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Quran (42 articles)

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Explanation of a Qur’anic Verse (4:159)
(Added: 18-Nov-2011  Hits:5205)

Quranic Concept of Tafakkur.
(Added: 12-Sep-2010  Hits:48306)
“People should use their ‘Aql’ (intellect) so that they may understand Allah’s Ayat (signs, proofs, evidences revelations, lessons). Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is ordered (by Allah) to relate parables (i.e. stories of the previous nations) to people so that they may get a lesson from these parables.”

Muqattaat - the disjointed letters
(Added: 28-May-2010  Hits:45837)

Quran and Communism
(Added: 26-May-2009  Hits:3826)
Quran addresses Communism in a verse and explains the wisdom behind its rejection by God.

Quran answers God of the Gaps argument
(Added: 4-May-2007  Hits:5169)
Quran answers God of the Gaps argument in complete harmony with science.

Reason and Revelation
(Added: 30-Nov-2006  Hits:4373)

The First Revelation
(Added: 3-Jan-2005  Hits:21278)

Surah Baqarah (51-100)
(Added: 2-Oct-2004  Hits:5030)

Al- Baqarah: 1-50
(Added: 16-Aug-2004  Hits:5032)

7 Tips for Improving your Relationship with the Qur'an
(Added: 22-Sep-2003  Hits:6079)
7 tips for improving your relationship with the Qur'an

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