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The Kosher Halaal equivalence
Question asked by Arub Saqib.
Posted on: Wednesday, January 12, 2005 - Hits: 4489

I am of the opinion, that according to the Koran, one may eat food slaughtered by the People of the Book, that is, the Jews and the Christians. While I have read explanations in this regard, I would like to ask if it would be fine to consume kosher meat, for instance?

The Islamic Shariah requires that animals must be slaughtered by invoking Allah’s name. We know that the people of the Book living in Arabia during the time of the Holy Prophet were basically monotheists who would slaughter their animals while pronouncing Allah’s name. Thus the allowance to eat the food of the People of the Book has been given, keeping these facts in consideration.

Therefore, we can only eat the flesh of the animals slaughtered by the people of the Book if they pronounce Allah’s name before slaughtering it in a manner that the blood is completely drained out. If these basic requirements are not fulfilled then the food prepared by the People of the Book and even that of the Muslims is not considered Halaal. Thus, Kosher would be considered Halaal only if it fulfills the two basic requirements.

I hope this helps.


Tariq Mahmood Hashmi

Research Assistant, Studying Islam

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