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Topic initiated on Sunday, September 10, 2006  -  9:00 PM Reply with quote
I need help.want to get some answers

Q: Why we say ‘Qul’(SAY) while saying Surah-e-Ikhlas in the prayer?I mean it is the command(order) given by ALLAH to the muslims.But while offering prayer,we supplicate to ALLAH,n talk to none else.Then how can we say 'Qul'(SAY).

Posted - Monday, September 11, 2006  -  7:48 AM Reply with quote
Well the Word "QUL" is part of that Surah & Quran so whenever we'll read this Surah as a Part of Quran as we Do in our prayers we'll have to Read that word "QUL" too.
Plz also note that QUL means that GOD asked Muhammed (pbuh) to say those words (& by saying those words show his belief in them too).

Posted - Thursday, September 14, 2006  -  9:50 PM Reply with quote

Well the Word "QUL" is part of that Surah & Quran so whenever we'll read this Surah as a Part of Quran as we Do in our prayers we'll have to Read that word "QUL" too.
Plz also note that QUL means that GOD asked Muhammed (pbuh) to say those words (& by saying those words show his belief in them too).

well i couldnt get the words in brackets


Posted - Friday, September 15, 2006  -  7:05 AM Reply with quote
I was trying to say that when w read the words of Surah (including QUL) we Express our believe in whats is being said in those words

Posted - Saturday, September 16, 2006  -  7:21 AM Reply with quote
quote:Q: Why we say ‘Qul’(SAY) while saying Surah-e-Ikhlas in the prayer?I mean it is the command(order) given by ALLAH to the muslims.But while offering prayer,we supplicate to ALLAH,n talk to none else.Then how can we say 'Qul'(SAY).

>>We are ordered to recite from Quran during prayers.It hardly matters what is being said in those verses.There are verses in which mushrekeen are addressed,some are those where muslims and at some place Prophet is addressed.
Reciting those verses doesnt mean we are talking to them.
In the same way if we recite the below verses we are not saying this to children of israel but simply reciting a verse from Quran.
YUSUFALI: O Children of Israel! call to mind the (special) favour which I bestowed upon you, and fulfil your covenant with Me as I fulfil My Covenant with you, and fear none but Me.

Posted - Saturday, September 16, 2006  -  4:35 PM Reply with quote
thnx alot for ur regards but i wanna say that how can u say that that confidently,
ur challenging a great scholor...[
quote]I heard Dr. Zakir Naik saying that by saying "Qul", an Imam tells the congregation to say these words that Allah is One, etc.
What do say about this, Brother Ibraheem? I, for one, think that Dr. Zakir Naik is not correct in this regard because Allah revealed these words to His Apostle and the Imam cannot possibly use these words for another purpose. I hope you get my point.
Assalaamu 'Alaikum.

Posted - Saturday, September 16, 2006  -  4:39 PM Reply with quote
Thx alot to every1 of u........

Posted - Sunday, September 17, 2006  -  7:25 AM Reply with quote

I heard Dr. Zakir Naik saying that by saying "Qul", an Imam tells the congregation to say these words that Allah is One, etc.
What do say about this, Brother Ibraheem? I, for one, think that Dr. Zakir Naik is not correct in this regard because Allah revealed these words to His Apostle and the Imam cannot possibly use these words for another purpose. I hope you get my point.
Assalaamu 'Alaikum.

plz give the complete reference of Mr.Naik's book or webpage where he said this.

Only I heard is not an authentic reference.

last ,You should better ask first to Mr.Naik about this,and see his response.

He is available here

Posted - Monday, September 18, 2006  -  4:51 AM Reply with quote
Its also shows that this book is from Allah and the honesty of Prophet(pbuh) that He included each and evry word in the Quran,what He used to recived from the Angle.

Posted - Monday, September 18, 2006  -  7:10 AM Reply with quote
Well First Faith I think that u r RIGHT in this regard

Posted - Saturday, September 23, 2006  -  8:13 AM Reply with quote
Mr.Naik is on ARY TV during Ramzan for a question answer session.
Plz put your question now if not replied yet.

Posted - Saturday, October 14, 2023  -  8:00 PM Reply with quote
السلام عليكم
I left this forum many years ago, and had requested the admins/managers to delete all my posts.
Since they have conveniently ignored my request, I advise the readers to ignore my posts, and I openly retract from anything I said that was against the Qur'aan, Sunnah or way of the salaf.
I also free myself from this website, for its 'aqeedah and manhaj is not what the salaf were upon.

Learn true Islaam instead of wasting your time listening to people's opinions on forums.

www.tawhidfirst.com (English)

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(Posted by member, Nida_e_Khair)

Posted - Wednesday, January 29, 2025  -  8:21 AM Reply with quote
When reciting Surah Al-Ikhlas in prayer, saying "Qul" (Say) is part of the revealed words of Allah in the Qur'an. We recite it exactly as it was revealed, preserving its divine form. In Salah, we do not alter Allah’s words but recite them as an act of worship and submission. The command "Qul" is Allah instructing Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, and by extension, all believers, to proclaim His oneness. Thus, even in prayer, we follow the exact wording of the Qur'an as revealed.
to know more visit: https://www.fatwaqa.com

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