general understanding about salah/Namaz/Prayer ,the 2nd pillar of Islam, is that
this ritual is practiced in order to avoid the punishment from God in the
Hereafter. Hence modern man comes up with the philosophy that he/she has so much
to deal with in this world, let alone after dying!
However if we look at the actions involved in this ritual we will find out that
even Non-Muslims can benefit from this activity. Just like Yoga, Tai chi and
similar rituals are utilized to treat various mental conditions and physical
stresses, healers and doctors can advice their patients regarding Salah/Namaz/Muslim
The act of Wudu/ablution is the best type of hydrotherapy which is an
established treatment of tiredness, lethargy, generalized aches & pains,
blotches and spots on skin because of sweat and sebaceous secretions,
palpitation and high blood pressure, panic attacks, labile moods, hot flushes
with fever or menopause, absentmindedness and many others.
Rubbing the face and limbs while washing opens the pores of the skin and does
natural cleansing as well as stimulates touch receptors and helps the “Gate
Theory” of pain to work in order to reduce joint pains or muscle aches.
Standing & sitting in the Prayers: Cutting off from the day to day stresses that
are unavoidably prevail in one’s surrounding for a few minutes few times a day
helps cutting stress signals off, hence saving the brain and body from the harms
of the stress which could effect brain, heart , stomach and have repercussions
on the other systems and organs of the body.
This meditation on something other than the day to day thoughts and worries
gives an opportunity to the brain to have more space emptied up for the virtues
like sympathy and care for others around and such a person can develop the skill
of controlling his/her own stress in order to deal with others’ problems. Untill
a person himself cannot be unperturbed, he can never share anything else except
further anxiety and depression.
Imagine a busy day at work, dealing with colleagues, sub ordinates and seniors,
business transactions, gains and losses~or a teacher who has to deal with all
sorts of behavioural patterns from the students, or other tough jobs like
police, fire fighting, forces, saving lives as doctors, decision making
regarding crimes as judges and lawyers & so on; dealing with all this not only
with a sound mind but also in full honesty and fairness, without being rude,
arrogant or abusive to anyone; all this is not humanly possible unless there is
some way out for stress release & a wel-balanced attitude . People may look at
possible alternatives like smoking, alcohol, excessive caffeine beverages,
stimulants, anxiolytics, anti depressants, sleeping pills, muscle relaxants and
so on, but none of these is free of harm to our mind and body.
However unless one is familiar with & used to this type of activity regularly
since an early age, it is difficult to adapt such suddenly when things start
getting tough or looking impossible, parents and adults must therefore endeavor
to introduce their young ones to the ritual of prayer. In Islamit is obligatory
from puberty onwards when a person enters adulthood and is likely to start
facing the challenges of life as a responsible human being. Prayers are expected
to protect him/her from such behavioral calamities including sexual diversities
and imbalances when hormones are more likely to start playing up.
Hence turning to something like prayers is a simple, natural and freely
available method to deal with not only our day to day & life long issues,
challenges and problems but also to get an excellent reward from our Lord Who is
happy if His creatures we deal with are happy & safe from evil!