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Rome in the times of Muhammad (sws)
Question asked by Fahad.
Posted on: Monday, August 30, 2004 - Hits: 4135

I am doing little research on Islamic history and your help in my research would be appreciated deeply. I want to know that what was the position of Rome during the lifetime of Prophet(sws) in trade, science and education ? Is Rome even more ancient and old then the Makkah and Medinah?

Also let me know which Islamic Books should I use in my research on Islamic history?

Legend has it that Rome was founded in 753 BC. Traces found by archeologists of early settlements date back to ca 750 BC. The ancient accounts of Arabia that we get from Herodotus’ The Histories date as far back as 430 BC. As for the position of Rome in trade, science and education during the lifetime of the Prophet, I’ll point you to some links that can provide useful information. Please refer to:

http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/islam/islamsbook.html (It is the internet Islamic history sourcebook)

http://www.roman-empire.net (The complete history of Roman Empire)

Apart from the first link, I think the following books can be of help in research on Islamic history.

1.The Oxford History of Islam (Edited by John L Esposito)

2. Islam: A short History (by Karen Armstrong)

3. History of the Arabs (by Philip K Hitti)

Good luck with your research.


Razi Allah
Research Assistant, Studying Islam

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