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Why is Anal Sex Prohibited?
Question asked by Navida.
Posted on: Wednesday, September 1, 2004 - Hits: 12420

Why is anal sex haram? Is it written in the Qur'an?

Islam is a religion which is in complete harmony with human nature. It exhorts us to follow the natural course in every matter. It commands the believers to have sex in the natural way which conforms to the physical and psychological set up of both a man and a woman. It is very evident that that the natural way is only the vaginal intercourse.

One thing that should be clear is that the term Haraam is actually spoken of things explicitly forbidden by the Shari`ah. In this case, in the presence of very clear innate guidance which forbids it, the Qur’an has only referred to this innate guidance by the words: 'Go you to them the way that has been ordained by God' (2:220)

Tariq Mahmood Hashmi
Research Associate, Studying Islam

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