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The Christian Concept of Trinity in Arabia
Question asked by Farrah Khalil.
Posted on: Monday, December 20, 2004 - Hits: 4030

In verse 5:116 of the Qur'an, it seems as if Muhammad thought that Christians were saying Mary was a god also. Did Muslims back then think the idea of the Trinity was Mary, Jesus, and God? Weren't they mistaken?

Muslims did not just think, rather, they could hear, see and understand what the Christians of their land, believed and professed:

"The first event was theological. In an era when a multitude of heresies flourished throughout Christendom, one particular theology spreading though Arabia proclaimed a divine triad rather than a Trinity. The deity, according to this teaching, was God the Father, God the Mother, and God the son. Mohammed relates to this teaching in the Quran: “God shall say, O Jesus, son of Mary, hast thou said unto mankind, take me and my mother as two Gods, besides God?” (Surah 5:116). Therefore, when Mohammed appeared teaching the oneness of God, many Christians embraced Islam, initially unaware that it was a new and different religion. Likewise in the west, much of European Christianity at first perceived Islam as simply another Christian, or conceivably Jewish, heresy."
(Source: http://www.jerusalemites.org/jerusalem/christianity/2.htm)

I have only quoted the above source to make it clear that the Christians of Arabia had a different set of beliefs.

Tariq Mahmood Hashmi
Research Assistant, Studying Islam

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