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Topic initiated on Tuesday, October 5, 2004  -  5:28 PM Reply with quote
What happens when you die?

I'm curious to know what Islam teaches regarding what happens to a person when they die. Any insight would be great. Thank you.

Posted - Wednesday, October 6, 2004  -  10:17 AM Reply with quote
Asalamu Alaykum
(peace be upon you)

Until, when death comes to one of them, he says 'O my Lord, return me [to the world], so that I do [all the] good deeds that I overlooked earlier'. Absolutely not! This is only a word that he shall utter. Behind him there shall be a barrier, till the day that he is risen from the dead." (23:99-100)

This verse of the Quran tells us that after death a barrier comes between the living and the dead, a barrier which cannot be crossed, till the day of resurrection when all deah will be raised by God for judgment.

For the direct addresses of the Prophets the truth was made clear before them beyond doubt and it was because of that that those who denied the truth knowingly were then punished and those who accepted it were promised great reward. By God punishing them in this very world and promising the believers immense reward the final judgment on the fate of these people was passed. After their death their fate is presented before them till the Day of Judgment when their fate will finally be inflicted upon them, for example:

So Allah warded off from him the evils which they plotted, while a dreadful doom encompassed Pharaoh's folk, In front of the Fire will they be brought, morning and evening: And (the sentence will be) on the Day that Judgment will be established: "Cast ye the People of Pharaoh into the severest Penalty!" (40:45-46)

As for the people who came after the times of the Prophet or were not their direct addresses, their judgment will take on the very Day of Judgment.

And concerning the whereabouts of the place where the spirits are stored no information is given in the Quran about it so nothing can be said.


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