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Refusing to pay back a Debt to a Non-Believer
Question asked by Chem.
Posted on: Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - Hits: 3822

I am for all religions, only when they stick to doctrines. 3 years ago, a Muslim business acquaintance borrowed Ringgit 7,500.00 or USD 1975.- He said his company needed money to pay salaries, and the company did not have enough money. But he was already on the way to Mecca. (I still hold his cheque)

I know that a Muslim cannot borrow money to go to Mecca. In this case, since he did not want to pay me, I am inclined to think that he is clearing his name technically with GOD by using his company to borrow from me.

I told him about "Padang Mashaf" which is the final field you go to awaiting your sentence or reward. it has no effect on him. Meanwhile another Muslim friend of mine suggested that, some misunderstood guys think that it is OK not to repay money to a non-believer. Is this true?


Islam never allows cheating and depriving others of their rights be they Muslims or non-Muslims, friend or foes. It adheres to universal principles of morality and no sane person would ever claim that they should cheat others or deny other people their rights. I do not know any of the Muslims believe that they can devour the money and assets of non-Muslims by cheating. If some of them do they are really transgressing a very basic moral principle and are utterly confirmed in all sin.

Therefore, I would suggest you to take legal action against him if you think he determined not to pay and is not facing any other problem to deserve leniency.

Tariq Mahmood Hashmi
Research Assistant, Studying Islam

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