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Topic initiated on Sunday, December 30, 2007 - 5:10 PM
قرآنِ مجيد الحقُ يعنى بيان حقيقت
قرآنِ مجيد الحقُ يعنى بيان حقيقت Quran e Majeed is a statement of proven facts. بِسمِ ٱلله الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيـمِ Beginning is with the Personal Name of Allah, الرَّحْمٰنِ {Ar Rehman} Who is Most Merciful. اللہ تعالیٰ کے نام الرحمٰن سےابتدا ہے جو سب سے زیادہ رحم کرنے والا ہے
السلام عليكم
 Please keep reading….MORE, page 2, Arrow keys can be used for next and previous page. On the top left side link one can go to the main page to see all the topics included in the book. Title page is worth reading, InshaAllah you will find it informative and revealing. Thanks for reading. If you agree and liked this Article, please tell and discuss with friends in pursuance of the only advice of Last Messenger {SAW}: قُلۡ إِنَّمَآ أَعِظُكُم بِوَٲحِدَةٍۖ أَن تَقُومُواْ لِلَّهِ مَثۡنَىٰ وَفُرَٲدَىٰ ثُمَّ تَتَفَڪَّرُواْۚ Say, "I {Muhammad} advise you people with one advice; that find time for Allah in two’s or individually and thereafter reflect to know the purpose of things" {Refer 34:46} |
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