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kaukab Moderator
Topic initiated on Monday, April 10, 2006 - 9:39 AM
عید میلاد النبی
12 ربیع الاوّل کوعیدمیلاد النبی کے حوالے سےبڑے جوش و خروش سے منایا جاتاہے-گھر گھر میں میلاد ہوتےہیں،نعت خوانی کے مقابلے ہوتے ہیں-میڈیا بھی اس معاملےمیں بڑھ چڑھ کرحصہ لیتا ہے؛اچھی بات ہے اس طرح پیغمبرصلّی اللہ علیہ وسلّم کی زندگی کے مختلف گوشوں کو جاننے کا موقع ملتا ہے لیکن سوال یہ ہے کہ پیغمبر کی ذات صرف ایک ہی دن منانےکی چیز ہے؟حضور صلّی اللہ علیہ وسلّم کے اسوہ ءحسنہ کو ہر معاملے ہر قدم اور ہر لمحے پیروی کرنے کی ضرورت ہے-اس کے علاوہ نعتوں میں شرک کی الائش نہیں ہونی چاہیے کیونکہ اللہ تعالی نے فرمایا ہے کا وہ شرک کو معاف نہیں کرے گااورجس گناہ کو چاہے گا معاف کردے گا- |
Posted - Wednesday, May 24, 2006 - 6:21 PM
salaam please can you tell me is it right islamically to celebrate eid mulad e nabi and if so is there any back up to this theory |
kaukab Moderator
Posted - Friday, May 26, 2006 - 8:41 AM
حضور صلّی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلّم اور صحابہ کرام کے زمانے میں عید میلاد النبی کا کوئ تصوّر نہیں تھا البتہ آپ پیر کو روزہ رکھتے تھے اور فرماتے تھے کہ یہ میری پیدائش کا دن ہے-آج کل جس طریقے سے اسے یہ منایاجاتا ہے اس میں شرک کے بہت سےپہلو پیدا ہوجاتے ہیں- |
Posted - Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 11:30 AM
salaam thank you for your reply, i also beleive that alot of innovation is caused during the celebration of this day, see i was under the impression we are not allowed to celebrate customs which the non muslims follow like christmas, birthdays, valentines ect and people celebrate eid-mulad-nabi saying they are celebrating bith of the Prophet PBUH so should they not be celebrating birth of other Prophets hence christmas coz its suppose to be birth of Isa (AS), also we can send our darood and salaam and read for the Prophet all year long it does not feel right that one day is celebrated for the Prophet. |
Posted - Thursday, August 31, 2006 - 11:59 AM
Meelad is derived from the word ‘Vilaadat’ which means the birth. Celebration of the birth of holy Prophet (Pbuh), by keeping fasts or organising the meetings of remembrance, reciting Naa’ts and Daroods and offering sweets etc. is called Meelad. Although Sahaba did not practise it in this way, there is no harm in it. Special remembrance of the Prophet (Pbuh) in some days is an idea which should not be disputed. Care must, however, be taken not to injure the spirit of Meelad by mixing practices, which are contrary to Islam or imitate the birth celebration of other religions.
Contrary to what a large number of people are led to believe, fixation of particular days of remembrance, is very much an Islamic practice. It is also in accordance with human nature. The sacrifice of Hazrat Ibrahim and Ismael is remembered on the day Ibrahim (A.S) made the sacrifice. The fast of Muharram 10, is to remember the redemption of Bani Israel led by Hazrat Musa A.S (Moses) from the army led by Fir’aun (Paraoh). The importance of the day of birth of the holy Prophet (Pbuh) has been stated by the Prophet himself. As the exact date of his birth was unknown, he remembered his day of birth by keeping fast on every Monday. This has been stated in Hadith. If it is widely believed that he was born on 12th of Rabiul-Awwal, and a large number of people remember him on that day, there is no harm in it provided what I mentioned earlier. Un-Islamic practices should not creep in the Meelad-un-Nabi. People also organise congregations to remember him on other days of the year, calling them the Majlis-e- Meelad. There is no doubt that any activity pertaining to his remembrance is an act of Sawaab, if the Islamic decorum, decencies and traditions are maintained. Standing while reciting Darood, Salaam or Naa’t, is a practice which must be denounced. The Prophet (Pbuh), permitted to stand in honour of those who preferred it, however did not like his companions to stand in his honour.
“Said Anas that nobody was more dear to Sahaba than the holy Prophet (Pbuh). However, the companions never used to stand up in his honour as they knew that he did not like it.” (Imam Tirmizi, after recording this tradition has written that this Hadith is Sahih i.e. authentic)
“Reported Abu Umaamah that once the Prophet (Pbuh) came out (of his home), holding a staff for support. When we stood up in his honour, he said: Do not stand up like non-Arabs when some of them honour some others” (Abu Dawood)
Unfortunately a group of people has spread a very dangerous belief that in Meelad congregations and whenever Salaam or Darood is offered for the Prophet (Pbuh), he himself makes his presence there to receive the same. He is Omni-present, they claim, and can be present at all the places simultaneously where Salaam is being offered to him. This is the main reason given by them for standing, while Salaam is offered.
We know from the above Hadiths that had the Prophet (Pbuh) actually been present there, he would not have approved of standing in his honour. However, the belief of his being present everywhere is Shirk. Only one being i.e. Allah, is omnipresent.
The Jews tried to kill Hazrat Eisa A.S. while the Christians equated him to God. Both of them committed Zul’m by transgressing. There is no reliable basis for such kind of beliefs in Islam. The Prophet himself had closed all doors for the entry of Shirk through such exaggerations.
The following Hadiths prove that he is not present anywhere to receive Darood and Salaam. Instead, the angels convey the Salaam and Daroods of his followers to him.
“Narrated Ibne Masood that the Prophet (Pbuh) said: There are a number of angels of Allah touring the earth. They convey to me the Salaams of my Ummah.” (Nasai, Darimi)
“Narrated Abu Hurairah that the Prophet (Pbuh) said: Whoever sends Darood upon me while standing beside my grave, I hear him while whoever offers Darood from a distance, the same is conveyed to me.” (Baihaqi) |
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