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Origins of Shia-Sunni Divide
Question asked by Waseem.
Posted on: Monday, November 29, 2004 - Hits: 4376

Can I ask how the Shiite sect was formed separate from main stream Muslims. Historically, how did they manage to diversify so much that they have separate mosques, prayers etc, today?

Shiites were originally a political group who supported Ali (rta) against Mu’awiyah (rta). After the death of Ali (rta), they could not retain the political power in any parts of the Muslim territory, so the group could not openly exist as a political power, and therefore, worked secretly. Over a period of time, new techniques to draw people towards them were founded, which included the concept of the sacredness of the family of the Prophet (sws) and the line of Imams etc. Thus, a basically political group was transformed into a religio-political party.

It would, however, be difficult for us to analyze the process involved in this transformation and widening of the gap between the two groups. I would suggest you go through the history of the early conflicts and the latter developments in the religious concepts of the group. Following are some important discussion on the issue:

1. http://www.ic.sunysb.edu/Stu/azarinni/origin.htm

2. http://www.rim.org/muslim/shiite.htm

3. http://www.understanding-islam.com/related/search.asp?searchstr=shiite&lookin=1

Tariq Mahmood Hashmi
Research Assistant, Studying Islam

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