Concept of ‘Worldly Life’ & ‘Life Hereafter’ in Quran & Sunnah
(Added: 12-Sep-2010 Hits:9309)
Abstract: Almighty Allah bestowed the human beings with a lot of Blessings, gifts, skills etc and bestowed him the title “Ashraf al-Makhlukat” (The Supreme Creature or the crown of the creation). Allah revealed His last revelation (holy Quran) to Prophet Muhammad (SAW), the ‘Seal’ of the prophets. Holy Quran is a comprehensive, authentic and complete book guiding man in every aspect of life.
Fuel Prices...Fuel for Life!
(Added: 14-Sep-2009 Hits:3578)
something that occured to me while filling in the fuel the other day~when ur eyes cannot miss the jumping up prices all the time; and wen u sit & think about the lives of people dependent on these prices. and wen u relate it to the fuel we are trying to store for the life yet to come....