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Topic initiated on Friday, March 3, 2006  -  3:01 PM Reply with quote
The Saga of Myths

The Saga of Myths - by Sharique Naeem

In a country like USA, where a peace activist, Cindy Sheehan, who's son died in Iraq, is forcefully handcuffed and Jailed for the crime of wearing a T-Shirt captioned "2245 dead. How many more?” At places like Austria, where a British historian David Irving, is imprisoned for denying the Holocaust. In a scenario where 11 countries, including Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Israel, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Switzerland, forbid by law to reject Holocaust. And under a secular system, of that of Poland, where research teams, are barred from investigating into the scale of Holocaust. And a country like Denmark, Where caricatures of Prophet Muhammad are published offending the 1.2 billion Muslims around the world, It doesn’t takes much to realize, that
"Freedom of Speech" is a myth propagated by the Secular ideology.

Unfortunately, the fact is that this is not the only myth.

When the superpowers of the world, boast about Democracy, and express their desire to see the democracy prevail, they shamefully indulge in colonial rampage, to force democracy at the point of barrels in Iraq and Afghanistan. And along with that, proudly reserve the right to Veto, the world opinion in United Nations. One knows that Democracy is yet another myth worn by the capitalist ideology.

The hodgepodge still doesn’t ends here.

Given the fact, that those who have initiated the savage 'war on terror' for the security of the world are themselves, the world's leading dealers and exporters of Arms. And moreover these super powers which include UK, France, USA, Russia and China happen to be the only five members of the Security Council; it takes little for one to realize the fallacy in the peace talks and peace process initiated in United Nation by these same superpowers.

Not to forget the iron grip of International monetary institutes, which hold hostage many in the third world, by luring its ruling faction to take loans, and lavishly spend them, thereby placing entire country into whirlpool of depts. and loans, which are then to be paid by the nose of the poorest.

This sad saga, doesn’t stops here, the so called civilized modern world, seems to be satanically oblivious of starvation and hunger struck regions in Africa, while they dump surplus food into the ocean to maintain the market share in their favor.

Add to that the reserved rights to patent technology, and life saving drugs, that makes sound health affordable for the elite, and a mere distant hope for the poor, who are forced to cling on to the hope of "generous donations" by the hoarders of knowledge.

This sorry state of world affairs only goes to affirm the perpetual flaws in the present dominant system.

Consequently, the need not only arises, but becomes a vital necessity, of reviving a pure Islamic Caliphate system, a system already tested and tried with the sands of time, compatible with the tunes of all ages, and rooted in the infinite wisdom, Divine.

Posted - Saturday, March 4, 2006  -  2:05 AM Reply with quote
You talk of fundamentalism, reviving a pure Islamic Caliphate. Do you even know what is a pure Islamic Caliphate. There is no such thing, otherwise the prophet would have showed it to us. As soon as he died, infact even when he was alive but on his death bed, the people starting fighting about who will succeed him. The Ansar went one way and Muhajirs the other. It is a miracle and by the will of Allah and clever thinking of Umar and Abu-Bakr and otehr companions, that this did not end up in civil war. This caliphate system that you talk of does not consider the will of the people, but only the will of the influential tribal leaders who choose from amongst themselves and enforce their own will upon the masses. Later the masses are asked to give their allegiance to the 'elected' leader - one who is only elected by a handful of triabal leaders.

The truth is Islam does not define any specific method of governance, it can be democracy, monarchy, dictatorship, whatever - as long as it is just and follows the principles of the Quran.

Please stop living in an ideal world and cope with reality.

Posted - Saturday, March 4, 2006  -  2:11 AM Reply with quote

You talk of fundamentalism, reviving a pure Islamic Caliphate. Do you even know what is a pure Islamic Caliphate. There is no such thing, otherwise the prophet would have showed it to us. As soon as he died, infact even when he was alive but on his death bed, the people starting fighting about who will succeed him. The Ansar went one way and Muhajirs the other. It is a miracle and by the will of Allah and clever thinking of Umar and Abu-Bakr and otehr companions, that this did not end up in civil war. This caliphate system that you talk of does not consider the will of the people, but only the will of the influential tribal leaders who choose from amongst themselves and enforce their own will upon the masses. Later the masses are asked to give their allegiance to the 'elected' leader - one who is only elected by a handful of triabal leaders.

The truth is Islam does not define any specific method of governance, it can be democracy, monarchy, dictatorship, whatever - as long as it is just and follows the principles of the Quran.

Please stop living in an ideal world and cope with reality.

Also you talk of the Caliphate system as being tested and tried. Because you have only read about it in an idealized form (as is usually taught to Muslims in school books). Please also study the harsher and bitter side of the Caliphates.

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