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Read In Urdu

Academic Info

1. Course Features
2. Grading
3. Certificates
4. Transliteration of Texts


1. Course Features

Some of the important features of the courses offered at Studying Islam are:

1. All courses are of a self-taught nature. The material provided acts as the basic instructional source for the students.

2. Students can interact with their instructor through specialized course forums provided at the site.

3. There is no time limit to cover a course. A participant can thus pace out his studies according to his convenience.

4. Evaluation is done online through quizzes for each module of a course.

5. Participants are awarded certificates at the end of each course. Those who earn an A+ grade are awarded a merit certificate.

2. Grading

Marks Grade
90% and above A+
85 - 89 % A
80 - 84 % B+
75 - 79 % B
70 - 74 % C+
65 - 69 % C
60 - 64 % D+
55 - 59 % D
50 - 54 % E+
Below 50% (Fail) E


3. Certificates

A candidate will be awarded a certificate of participation. Candidates who earn an A+ grade shall be awarded a merit certificate.


4. Transliteration of Texts

People who are not aware of the Arabic alphabet should ignore the transliteration symbols they would encounter on certain words. Those who do, should be aware that the following equivalence table is followed in this regard.

The following table illustrates the equivalence

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January 2025

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