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Should they die? Assisted Death Bill UK
Author/Source:   Posted by: StIslamUK
Hits: 4683 Rating: 0 (0 votes) Comments: 0 Added On: Saturday, May 13, 2006 Rate this article

Dr.Shahid Sharif. Oncologist.UK

I happen to deal with terminally ill patients as a doctor in cancer. I would not be happy to prescribe drugs to my patients to kill themselves as so far in my experience i do not think there is any such condition which gives us a reason to suggest the patient to take his.her life. There is always a room for improved care, be it for physical or mental agony.


Shehzad Saleem. Religious Researcher

Regarding Euthanasia, Islam's stance is quite clear. Life is a trial and test and only God has the authority to end it. If one take's away one's life even if he/she is terminally ill he is actually rejecting the scheme of God on account of which God was testing him through such a disease. This amounts to suicide and one does not have the right to commit it.


Moiz Amjad. Religious Researcher

You will see that to be understandable, this response presupposes a particular overview of life. We are very lucky that this overview is generally ascribed to by the followers of almost all those religions that hold God as a reality.


In almost the same manner, the proponents of the Assisted Death Bill presuppose a different starting point for their view point. I am sure you will agree that their basis is no less moral - atheistic, but moral. If I were to believe that the pain and affliction in this life were random, I'd definitely be in the same camp. Obviously, followers of almost all religions, do not believe that. I would feel that this aspect of the issue divides the two camps into a) people ascribing to any of the religions and b) others. I would also feel that if this point can be established, then interference in death, even under such traumatic circumstances, can come under the domain of interference in one's religious ideals, duties and obligations.


This point might just help you in forming a broader strategy to counter the movement.

I hope this helps and is not a mere waste of time.


Assisted Death Bill UK. Your Opinion.
(http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/4763067.stm) There has been a hot debate all day today across the UK and Ireland on this issue; not only in medical& political world, but also among general public. We would like to have your opinion as well on this. Please send to stislamuk@aol.com or serving.humanity@gmail.com.

R.T.General Nurse UK
I think if we have better resources we can look after these people better rather than suggesting them to kill themselves. It is usually the relatives and carers who fed up.

D. Buttler. Staff Nurse UK
I have a feeling that we are getting more and more selfish for ourselves and our needs. Elderly were sent to Nursing homes previously and now we want to get rid of the disabled ones. How much money can we save like this.

Aileen Abaccus. Staff Nurse. UK
The rule of nature is : You can not DESTROY that which you never BUILT . We did not create ourselves and as such we have no right to take this life, your own or another’s! It is imperative that everyone shows respect for human life and that is a central tenet for PEACE KEEPING on this planet. In the same way no one should support the use of nuclear weapons to destroy humans, and not support cloning for creating unfeeling ROBOT Beings. Who knows where OK –ing such a bill can lead us? It could be a detonator of things best left alone, like opening a Pandora’s Box. People should be allowed to die in dignity and that is not consistent with helping them to die.

Dr.Henna Khan
Obstetrician & Gynaecologist UK

With deep sympathy and prayers for all those who suffer with such health condition, I would still say that we must not forget that this life is a test to see which of us remains patient. This is a temporary life. Everyone is tried in different ways in their own environment. Some with economical problems, some with physical health and others with mental health and stress. But if they remain patient and the ones caring for them remain patient to their best, God will reward them with peace and of course they will not be in this situation in the eternal life. But suicide would mean we do not agree with this plan of test and we give up and take the decision in our own hands--killing ourselves. How much actually is in our hands? So many a times we fail to save a life despite all our efforts and advanced medical technology.
If we pass this bill, we will have to pass such a bill for those orphans and other sufferers as well on whom war has been afflicted and who go through agony and pain, deprivement and worthlessness, disease and death, hunger and insult and so much more everyday. What about the ones dying with famine, forced to eat rats and human waste? I'm afraid the list will be never ending of the ones who should be allowed suicide....

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