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Appendix B: The Controversial Personality of Ibn Shihab Zuhri
Author/Source:   (ssaleem@lhr.paknet.com) Posted by: admin
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    His full name is Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Muslim Ibn ‘Abdullah Ibn Shihab Zuhri (d:124 AH). While he has been generally regarded as a reliable personality by the scholars of ‘Ilmu’l-Rijal, evidence is found to the contrary as well. In fact, this evidence coupled with the fact that he is inevitably found in the chain of narrators of many Ahadith which disparage the status of the Qur’an, that of the first two caliphs as well as that of A’ishah (rta), the beloved wife of the Prophet (sws)2 cast dense clouds of doubt on his personality. 
    This contrary evidence shows that Zuhri is guilty of the following: 

    1. Idraj 
    2. Tadlis 
    3. Irsal 

    1. Idraj: In the text of a Hadith, this means the insertion of something in it that does not belong to it without giving any indication of this insertion. (Mahmud Tahhan, Taysir Mustalih al-Hadith, [Karachi: Qadimi Kutub Khanah], p. 102) 
    Idraj is prohibited by all the authorities: 

    Idraj deliberately done by a narrator is totally prohibited in all its types. There is a consensus among the scholars of Fiqh, Hadith and Usul, besides others on this because it is camouflage and deceit and an attribution of something to someone who never said it. Ibn Sam‘ani and others besides him say: ‘He who deliberately does Idraj becomes unreliable, and a person who changes a passage in any way is a liar’. (Ahmad Muhammad Shakir, Al-Ba‘is al-Hathith Sharah Ikhtisaru’l- ‘Ulum al-Hadith (Ibn Kathir) 3rd ed., [Cairo: Daru’l-Turath, 1979], p. 64)

    It is known that Zuhri was a Mudrij (person who does Idraj): 

    Zuhri used to explain various Ahadith a lot and many a time he would not mention the particle [of speech] from which would be known whether the words were from the Prophet (sws) or from Zuhri. So some of his contemporaries would always ask him to separate his words from those of the Prophet (sws). (Sakhawi, Fathu’l-Mughis, vol. 1, [Beirut: Daru’l Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah, 1996], p. 267-8)

    Rabi‘ah would say to Ibn Shihab: My situation is totally different from you. Whatever I say, I say it from my own self and you say it on the authority of the Prophet (sws) and so you must be careful, and it is not befitting for a person to waste himself [like this]. (Bukhari, Tacrikhu’l-Kabir, vol. 3, [Beirut: Daru’l-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah], pp. 286-7)

    Rabi‘ah would say to Ibn Shihab: When you narrate something according to your own opinion, always inform the people that this is your own view. And when you narrate something from the Prophet (sws), always inform them that it is from the Prophet (sws) so that they do not consider it to be your opinion. (Khatib Baghdadi, Al-Faqih wa Al-Mutafaqqih, vol. 1, [Lahore: Daru’l-Ahya al-Sunnah], p. 148)

    Ibn Rajab records the following opinion of Imam Bukhari

    Zuhri would narrate Ahadith and on most occasions would insert sentences from his own self. Some of these would be Mursal and some of them would be his own. (Ibn Rajab, Fathu’l-Bari, 1st ed., vol. 5, [Jaddah: Dar Ibn al-Jawzi, 1996], p. 286)

    2. Tadlis: In Asnad, this means the narration from a person, whom a narrator has met, of something which is not heard from him giving the impression that it has actually been heard from him. (Ibn Salah, Muqaddamah, 4th ed., [Multan, Faruqi Kutub Khanah, 157 AH], p. 34) 

    Imam Shu‘bah comments on Tadlis in the following words: 

    It is the brother of falsehood. (Khatib Baghdadi, Al-Kifayah, 1st ed., [Hyderabad: Da’iratu’l-Ma‘arif, 1357 AH), p. 355)

    It is worse than committing fornication. (Khatib Baghdadi, Al-Kifayah, 1st ed., [Hyderabad: Da’iratu’l-Ma‘arif, 1357 AH], p. 356) 

    Ibn Mubarak says: 

    That we plunge down from the sky is dearer to me than we do Tadlis in a Hadith. (Khatib Baghdadi, Al-Kifayah, 1st ed., [Hyderabad: Da’iratu’l-Ma‘arif, 1357 AH], p. 356)

    Imam Shaf‘i says: 

