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The Moon fiasco / Moonsighting vs Moonfighting
Author/Source: Dr Abdurrazak Ebrahim  (ebrahimsenior@ctrs.co.za) Posted by: Dr.HKhan
Hits: 3169 Rating: 6 (3 votes) Comments: 2 Added On: Monday, October 3, 2005 Rate this article

Following is a useful info to show that how it is possible to minimise the controversy about moon sighting by referring to the experts in the field.; as every year it seems like an unsolved agenda on the part of muslims in the media.
The info has been sent by Dr Abdurrazak Ebrahim of
Cape Town who is an astronomer @ Stdying Islam Communities.

The Moon fiasco / Moonsighting vs Moonfighting / Two Eid or not two Eid / etc.

This is a man-made problem that splits communities into shattered fragments. The almost total lack of textual and scientific knowledge in regard to the Islamic time-keeping system is the root cause for the perpetuation of the fiasco.

The Holy Qur’an tells us very implicitly [2.189] that the Hilaal [youngest naked-eye visible waxing crescent] marks the beginning of the lunar month.

We, in turn, are compelled to study positional astronomy with due emphasis on angles in the sky (sun/earth/moon relationship), the luminosity and magnitude of the object to be observed, and the field of vision in which the object will be sighted.

The age of the moon is immaterial in determining the possible visibility of the crescent. So let us remove this term from our vocabulary.

It is impossible to sight the Hilaal on Monday (3/10/2005) evening. And in any case, Monday evening will be the end of the correctly marked 28th day of Shabaan. The rule remains that the sighting evening is at the end of the 29th day of the lunar month. The Hilaal will be visible in almost all parts of the world on Tuesday evening (4/10/2005). Therefore the First day of Ramadaan will correspond to Wednesday, 5 October 2005.

The European Muslim Council has declared that for Europe, Ramadaan will begin on 5/10/2005. This is the correct decision.

Many persons look to Saudi Arabia for information. (The use of the word Makkah here is totally unwarranted). The Saudi calendar is calculated and prepared at the King Abdul Aziz City of Science and Technology in Riyadh. Saudia does not adhere to the Qur’anic Command but utilizes a moonset after sunset criteria. You follow Saudia at your own risk – either obey Allah’s Laws or obey the Saudi ‘king’s’ law – the choice is yours. And I can assure you that the Saudi calendar criteria is contrary to Allah’s Law.

Back to Tuesday’s sighting. This will be a once in a lifetime viewing experience. The crescent will be flanked very closely by Jupiter on the right, Mercury just below, and Spiqa (brightest star in Virgo) on the left.

Wishing all well over the fast.


Dr Abdurrazak Ebrahim

Cape Town.

sobi_05 Dr. Abdurrazak Ebrahim, I appreciate your article/letter. If only we know the moon science, and our shura councils have some scientist members also to consult before they make any decision, we would be better off. However i would appreciat if you take your time to explain us moon astorology(pardon me if i've used incorrect term) in some other article. Also to save us from fighting again on Shawwal Moon, would you give us scientific fact as to when to expect eid when ever it is possible? Jazakallah.
hossamking very bad article, no proofs, just insults
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