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مینو << واپس ہوم نیۓ مضامین سب سے زیادہ پڑھے جانے والے سب سے زیادہ ریٹ کیۓ جانے والے

Education (44)

پہلا صفہ پچھلا صفہe اگلا صفہ آخری صفہ
کل صفحات 5 ‘اور 5 میں سے 1 صفہ پر سوالات کی تعداد  

Girls Education & Islam: All You Need to Know In 2023
(تاریخ اندراج :  1 اپریل 2023  ہٹس:1502)

Our Educational System, source of our failure
(تاریخ اندراج :  2 فروری 2011  ہٹس:4593)

Islamic Concept of Education and the Real Purpose of Knowledge (‘Ilm)
(تاریخ اندراج :  5 اکتوبر 2010  ہٹس:7286)

Let’s Change our Fate
(تاریخ اندراج :  24 اپریل 2010  ہٹس:4461)
The enemies of Islam were successful in bringing about changes by implementing a unique policy. The Holy Qur’an was seized from the hands of students and put away on the shelf; it was replaced by the book of principles and philosophical discussions.

Lapse, Not Collapse! Muslims' Renaissance.
(تاریخ اندراج :  23 فروری 2010  ہٹس:4801)
summary:day in and day out, be it in east and west, we all are often facing various dilemmas and unexpected comments, fears and doubts specially since 9/11. it is time for muslims to come fwd and intermingle within themselves and with the other communities they live with in order to find and share the facts rather than myths; and clarify their misconceptions together.insh'Allah.

حمل: رحمت يا زحمت!
(تاریخ اندراج :  21 دسمبر 2009  ہٹس:5702)
ميري عبادات اور خدمات ہر ہر چيز ميرے خون كے زريعے كسي اور كے خون ميں شامل ہو رہي ہيں- كيا ميں روتے دھوتے اور مںہ بسورتے وقت گذار رہي ہوں يا بہادري اور محبت سے اس مشكل مگر حسين ذمداري كو نبھانے كي كوشش ميں ہوں-" دوا اور دعا كے سہارے يہي تكليف راحت بن سكتي ہے اگر سوچ كا دھارا درست ہو- نعمت كا احساس ہو- حقيقت كوپہچاننے والي دل كي نظر ہو-

World AIDS Day! A moment to THINK!
(تاریخ اندراج :  2 دسمبر 2009  ہٹس:4660)
last night i noticed that even at our parents governors meeting at a local grammar school some parents were wearing the red ribbon of the AIDS day; just as i saw some nurses in the morning.it is heartening that public is getting more and more aware but are we taking enough measures for proper education??

Why Clarify Misconceptions about Islam?
(تاریخ اندراج :  8 اگست 2009  ہٹس:4261)
For example you can imagine how threatened the West felt when they got this message from the Islamic scholars and sources in general that Jihad is obligatory on the present day Muslims and their States as it was at the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and keeping the prophet's prophecy, they will fight the non-Muslims of the world untill Islam starts ruling the whole world. Naturally the West, specially the Super powers took a hard line on this and decided to suppress and break down Muslim power everywhere in the world even before they could, in their understanding, become so powerful to suppress or take over the non-Muslim states. Most scholars of the past century have taken these hard stances not based on the original sources of Islam and they have but caused more and more trouble to Islam and Muslims. It's hi-time that all these misconceptions get clarified & brought to the horizon of the world.

Our Education System
(تاریخ اندراج :  29 جولائی 2009  ہٹس:4770)

Where Doth Lie the Solution for Humanity?
(تاریخ اندراج :  5 جون 2009  ہٹس:4330)
The think tanks of the West are now saying that there is something more to teach to our children than just 2+2=4 or H2 and O makes O2~nothing seems to prevail without moral teachings and faith is a value which cannot be ignored in his regard.

پہلا صفہ پچھلا صفہ اگلا صفہ آخری صفہ
کل صفحات 5 ‘اور 5 میں سے 1 صفہ پر سوالات کی تعداد  

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