    We will not accept the narration of a Muddalis unless he says Haddathani [It has been narrated to me] or Sami‘tu [I have heard]. (Shaf‘i, Al-Risalah, [Beirut: Daru’l-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah], p. 380)

    Zuhri’s Tadlis is recorded in the following words: 

    Imam Shaf‘i, Dara Qutani and many others have attributed Tadlis to Zuhri. (Ibn Hajar, Tabaqatu’l-Mudallisin, [Cairo: Maktabah Kulliyyat al-Azhar], pps. 32-3)

    3. Irsal: It means that the person before a Tabi‘i at the beginning of the chain is not mentioned. (Mahmud Tahhan, Taysir Mustalih al-Hadith, [Karachi: Qadimi Kutub Khanah], p. 70) 
    On the status of Mursal Ahadith (Ahadith afflicted with Irsal), authorities say: 

    In reality, Mursal Ahadith are weak and worthy of being forsaken because they do not fulfil one condition of Maqbul Ahadith [Ahadith which are acceptable], which is Ittisal [continuity in the chain of narrators], and because the status of the person who is not mentioned is unknown as there is a chance that he may not be a Sahabi [companion]. (Mahmud Tahhan, Taysir Mustalih al-Hadith, [Karachi: Qadimi Kutub Khanah], p. 71)

    Imam Abu Da’ud says: 

    Out of the twenty two hundred Ahadith narrated by Zuhri only half are Musnad3 [the rest are Mursal]. (Dhahabi, Tadhkiratu’l-Huffaz, vol. 1, [Beirut: Daru’l-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah], p. 109] 

    Ibn Hajar records the following words about Zuhri in this regard: 

    Yahya Ibn Sa‘id Qattan is of the opinion that the Mursalat of Zuhri are baseless. (Ibn Hajar, Tahdhibu’l-Tahdhib, 1st ed., vol. 5, [Beirut: Daru’l-Ma‘rifah, 1996], p. 269) 

    Imam Dhahabi has reported the following words of Yahya Ibn Sa‘id Qattan:  

    The Mursalat of Zuhri are the worst of all since he is a Hafiz. Whenever, he wants he can disclose the name of a person, and whenever he wants he can conceal his name. (Dhahabi, Sayar A‘lam al-Nubala, 8th ed., vol. 5, [Beirut: Mu’ssasah al-Risalah, 1992], p. 338) 

    Imam Shaf‘i says: 

    The Mursalat of Zuhri are baseless since he even narrates from [a person as unreliable as] Sulayman Ibn Arqam. (Dhahabi, Sayar A‘lam al-Nubala, 8th ed., vol. 5, [Beirut: Mu’ssasah al-Risalah, 1992], p. 339) 

    Besides these three major aspects, it seems that Zuhri is guilty of other blemishes as well: 

    Sometimes, a group of people would present a Hadith to him to corroborate something. So, at times, he would narrate from the whole group and sometimes from one person of that group. This would be according to the way he felt during the narration. Sometimes, he would insert the Hadith narrated by one into that narrated by someone else as he has done so in the Hadith of Ifk besides others. When he would feel lazy, he would narrate Mursal Ahadith, and when he would be feeling fresh, he would narrate Muttasil ones. It is because of this that his companions differ a lot about him. (Zarqani, Sharah Mu’atta, vol. 3, [Beirut, Daru’l-Fikr], p. 377) 

    In a letter to Imam Malik, Imam Layth Ibn Sa‘ad writes: 

    When we would meet Ibn Shihab, there would arise a difference of opinion in many issues. When any one of us would ask him in writing about some issue, he, in spite of being so learned, would give three very different answers, and he would not even be aware of what he had already said. It is because of this that I have left him – something which you did not like. (Ibn Qayyim, I’lamu’l Muwaqqi‘in, vol. 3, [Beirut: Daru’l-Jayl], p. 85) 

    In the light of this evidence, any narrative none of whose texts is without Zuhri in its chain of narrators becomes suspect.

1. For more details see Tamanna ‘Imadi. Imam Zuhri and Imam Tabari, Rahman Publishing Trust, Karachi, 1994. 
2. See Khalid Mas‘ud, Muhammad Ibn Shihab Zuhri, Tadabbur, No. 21 (May 1987), 7-9). 
3. Ahadith in which there is no break in the chain of narrators and they are continuous up to the Prophet (sws). (See: Mahmud Tahhan, Taysir Mustalih al-Hadith, [Karachi: Qadimi Kutub Khanah], p. 134)

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