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Attitude Towards a Friend Who Drinks
Question asked by ..
Posted on: Saturday, April 16, 2011 - Hits: 3846

A friend of mine never drank while in Pakistan, but is now drinking. I have quoted the Holy Qur’ān to him. What should be my attitude towards him?

Don’t talk to him any further about drinking. Instead, on suitable occasions, talk to him about God. Tell him what He is and what He means to us. If he is able to understand that, he’ll ask you how he should stop drinking. But even here, don’t pester him. Your attitude towards him should be the attitude of a person who sees his friend moving towards his own destruction. Therefore, your attitude towards him should be of love and concern. To make yourself effective in this regard, you’ll have to maintain your ethical superiority at all times in mutual dealings.


Dr Shehzad Saleem

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