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Hostility with Non-Muslims
Question asked by Kaylan.
Posted on: Saturday, June 18, 2005 - Hits: 3482

I have heard that non-Muslims in Islamic countries are treated like second-class citizens or worse. How do Muslims view Christians and the Jewish Faithful or Buddhists and Hindus? Do Muslims recognize that Christians and Jews share the same Faith in the same God? As opposed to the Buddhist or Hindu religion which is pagan...

According to our understanding Islam does not permit Muslims to be hostile towards the other faiths. In an Islamic state the non Muslim citizens enjoy complete religious freedom. Islam recognizes the monotheistic beliefs of the Jews and the Christians. Apart from the polytheists of Arabia Muslims have always treated the adherents of other religions under the People of the Book. The only exception is those religious creeds which are explicitly and openly polytheistic and which do admit that polytheism is the religion they adhere to. Islam permits the followers to marry the woman of the people of the book and eat their food.


Tariq Mahmood Hashmi
Research Assistant, Studying Islam

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