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Topic initiated on Wednesday, November 19, 2003 - 2:11 AM
Is music a sin?
Hello! I need a clarification: Music and listening to it is a sin? Please, I cannot understand this, since I am a very musical man, I love music and I think is a gift and an art very special. Please, give me an explanation! Daniel |
Posted - Wednesday, November 19, 2003 - 2:26 AM
Hi Daniel...I think you and I are almost in the same place on our "paths". I have been reading your questions and comments. Thanks for helping getting some of my questions answered as well.
In reference to your topic question... Why do ask if music or listening to it is a sin? HAve you read text in the Quran stating this? |
Posted - Wednesday, November 19, 2003 - 2:43 AM
Ok, thanks! I have read this in different websites related to Islam. I couldn't check with the Qur an, but they say it is said in one Hadiths of the Profet (pbuh). |
Posted - Wednesday, November 19, 2003 - 2:53 AM
I have read about this here: The Prohibition of Music A concise treatise discussing the ruling concerning music. - pdf - Check it out. |
Posted - Wednesday, November 19, 2003 - 6:09 PM
Assalaamu Alaikum.
As a rule of thumb, we must all remember that anything that the Qur'an does not explicitly declare haraam, cannot be called haraam. Of course, since the times of the Qur'an's revelation, man finds himself confronted with many new incidences, occurences and developments. For that, one needs to draw analogies, one needs to perform sensible ijtehad in the light of the Qur'an and Sunnah.
For instance, the Book of Allah explicitly condemns consumption of alcohol as haraam - the reason being its intoxicating nature. It may follow, thus, that anything that may potentially intoxicate man, pushing him into a domain of complete helplessness, insanity and thus, disbelief...should also be considered prohibited.
Our objective in life must be to stay God-conscious always. The reason why some well-meaning Muslims declare music as haraam is because they opine that it is listened to, in a state of addiction and leads the listener/performer away from a state of God-consciousness.
If you think you do not fall into this extremity in your admiration for music, I would personally think that that would not be harmful.
Also, you must make an effort towards avoiding the wrong kind of music i.e. anything that makes you defy the Islamic norms, limitations, etc. as directed in the Qur'an.
Allah knows best.
Allah Hafiz. |
Posted - Wednesday, November 19, 2003 - 6:18 PM
A hadith, thus, reads:
"Make things easier for the people, and not make things difficult for them. Give them good tidings and not draw them away from religion."
This is not to say that one starts discounting the clear directives of the Qur'an; rather, it suggests that each and every avenue of society need not be dogmatised.
Try to practise your freedom, exercise your intellect - but of course, in subservience to the Qur'an and Sunnah. 
Saadia |
Posted - Wednesday, November 19, 2003 - 7:50 PM
Dear Brothers: Thank you so much! First: I admire the common sense you apply, it brings to me peace and makes me feel secure. Second, I totally agree with you: I personally avoid music not only the one is against God or against the good, but also avoid those "noises" considered music by some people. Rather, I enjoy the music that brings beauty and calls to admire the creativity that God has given to some qualified people. Thank you very much for the answer. |
Jhangeer Hanif
Posted - Thursday, November 20, 2003 - 11:04 AM
Frankly speaking, I also like hearing music and even singing too. As it has been explained above, music has not been proscribed by the fundamental sources of Islam, the Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah. The warnings in the narratives ascribed to the Holy Prophet (pbuh) are meant to dissuade people from over indulging in music, which often happens if the desire is not kept within bounds. As the prime objective of our life in this world is to purify our soul, we had better avoid listening to the music which leads the hearer to undesirable thoughts and fantasy. |
Posted - Saturday, November 22, 2003 - 11:11 PM
like u all i also had this query as a teenager and it in seyed a.a.maududi's tafsser that it was regarded as "lahwal hadeeth" among other useless things the chiefs of mecca arranged music and imported dancers into te city to deviate people comin to listen to the beloved's sws message(Qura'n)
