reason. it CANT be because he hasnt got anything to stop the green tanks rolling over little children playing with stones in the street. it CANT be because killing himself and a few soldiers around him with a bit of amunition that hes found is his only way out of this hell-on-earth.
its got to be because he's a MUSLIM.
do you see where im going with this? the point im trying to make is that ive had too many cookies.
no im kidding
the point that im trying to make is that a Muslim can go and die and the only thing people ask is: whyd he blow himself up, but if a youth of any other racial/religious/ethnic background does the same thing, chances are (and, yes, i might be wrong and please dont take offence by what im going to type) that people will suddenly get scared out of their socks and start sending their 16 year olds to psychiatrists at the slightest hint of a suicidal thought.
i have gone COMPLETELY off topic.
Wassalam .xXx.
Edited by: xxbasxx on Tuesday, January 24, 2006 7:49 PM |
Posted - Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 8:11 PM
i totally agree wid u recently wen da russians said da british were spying tony blair used humor to cover this up but wen somthing not as serious as this regarding muslims appears in the news a big fuss is made |
Posted - Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 11:13 PM
salam lol i forgot i was usin sis's account its actually frm me da little 9 year old didnt go mad, its da olda sis whos mad lol |
Posted - Wednesday, January 25, 2006 - 10:43 PM
i got a little scared, numra. i was like 'okay... fizz1 has gone a bit...erm...over going to have to ask numra to stop talking about world issues in front of her little sister...' XD
anyuwho, are those baylis girls still attacking Islam?? tell em about the whole 'spying brits' thing. thats disgusting. why would they spy on russia?? okay so maybe im kinda politically uneducated (that is slowly becoming my favourite word, people) but even if there is a reason, it cant be enough to, you know, make spying okay :S
Wassalam .xXx. |
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