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Eating according to the Sunnah
Question asked by Obaid ur Rehman.
Posted on: Sunday, July 3, 2005 - Hits: 3676

I want to ask that what is the method of eating according to the Sunnah ? I mean should one sit while eating or stand?

There is no Sunnah way of eating. One should sit or stand according to the circumstances. The Prophet (sws) preferred sitting down. But this he not declare as a Sunnah.

One must note that everything that is ascribed to the Prophet (sws) is not Sunnah. Only those things which are religious in nature like eating with right hand after saying bismillah are Sunnah. These sunan have been reported down to us by the consensus of the generations of the Muslims from the Prophet (sws) without a break. Things reported in individual narratives and works of history are not always Sunnah. Things which the Prophet (sws) did merely because they formed social customs or things which he did as a human being living in a certain age and culture also are not Sunnah.


Tariq Mahmood Hashmi
Research Assistant, Studying Islam

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