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Topic initiated on Sunday, June 24, 2007 - 10:01 PM
how to act/react to salman rushdie's matter....
The matter of salman rushdie's knighthood is indeed another test for us and out faith, for our love for the beloved prophet Muhammad sws whom we are supposed to love more than our blood relations; yet it is a test of our patience at the same time. we ought to hold tight to wisdom; we have to act no doubt but in the most appropriate way utilize this opportunity to clarify the situation.
Myself as the VP of pak welfare association in a local community in UK, today we have passed a resolution in the association meeting against this decision and we have organized a meeting with the local MP in this regard for further details and to convey our concerns to the parliament.
Everyone can act with the skills and opportunities he/she has.
We also look upto our genius religious scholars to write about this matter for the general public as well as the state authorities.
am also copying below a mesge from muslim council of britain.
The Muslim Council of Britain is disturbed at the deliberate political decision to confer a knighthood to Salman Rushdie, who vilified our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and caused deep hurt to Muslims everywhere.
Today the Muslim Council has written to its affiliate mosques and organisations urging that they face this current provocation with dignity and wisdom and channel their hurt towards positive and peaceful actions. They must resist efforts by fringe elements in the community to exploit disappointment felt at the award.
The MCB has asked its affiliates and the community to convey their feelings on the matter through letters to their parliamentary representatives and through local and national media; at all times observing propriety and restraint.
“This ill advised decision approved by the Prime Minister should not divert you from your course of peaceful protest in the face of this deliberate provocation. Indeed, it should be used as an opportunity to correct the maligning of the character of the Prophet (pbuh) in the book which earned its author his notoriety”, said Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari, MCB Secretary-General.
Posted - Monday, June 25, 2007 - 2:03 AM
Yes,sister Henna it is a big test again.I sincerely hope we respond to this the way our beloved prophet pbuh and his family responded in such circumstances. Being an associate of MCB we have written a letter to our local MP.I urge every member of the forum to register his/her dissapproval on knighting Salman Rushdie in the most dignified manner at their local MPs. I attach our letter to Mr James Purnell MP Stalybridge,Cheshire;
Respected Member of Parliament
On behalf of my organisation, Understanding Islam United Kingdom (UI UK), I would like to register our protest at the decision of our government to award knighthood to Mr Salman Rushdie.
Our organisation strongly encourages mutual respect for diverse faiths and schools of thoughts. We are actively engaged in building bridges between different religions, people of different faiths and communities. For this purpose we are engaged in the inter faith forum in Manchester.
Muslims have the ultimate love and respect for our Prophet Of God (peace be upon him). Mr Salman Rushdie is responsible for not only ridiculing our beloved prophet (peace be upon him) but he has also contributed in damaging race and faith relations in United Kingdom, these were never in question prior to the writing of his now infamous book 'The Satanic Verses."
We have the utmost respect for the law and order of our country. We do not support any activity that entails violence. We also believe in the justice of our country. Knighthood is awarded for achievement and excellence in a particular field. It is awarded for heroic efforts by an individual which makes the entire nation proud of such an individual. Most humbly, which criteria does Mr Salman Rushdie fulfil?
We solely believe in peaceful voicing of our views. However, most humbly, I would like to highlight the heartbreak and sadness this decision has brought to the Muslims not only living in UK but all over the world. We feel on this occasion our government has not decided fairly.
kind regards
Mujahid Zaheer (Co ordinator)
Understanding Islam UK |
Posted - Monday, June 25, 2007 - 8:04 AM
Dear Mujahid/Dr. Henna,
Thank you for voicing the views on this sad incident. I call it sad because, unfortunately it seems muslims have lost their spine against the politically and economically powerful West. We keep quiet when our values and beliefs are insulted, because most of us have weak institutions, greedy leaders, extravagant lifestyles. It was very sad to see UK govt 'suprised' at the agitation from Pakistan, when other muslim countries remained quiet.
Our continued willingness to wipe the boots or our perceived masters, even if that requires the use of our tongue, is probably a unique feature in the history of nations.
Salman |
Posted - Monday, June 25, 2007 - 8:51 AM
Posted - Monday, June 25, 2007 - 10:33 PM
thx for the link S; i understand khursheed nadeem is associated with almawrid institute of islamic sciences in some capacity; gud to see some contribution.
we sincerely wish that our dear brs and sisters in pakistan and elsewhere do not burn flags and figures--because this will be exactly in line with what some anti islamic agencies want them to do; they should rather show constructive attitude as suggested above. |
Posted - Tuesday, June 26, 2007 - 2:04 AM
Thanks for sending the link,Salman.The article is very good indeed. Mujahid |
Posted - Tuesday, June 26, 2007 - 10:38 PM
salams. The article is very good and sensible indeed. Burning flags and issuing murder decrees definitely wont help.
I have come across some excerpts from his book, and i dont believe that any person with a normal state of mind can write that. The only explanation that comes to my mind is the person is mentally ill and needs psychiatric help.
Instead of burning flags and arranging protests in Pakistan or Britain, i think it might be a good idea to appeal to Psychiatric associations via advertisements in press, television statements, banners in peaceful protests etc to come forward and help Salman Rushdie.
He is a sick person, and should be presented to the world as that. muslim psychiatrists in UK and elsewhere, should publicly come up with a diagnosis and a label. Just an idea!
Regards Hamza. |
Posted - Friday, June 29, 2007 - 10:14 AM
very good idea H  'n welcome to the forums with slamz  our local british friends from other faiths have sent mesgs of sympathy as well vide infra asalaam alaikum, Good discussion and you are quite right. Protests need to be made quietly but firmly. Muslims are (hopefully!) more likely to be taken seriously if they act with calm resolve and explain the reason for the offence caused by Rushdie and, previously, by the Danish cartoonist. I hope you would also point out to people in Pakistan that it isn't "the West" or "Westerners" in general that are against Islam. These are political decisions, rather than general attitudes, although a lot of education about Islam still needs to take place, unfortunately. Trust in Allah. Richard |
Posted - Friday, June 29, 2007 - 10:36 AM
the book 'muhammad sws and Qur'an ' by dr rafiq zakaria is a wonderful piece of work done in this regard. published by the same publishers who did 'satanic verses' - penguin. bbc and economic times london have highly appreciated this is also available in urdu translation.
salman rushdie has muddled up the narrations which had no base-in order to name and blame muhammad pbuh in relation to women,sex and wars-and were already clarified by the research scholars of the past by appropriate research into these narrations according to the science of hadith taken; these narrations were quoted from seerat e hisham(if i remember the name right)
salman has been dishonest as he just took the rotten narrations without mentioning the other side of it and the research and clarifications done already-and all this he did obviously to get the cheap fame and favours in this society. |
Posted - Wednesday, July 4, 2007 - 9:53 AM
I dont know what kind of Islam our leaders observing through street fighting,burning public property and other nonesense.We cant expect any good from them.Only prayers for their"aql e saleem"may work. ------------
Ahmed deedat ,perhaps come up with a sensible peiece of reply to west.'How Rushdie fooled the west.' The book satanic verses is so filthy that a modest person cant even read a few passages of it.Below is the link with a request to the moderator to delete it, if offensive to the visitors of this site: |
Posted - Saturday, July 21, 2007 - 6:48 AM
thx R;i hvn't deleted though 'coz i think it's good to learn more around the topic from various sources. |
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