Alcohol & Health
(Added: 3-Mar-2009 Hits:4465)
"This study suggests that for women over 50 even drinking moderate amounts of any type of alcohol can have many health consequences, including a greater chance of developing breast cancer."
wish to die because of my disease....Euthanasia
(Added: 10-Dec-2008 Hits:3831)
We have had discussion on euthanasia previously as well on our website. There most opinions from people coming from various faith backgrounds were that life is a test(may God protect us from difficult tests) Disease is a part of that and suicide because of the disease would be classed as a disagreement with the Divine Will?
Jesus through Muslim eyes
(Added: 3-Jul-2008 Hits:4352)
muslims see jesus pbuh as other great prophets of islam, who came to further and fullfill the message of abraham pbuh. also,as Qura'n informs, they see him as the healer, this being his special miracle given by God.
your organs on line??
(Added: 9-Jan-2007 Hits:4720)
The Sun newspaper reported that people are selling their kidneys, parts of their liver and eyes to raise money to pay off debts.
they die? Assisted Death Bill UK
(Added: 13-May-2006 Hits:4697)
Although the bill has been blocked by the House of Lords today, but the campaigne will continue by it's supporters to get it passed. We need to have stance of various faiths on it.
(Added: 24-Aug-2005 Hits:5019)
Ministers will ask what should be done with embryos stored after couples undergo IVF treatment but then split up and disagree about their use.
We never expected the Act would remain forever unchanged
Hang on
a Minute......
(Added: 8-May-2005 Hits:4767)
One remains amazed at the facts revealed from these research projects and their connection to the teachings of our beautiful religion. Although Revelationary Books are not the Books of Science, but I find a lot of sense in this Last Revelation i.e. Qura’n, regarding the matters of human science.