3. Those who were not present at his time and learned and heard about his Message indirectly.

4. Those who just heard about him and knew that there is a religion by the name of Islam, and have no detailed knowledge of it.

5. Many Hindus around us in India, who know about Islam but are not interested in finding about its details.

6. Who never got or heard about any guidance directly from God.

7. A born muslim." />

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Question asked by AbdusSalam Khalifa.
Posted on: Wednesday, December 1, 2004 - Hits: 3689

As far as receiving the Message brought by Rasulullah, sws, is concerned, all of us do not stand at the same point. Can you tell me the minimum requirement to escape from Eternal Hellfire for different kind of people mentioned below:

1. Those who were present at the time of the Messenger, and learned and heard about his Message indirectly.

2. Those who were not present at his time, but had been "thoroughly" conveyed the Message of Islam by Muslims.

3. Those who were not present at his time and learned and heard about his Message indirectly.

4. Those who just heard about him and knew that there is a religion by the name of Islam, and have no detailed knowledge of it.

5. Many Hindus around us in India, who know about Islam but are not interested in finding about its details.

6. Who never got or heard about any guidance directly from God.

7. A born muslim.

In principle, every man on earth has been bestowed with enough guidance as far as the basic religious realities are concerned. It means that every man has been offered enough means to discover that the Almighty exists and that we need some further knowledge regarding how to live in the manner approved by Him etc.

The matters of the Day of Judgment will be decided according to the principles of perfect justice by the All-Wise and All-Just God. Every individual will be held accountable according to the nature of guidance provided to him. However, it is incumbent upon all to search for the truth and not to believe in the religion of their forefathers blindly. However, some people do not enjoy the power to do so and God will deal with them considering this shortcoming.

As regards the question of having heard about Islam or being an addressee of the Muslims and the Islamic faith, we cannot judge the status of any people other than the ones who were the direct addressees of the Messenger of God. Other than these, the matter of all will only be decided in the Hereafter. Every person will be held accountable for the manner in which he lived this life. Those who, for example, did not hear about Islam or heard about it, but the bearer of the Message of God was not able to make the Message clear to them, and thus, left them unconvinced, may be forgiven and held accountable only for the guidance that they did have.

It would not be out of place to mention that some people among the direct addressees of the Messengers of God may even be exonerated, for the Itmaam e Hujjah is performed on them as a nation and not on all the individuals. Therefore, the oft Just-God is not expected to punish those who held to what they thought to be the truth with all sincerity.

I hope this helps.

Tariq Mahmood Hashmi
Research Assistant, Studying Islam

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