I read your answer to a Captain of Pakistan Army about the permission of Islam to have sex with women captured in war. You have said that this is prohibited.

I have studied this issue thoroughly from Islamic sources and I think that there are huge mental leaps in your answer to the Captain. The point is that Quran and Hadiths have categorically allowed sex with as many slave girls as desired by a Muslim or in his possesion. This allowance is unconditional with no reference to any restriction based on the condition of the economy of the Muslim state. Neither they direct any where that the practice should be gradually given up.

Under the reign of Hadhrath Ummar, the second Khalifa, the economy of the Islamic state was so sound that no one could be found to pay zakah to (in fact this sound economy was also based on huge income from slave trade and khumus to Baithul Mal from spoils of war, which also included men and women captured in war). Still concubanage and sex with slave girls was practiced.

Moreover, if drinking wine could be abruptly disbanded, why not slavery? At least a certain condition could've been laid down for practicing slavery. And why sex with women captured in war was allowed? Was it not enough that the captured girls did physical labor in her master's house? Why was she also forced to provide sexual pleasures to the master in addition to the physical labor extracted out of her (because she had been captured in war)? In some cases husbands of the women captured were alive but the women was separated from the husband and given in slavery to a soldier, who also had the right to sell her any where he wanted. Could not the approach to this problem be more human, allowing both the captured woman and her husband to live together, to continue serving the master, and not to subject her to the indiginity of forced sex and agony of separation from husband and disintegration of family?

Hope you will provide me a satisfactory answer and help me retain my Iman.

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Sex with Female War Captives
Question asked by Fateh Mohammad.
Posted on: Monday, July 12, 2004 - Hits: 10729


 I read your answer to a Captain of Pakistan Army about the permission of Islam to have sex with women captured in war. You have said that this is prohibited.

I have studied this issue thoroughly from Islamic sources and I think that there are huge mental leaps in your answer to the Captain. The point is that Quran and Hadiths have categorically allowed sex with as many slave girls as desired by a Muslim or in his possesion. This allowance is unconditional with no reference to any restriction based on the condition of the economy of the Muslim state. Neither they direct any where that the practice should be gradually given up.

Under the reign of Hadhrath Ummar, the second Khalifa, the economy of the Islamic state was so sound that no one could be found to pay zakah to (in fact this sound economy was also based on huge income from slave trade and khumus to Baithul Mal from spoils of war, which also included men and women captured in war). Still concubanage and sex with slave girls was practiced.

Moreover, if drinking wine could be abruptly disbanded, why not slavery? At least a certain condition could've been laid down for practicing slavery. And why sex with women captured in war was allowed? Was it not enough that the captured girls did physical labor in her master's house? Why was she also forced to provide sexual pleasures to the master in addition to the physical labor extracted out of her (because she had been captured in war)? In some cases husbands of the women captured were alive but the women was separated from the husband and given in slavery to a soldier, who also had the right to sell her any where he wanted. Could not the approach to this problem be more human, allowing both the captured woman and her husband to live together, to continue serving the master, and not to subject her to the indiginity of forced sex and agony of separation from husband and disintegration of family?

Hope you will provide me a satisfactory answer and help me retain my Iman.


 I understand you have read our response to the question regarding having sex with female war captives. You have not raised any question on our response except for general comments and the only rebuttal that I see in this mail is the fact that the Muslims have been taking female war captives as slaves and have been forcing them to have sex with their masters. Please note that Islam is what is contained in the Book of God and the Sunnah of His Messenger sws. The religion is quite distinct from what some of the adherents have been doing.

All the other questions you have should be put to those who believe that Islam grants unconditional and eternal allowance of keeping slaves and having sex with female war captives. We on the contrary do not believe this to be so.

One of the scholars here at Al-Mawrid is doing research on the issue. It is hoped that after his research all the objections will be resolved and questions answered. I would request you kindly to go through the following article again and present the mental leaps you see. :Slavery and the topic Prisoners of War) in the article: The Islamic Law of Jihad. We will inshaAllah try to analyze the issues that bother you one by one and I hope that all the matters will be resolved. I pray to the Almighty that He helps us all to reach the truth and keeps us on the right path


Tariq Mahmood Hashmi

Research Assistant, Studying Islam

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