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Posted - Sunday, January 4, 2009 - 3:32 PM
Assalamo eleikumwarahmatullah wabarakatuhu Brothers.Whatever I see in Africa as a Muslim woman, the circumstances I have grown up in, the mutilation of a female baby's ginitals by chopping their clitoris off in the name of Islam, calling it a Muslim female circumcision, for the reason to suppress her sexual desire as an adult they say, so she does not go for illicit sexual relationship. Can you understand all this? Can you see all this? Whose ego and whose desires are working behind all this? The Devil is making its way through human mind and actions. This is all done in the name of God and Islam. For one I will be the first to tell these sex maniac men around me and everywhere else in the world, even Muslims,that if you have not been able to grow your Faith, your Taqwa to such a level where you could control your 'over' sexual desires, because you keeping feeding them with the lust of your unlimited gaze to the Porn wherever it is available, on TV, on Computers, on Magazines and Bill Boards & Live- if even your wives quite obviously cannot satisfiy this outgrown & unlimited Beast of sexual desire within you, because you have grown it so lovingly like a Pet, then Please Please For AllahsubhanahuTaala sake, instead of dripping your dirty sperm in every woman you can get hold of, specially here in Sub-seharan African countries, the sperm mixed with the dreadful and ugliest AIDS virus like the picture of a most dreadful sin of your's, rub your bloody lothesome parts yourselves in the corner of your Brothel houses and throw this dirty semen down the drain somewhere-instead of causing Disease and Death to your own sisters and mothers and hence to your own generations.
What else can be the Curse, the Azab of Allahsubhanahutaala than killing your own generations with your own Black Sins! Go away-shut your gobs up, masturbate, and let these Angel Scholars bring the facts out who are saying that "Shariah is silent on Masturbation!" Because ofcourse the Creator of the Shariah knew that your unlimited desires will need a way out-either destroy your fellow gender by your sinful desires or let it out in the form of Masturbation! Go on.Do it and leave us alone!!
Tell these Arab Leaders as well who drop their sperm out there in the West every Summer, and so do their illigitimate Sons and Daughters spread there everywhere, these so called Leaders of Muslims , who hold 10 white women of the West in their arms and get drunk to such an extent that they cannot see or hear any scream or tear or the drop of blood calling them from the Land of Palestine, Kashmir, Russia, Tibbat-anywhere. They are the ones who had to announce Jihad so the Muslim ummah could follow them and help the opprssed- but because they are so fast asleep with their desires, Desires upon Desires, that you need the most lethal anti-anaesthetic of the world to wake them up! Let them masturbate as well because they are disabled to do what they should have been doing today when the dirty enemy soldiers must be dropping their dirty sperms on the pure lands! Ya Allah. Give Aql e Saleem to this Dying Ummah.Ameen ya Rabbal Alameen |
Posted - Sunday, January 4, 2009 - 4:14 PM
quote: Nadir, I have shown the difference between the two in my previous post. If you wish to discuss further on that, please start a new thread.
Aboosait, your interpretation is incorect. So your further will be no more than conjectures. |
Posted - Sunday, January 4, 2009 - 4:42 PM
quote: Aboosait, your interpretation is incorect.........
interpretation of what? Please be specific.
Edited by: aboosait on Sunday, January 04, 2009 4:42 PM |
Posted - Monday, January 5, 2009 - 9:29 AM
quote: ……………the sperm mixed with the dreadful and ugliest AIDS virus………………
quote: …………. who drop their sperm out……………
quote: Let them masturbate as well…………….sperm on the pure lands!
Do only men masturbate? The topic was in general regarding both the gender. |
Posted - Monday, January 5, 2009 - 10:48 AM
quote: Aboosait, your interpretation is incorect.........
interpretation of what? Please be specific.
Edited by: aboosait on Sunday, January 04, 2009 4:42 PM
What you have posted in this thread. |
Posted - Monday, January 5, 2009 - 10:52 AM
Posted - Monday, January 5, 2009 - 11:16 PM
hey hey just a minute guyz! wats happening herein this room!! order plz. wats the subject?are we talking about 'masturbation' per se and the knowhow of it as our main topic or its relevance in islamic plz stop posting links and detailed knowledge of the act on this islamic website-that can be done on a medical, sexual health or a similar site-or you can send ur Q to me and i can reply accordingly on medical grounds. 2ndly,its obvious that gender is not the issue here;the issue is the evil related to the may continue now:) sala'm  |
Posted - Tuesday, January 6, 2009 - 10:21 AM
quote: .........its obvious that gender is not the issue here.........
Yes, but it was the reply to the post of mbellos from NIGERIA Posted - Sunday, January 04, 2009 - 3:32 PM |
Posted - Tuesday, January 6, 2009 - 10:26 AM
quote: can send ur Q to me and i can reply accordingly on medical grounds.
Are you an expert in this field? If yes, what are your qualifications? |
Posted - Wednesday, January 7, 2009 - 5:24 PM
Posted - Wednesday, January 7, 2009 - 5:34 PM
The post of aboosait Posted - Sunday, December 21, 2008 - 1:43 AM is the copy/paste of this link:
It is better to give the link alone rather than copying and pasting, to save space of the site.
The moderators should also notice such things. |
Posted - Wednesday, January 7, 2009 - 11:40 PM
yes U;actually i hv; as i mentioned above i am a member of the royal college of obs & gynaecology uk with my special interest and present work in the subspeciality of SH; sexual and reproductive health, i can help and guide if there is any problem in this field,even if i needed to refer to some further resources or my more expert & senior colleagues in the field i work with along with islamic guidelines insh'Allah  btw, why you sound so sad umar dear? is everything ok with you,family n work? our good wishes remain for u and eachother. sala'm 
Edited by: hkhan on Wednesday, January 07, 2009 11:56 PM |
Posted - Thursday, January 8, 2009 - 3:29 AM
quote: The post of aboosait Posted - Sunday, December 21, 2008 - 1:43 AM is the copy/paste of this link:
It is better to give the link alone rather than copying and pasting, to save space of the site.
The moderators should also notice such things.
I must also ask u what is wrong with you Umarbaig? I have not come across the site u have shown here. The fatwa I quoted was from Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid and I have mentioned that in my post. If u found it on another site u cannot take for granted that I have copied and pasted from there. |
Posted - Thursday, January 8, 2009 - 3:36 AM
quote: Read more about ruling of Islam .........
Umarbaig, the first link has more info about it from the Hadith. Whatever Shaikh Wiki has written in your second link has already been posted by some of the members here. The third link is nothing but a copy of the fatwa which I have already posted here. |
Posted - Thursday, January 8, 2009 - 3:38 AM
quote: Read more about ruling of Islam .........
Umarbaig, the first link has more info about it from the Hadith. Whatever Shaikh Wiki has written in your second link has already been posted by some of the members here. The third link is nothing but a copy of the fatwa by Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid which I have already posted here.
Posted - Thursday, January 8, 2009 - 5:36 AM
quote: The post of aboosait Posted - Sunday, December 21, 2008 - 1:43 AM is the copy/paste of this link:
It is better to give the link alone rather than copying and pasting, to save space of the site.
The moderators should also notice such things.
I must also ask u what is wrong with you Umarbaig? I have not come across the site u have shown here. The fatwa I quoted was from Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid and I have mentioned that in my post. If u found it on another site u cannot take for granted that I have copied and pasted from there.
aboosait, Do not beat about the bush and tell a lie! The proof is there and...... |
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