and followin helps to understand what sort of music it is which needs avoiding and wat is allowed/acceptable because final goal is purity of the inner Self which is the ticket reqd to enter the Paradise/Jannah, as our dear moderator has mentioned above Ruling on Music Question: The general ruling about music is that it is forbidden in Islam. So there is no use asking. However, I would like to know the reason for this prohibition. Answer: Yes, you are right that the general ruling about music is that it is prohibited. In fact, it is commonly believed that the attitude of Islam towards all the fine arts is not very encouraging; it does not nurture the aesthetic sense found in human nature. However, I do not agree with this perception about music or the fine arts. But before I present my observations on this issue, it is necessary to keep in consideration two important principles of interpreting the Shari‘ah. Firstly, it is only the Qur’an which prohibits anything in Islam. As far as the Ahadith are concerned, they are not an independent source of knowledge on Islam and must have some basis in the Qur’an, the Sunnah or the established principles of human nature and intellect. Consequently, if some Ahadith mention some prohibition, it is imperative to look up its basis in the original sources. Secondly, if a particular matter has been elaborated upon in the Ahadith, it is necessary to have a complete picture of it by collecting and analysing all the Ahadith on the subject. This is essential in order to have some idea of the context and background of what has actually been said. In the light of these two principles, it is evident that: i) As far as the Qur’an is concerned, there is no mention of any absolute prohibition of music. On the contrary, it is a known fact that one of the other divinely revealed scriptures, the Psalms, is basically a collection of hymns. The Prophet David (sws) used to sing the various Psalms revealed to him on his harp. ii) If the Qur’an does not apparently mention this absolute prohibition, it is necessary to re-analyse all the Ahadith on this subject to see whether they have been interpreted correctly. By collecting and analysing all the Ahadith pertaining to music, the real picture which comes to light is that musical gatherings possessed a great element of immorality. Slave-girls used to dance before an inebriated gathering where lewdness was let loose and promiscuity prevailed. These gatherings were a means of stimulating base emotions in people. There has been narrated in the Sahih of Bukhari one such incident from which the extent such gatherings of music and dance had reached can be imagined. Just after the battle of Badr, Hamzah (rta) along with a few companions was witnessing the dance of a slave-girl while he was taking liquor. In the meantime, ‘Ali (rta) passed by along with two camels. At that time, the words of the song which the maiden was singing were something like this: ‘O if you could only bring me the meat of the humps of these camels...’. At this, Hamzah (rta) got up and slew the camels owned by ‘Ali (rta) and brought forth the meat to her. Annoyed by this, ‘Ali (rta) stormed off to the Prophet (sws) and reported the matter to him. The Prophet (sws) got up and walked across to the scene of the ‘crime’ but after seeing the situation returned without doing anything. In the light of these details, the prohibition of music can be easily understood: only music and songs which possessed an element of immorality in them were forbidden. Music, it is clear, was not condemned because of any intrinsic evil in it but because it was responsible for stimulating base sentiments in a person. The main object of the religion revealed to the Prophet (sws) was to cleanse and purify human souls from evil*. All means which promote base emotions in people certainly could not be allowed in the society. He, therefore, took strong exception to the gatherings of music and dance in order to rebuild the society on healthy lines. Consequently, music or songs which express noble sentiments cannot be objected to. Similarly, those of them which do not open the door to evil are perfectly allowed in Islam.
*. It is He who has sent among the unlettered a Messenger from amongst themselves who rehearses upon them His verses and purifies them and for this he instructs them in law and in wisdom. (62:2) (
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Posted - Monday, November 24, 2003 - 6:54 PM
Hkhan and Brothers: Thank you for this wonderful explanation. I found it really clear, and has clarified my doubts in this regards. Daniel |
Posted - Saturday, November 29, 2003 - 5:11 PM
peace the followin is an eg. of a positive use of music today, propagating the message of Qura'n and the beloved's sws Sunnah; an alternative to unacceptable and negative music which is spread everywhere. good for for all ages. for people in the area of London, i hv some extra tickets. do let me know asap as they go v. fast
"from the organisers of Living Islam 2003 and Nasheed Extravaganza 2002 present this years Eid ul Fitr Celebration... Nasheed Extravaganza Latest:
London and Bradford Tickets Sold Out!
