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Head Covering for Muslim Women
Author/Source: Henna Khan  (hkhan135@aol.com) Posted by: studyingislamuk
Hits: 5220 Rating: 0 (0 votes) Comments: 0 Added On: Thursday, August 6, 2009 Rate this article


Summary: The head cover dilemma is not only a matter of academic debate now, it has actually become an issue which is effecting women's lives in many parts of the world, specially the West where many a times women have to face unwanted situations because of this. They need to know what options Islam gives them.

Although when we take our young girls' opinion in this regard, most are enthusiastic to continue to cover their heads no matter what they come across because they consider it as a form of Jihad/struggle for the Cause of Allah or even so as a matter of punishment by God if they discontinue this practice. But I think that they must be made aware about the true teachings of Islam and that what are the options so that they can choose to adapt accordingly as and when need arises.

Article: Should Muslim women continue to cover their heads even though we know from the study of Qur'an that it is the modest covering which is required by Islam, for men and women both not necessarily covering head. Head may or may not be covered according to the local modest dress accepted in that society. Ofcourse if hair has been decorated with jewellery or ornaments, it's common sense that instead of displaying it openly, it should be covered. A woman's inner modesty also compels her to cover herself as much as possible including her head, even if she is not wearing any ornaments on it. Some societies or cultures will not accept it as modest untill even the face is covered.

For details & references about head cover:


Coming to the Muslim women in the West. Although many including ourselves are covering heads without major problems, however it is a fact that Muslim women do get bullied or discriminated at work or education because of their head cover, so Turkey has completely excluded it. The Question then arises that if head cover, although highly honored and always been a respectable tradition, is still not obligatory or Fard in Islam, why can't they remove it permanently or temporarily off & on in order to to protect themselves from these racial and religious attacks?

May be the older generation cannot or should not do it now as they may have an acceptance problem as a Muslim in their families and communities including places like Masjids & Islamic organizations but it may be a way out or a better way for our younger generation? Although when we take our young girls' opinion in this regard, most are enthusiastic to continue to cover their heads no matter what they come across because they consider it as a form of Jihad/struggle for the Cause of Allah or even so as a matter of punishment by God if they discontinue this practice. But I think that they must be made aware about the true teachings of Islam and that what are the options so that they can choose to adapt accordingly as and when need arises.

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