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The Concept of Londis
Question asked by Aeel.
Posted on: Tuesday, December 7, 2004 - Hits: 25819

I want to know the concept of a Londi (slave girl). Does that still hold? Are all female servants our slave girls?

The Londi is equivalent of the English word slave girl. We are talking about the concept of the slave girls in Arabia at the time of the Prophet (sws). These slaves, in those times, were an important part of the social and financial systems of all the civilized societies of the world.

A slave could be bought or sold on will and the masters could have sex with their slave girls. They were considered their properties but were their responsibility. This means that these masters were also obliged to arrange for the basic needs of the slaves they owned.

However, Islam gradually eliminated this institution and made sure that there remained no slaves. For this purpose, it took a number of gradual steps.

As for the concept of servants today, that is a totally different and independent identity. You have no power over them but for their services, which they have agreed to do against some kind of payment. All the Divine directive regarding the slave women do not apply to the present day servants.

As for the question whether there could be any slave men or women, the Shari'ah has closed all doors on the issue. There is no way we can get or keep a slave today.

For detail please refer to: The Directive of Slave Emancipation, Slavery and The Condemnation of Slavery by Islam

Please do write back if anything remains unanswered.

Tariq Mahmood Hashmi
Research Assistant, Studying Islam

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