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Maria the Coptic
Question asked by Mumtaz Ahmad.
Posted on: Tuesday, December 7, 2004 - Hits: 9359

I am confused about the Status of Maria the Coptic. She was a gift to the Prophet from Egypt. She gave birth to male children of the Holy Prophet. In books written about the Prophet or his wives, or on 'Sahabiat', Maria the Coptic is neither mentioned in the list of wives nor in the list of Sahabiat. Kindly explain the status of the lady.

Please refer to: The Case of Maria the Coptic and http://www.understanding-islam.com/related/text.asp?type=question&qid=371

Maria the Coptic was not taken in marriage by the Prophet (sws). However, she was, of course, a companion of his. She embraced Islam and lived with the Prophet (sws) as his slave girl for a considerable time. Some authors may have left her for they might have considered her in the list of his slaves. But we do not think that a slave girl or man cannot be considered a Companion of the Prophet (sws).

Tariq Mahmood Hashmi
Research Assistant, Studying Islam

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