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Depression for Delayed Marriage
Question asked by ..
Posted on: Saturday, April 16, 2011 - Hits: 5568

Lately, I have been going through depression. I am a woman of twenty seven (27) and have not gotten married as yet. I try hard not to think about this but somehow it really makes me sad. Please help me out.

Please understand that whatever experiences we have in our life they are in one way or another tests from Allah. Regardless of whether the experience is positive or negative, the Qur’ān tells us that it is indeed a test from Allah.

The nature of these tests varies for different people depending on their own circumstances and of course according to the Master Plan of Allah. We can, given our understanding of a particular situation and the rules laid down by Allah, choose the best course of action. However, Allah decides the outcome and it needs not be in line with our desires or expectations.

From the information that you have chosen to share with us, I understand this to be nothing but a test from Allah. You should sincerely pray, as a humble servant of Allah, that He may move you towards what is best for you in terms of this life and the life to come. It is likely that perhaps Allah has chosen a path for you in which you will not get married and, in time, involve yourself in some other great noble task. On the other hand, it is equally likely that the apparent delay is for your benefit and perhaps you will be blessed with the best possible partner.

I recommend that you do not dwell on what Allah might possibly have in store for you. Instead you should vigorously pray that Allah may take you towards the path which is best for you in terms of this life and the life to come.

As an added note, I recommend that you recite the following supplication as often as you like:

O my Lord! truly am I in [desperate] need of any good that You do send me! (28:24)


Ameer Hamza

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