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Pre-Marital Oral Sex
(Added: 1-Jul-2004  Hits:37803)
The Concept of Londis
(Added: 7-Dec-2004  Hits:25818)
Relationship with One's Mother-in-Law
(Added: 16-Jul-2007  Hits:17237)
Was Eve created from Adam's Rib?
(Added: 5-Nov-2008  Hits:16005)
Can Menstruating Women touch the Quran?
(Added: 11-Jul-2004  Hits:15362)
Oral Sex
(Added: 27-May-2005  Hits:14779)
Societal Convention on post ‘Nikah’ Sexual Relations?
(Added: 12-Jan-2005  Hits:14489)
Status of Eunuchs in Islam
(Added: 31-Oct-2007  Hits:12788)
Difference between Sunnah and Hadith
(Added: 16-Feb-2009  Hits:12648)
Why is Anal Sex Prohibited?
(Added: 1-Sep-2004  Hits:12418)

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