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Istikhārah and Frightening Dreams
Question asked by ..
Posted on: Wednesday, November 5, 2008 - Hits: 2988

After doing istikhārah, if a person sees a frightening dream he will most probably link it to an indication from God that he should not do what he is planning to do ( whatever that may be ). But if common sense tells him to do whatever he is thinking about, then what should a person do? People say that because now you have been given the answer in your dreams it would be incorrect to do something against what the Almighty has suggested. In other words, what should a person do if for instance his dreams tell him not to do that thing but knowledge, common sense and experience tell him to go for it?

People generally think that only through dreams does one get an indication of Allah's will after doing istikhārah. It is because of this misconception that they think that an indication through a dream is the only way to know the Almighty's will in a particular matter. Actually, there are a number of ways in which this indication can come. Dreams are just one of these. There may be several ways. For example, circumstances sometimes become more clear so that a person is able to judge for himself. Similarly, someone might just come along and help a person in his decision. Likewise, the Almighty may directly guide a person by giving him an inner indication.

However, whatever be the source, it is imperative that an indication which is against divine revelation and sense and reason should not be accepted. One should always act according to one's common sense, since this sense is the foremost guidance provided by the Almighty to man. Generally, dreams help us in deciding when there is an indication from no other source. Again, what is interpreted from them should not refute knowledge, common sense or experience, if it is to be accepted and if it does refute any of these bases, then that interpretation must be ignored.


Shehzad Saleem

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