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Miscellaneous (67 links)

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The Correct Version of Islam
(Added: 10-Apr-2014  Hits:10580)
Does Islam permit critical thinking?
(Added: 14-Jun-2009  Hits:2844)
What is Ijtihād
(Added: 17-Sep-2008  Hits:2996)
Why so Much Difference of Opinion?
(Added: 17-Sep-2008  Hits:3169)
Women Being Possessed by a Jinn
(Added: 1-Dec-2007  Hits:3243)
Does Islam endorse Divinity of Jesus (sws)?
(Added: 31-Oct-2007  Hits:3575)
Significance of Seeing the Holy Prophet (sws) in Dreams
(Added: 31-Oct-2007  Hits:3497)
Status of Eunuchs in Islam
(Added: 31-Oct-2007  Hits:12788)
Creation of Adam and Eve
(Added: 17-Oct-2007  Hits:3373)
Dreams and Spirits
(Added: 6-Oct-2007  Hits:3467)

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