But please visit Birmingham or Manchester instead!
Featuring the finest Nasheed artists in the world
Khaleel Muhammed, Sami Yusuf(PhD Music UK), Shaam, Dawud Wharnsby Ali, Mecca 2 Medinah, Shaheed Alkawn "
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Posted - Saturday, November 29, 2003 - 5:48 PM
for above; was copied and pasted from the website but it hasn't come up all for details pls visit
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Posted - Saturday, February 14, 2004 - 5:33 AM
music is half my lyf and i wud never giv up listening 2 it however i must restrict myself and mke sure tht the content is neither vulgur nor sexified and if it is and i cnt help myself but listen 2 it, i mke sure it has a blunt effect on the way i think. it's viewing music thts got me worried, there r such disgusting videos around 2 the best songs!! MTV and KISS r crazy 4 broadcasting them!!!! so in my opinion, its OK 2 listen 2 music with the right content but i cnt say wether it is halal or haram bcos i hv no Qura'anic bakground info.... XxBasmahxX |
Posted - Thursday, May 19, 2005 - 10:04 PM
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
After hearing that Holy Quran does not prohibit music, my chest also became widened much with my one shoulder in the West and the other in the East.
I am wondered that here what someone favouring, is opposing its related lexicon somewhere to show some sort of discrepancy like for example cutlets of the meat are Haram but their soup is Halal.
According to me, whether music is sin or not it depends upon the way of the auditory and the visual signals, which affect our hypothalamus influencing its effectors via the refracting media of the eye and the vibrating eardrums of the ears and the different relay stations.
Wassalam with the saying of God: Until when they come to it, their ears and their eyes and their skins shall bear witness against them as to what they did (41: 20). And that was your (evil) thought, which you entertained about your Lord that has tumbled you down into perdition, so are you become of the lost ones (41: 23). On the day when their tongues and their hands and their feet shall bear witness against them as to what they did (24: 24). |
Posted - Friday, May 20, 2005 - 1:44 AM
Assalam alaikum,
I found these two articles very enlightening. Please read them, one is the positive side of music, one is negative:
Prophetic Saying on Music
Evil Aspects of Music
Also when I was reading Imam Ghazali's Ihya-e-ulum-ud-din, I understood that it depends on what kind of music it is. If it takes you to evil, then it is bad, else it is good. I think example of bad music would be associated with promiscuous dancing, alchohol, drugs, cursing and that which has no benefit. Good one could be something that glorifies Allah. So it depends on what music you are considering. |
Posted - Sunday, May 29, 2005 - 6:23 AM
Assalam-u-allaikum! Some music has very hazardous effects to the spirit. Visit and read the book Satanism, Satan's Bloody teaching and freely download this video to see the effects in full of music on people . I personally feel that many forms of music are hazardous for the spirit. The Qur'an has mentioned the conciousness (the indicator of good and evil in all) . The Qur'an has forbidden all that is bad (some if not all music is definitely very bad). So even if the Qur'an has not forbidden eating lions , bears, elephants etc... still we don't eat them . Hadith are also important. You can't reject Hadith simply because they are not mentioned in The Qur'an. How to offer Salat is found in the Hadith and many predictions of end times are only found in the Hadith and many of these predictions have already come true which proves that many Hadith if not all are true and should be followed . Many musicians have a perverted concept of life, love, agression etc.. and they transfer it to the listeners subconciously. I have heard some perverted musicians torture their bodies by digging nails into their nose, tongue, lips etc..., their concept of love is definitely perverted .
Edited by: asim2 on Tuesday, May 31, 2005 9:03 AM |
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