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Allamah Nasir Uddin Albani
Author/Source: Silsilaul Ahadees e Zaifa w Mouzoa by Albani, Wikipedia, subulassalaam.com, Arab News  Posted by: M Rashid Hai
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Muhammad Naasir ad Deen ibn Haaj Nooh al Albaanee.(1914 – 1999)


Al ‘Allaamah, al Faqeeh, the Muhaddith of our time, it is said that he revived the knowledge of Hadeeth in our time, it was also said that he revived the time of al Haafidh ibn Hajar and al Haafidh ibn Katheer again. He was amongst the few who specialized in the knowledge of Jarh wa Ta’deel and Mustalah al Hadeeth

Al-Albani was born into a poor family in the city of Shkodra, the then capital of Albania. His father, Haaj Nuh Najati al-Albani, had completed Sharia studies in Istanbul and returned to Albania as one of the major Hanafi scholars of the country. During the reign of secularist Ahmet Zogu (8 October 1895 – 9 April 1961), was King of the Albanians from 1928 to 1939. He was previously Prime Minister of Albania (1922–1924) and President of Albania (1925–1928)), al-Albani's family disagreed with the Western-influenced views of the government and migrated to Damascus. In Damascus, he completed his early education, and was taught the Quran, tajwid, Arabic linguistic sciences, Hanafi fiqh and further branches of the religion by a number of Islamic scholars as well as friends of his father.[1]

By the age of twenty, he began specializing in the field of Hadith and its related sciences. Al-Albani delved further into the Hadith sciences and when unable to afford many of the required books, he often borrowed them from the famous Az-Zahiriyah library in Damascus. He became engrossed with his studies to the extent that he remained in the library for up to twelve hours - breaking only for prayer - not even leaving to eat, preferring to instead take light snacks with him.

After some time he started giving two weekly classes attended by university students and professors, teaching various books of 'Aqidah, Fiqh, Usul and Hadith. He also began organizing monthly journeys for da'wah to various cities in Syria and Jordan.

After a number of his works appeared in print the Al-Albani was chosen to teach Hadith at the Islamic University of Madinah, for three years (from 1381 to 1383H) where he was also a member of the University board. Later he would return to his studies and work in the Az-Zahiriyah library.

Al-Albani was involved in active learning and teaching of the Islamic sciences for more than 50 years. He was renowned for his efforts in the service of the science of Hadith and in explaining the sources of those hadith, books mentioning them, and their grades in terms of authenticity and weakness. He is considered by various Muslim scholars as being the greatest Islamic scholar of the 20th century in the field of Hadith sciences. He authored more than 220 titles with some books being up to 40 volumes long and a good number of them comprising over three volumes. One of his first works regarding the Hadith was the transcription of a book entitled "Al-Mughni." In 1957, Al-Albani published his first book which

was authored in jurisprudence and entitled "Warning the Worshipper of Taking Graves as Mosques." The book contains Al-Albani's treatise against using graves as places for worship through explaining the position of the Sharia'a (Islamic Law) on prayers performed in graveyards, mosques built upon graves, and the evil of seeking aid from the dead.

During the 1950s, Al-Albani worked on writing and publishing the book entitled "Hijab ul Mar'atul Muslimah" (Veil of the Muslim Woman). Al-Albani's book entitled "Silsilatus Saheehah wa Da'eefah" (The Series of Correct and Fabricated Narrations) are the two monumental compilations of the Hadith. "Silsilatu Da'eefah" is a book published in 14 large volumes with a total number of about 7,000 hadith, and "Silsilatus Saheeh" is another of his books published in seven large volumes with a total number of about 3000 hadith. The book entitled "Irwa'a ul Galeel fii Takhreej il Ahadeethi Manaarus Sabeel" (The Complete Source in Explaining the Hadith) presents the evidence for the jurisprudential opinions in the book entitled "Manaarus Sabeel" and verifies the authenticity of the evidence in terms of soundness or weakness of the hadith and the conclusions reached on the rulings. The book contained more than 2,707 hadith verified and compiled in eight volumes. The book entitled "Sifatus Salaatu Nabiyy" (The Description of the Prophet's Prayer (pbuh)) contains a detailed description of the prophet's prayer (pbuh) including its essentials, manners, forms, supplications, and remembrances. His book entitled "Ghaayatul Maraam fii Takhreeji Ahadith il Halaal wal Haraam" (The Ultimate Goal in Explaining the Lawful and Unlawful Prophetic Traditions) which comprises elaborate discussions on the verification and the categorization of the prophetic traditions included in the book with brief notes on a few jurisprudential conclusions of the author. Also among his other famous books: "Rules of Funerals" and "Forbiddance of Musical Instruments."

He visited various countries for preaching and lectures - amongst them Qatar, Egypt, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Spain and the United Kingdom. He was forced to emigrate a number of times moving from Syria to Jordan, then Syria again, then Beirut, then the UAE, then again to 'Ammaan, Jordan. His works - mainly in the field of Hadith and its sciences number over 100. His students were numerous and include many Sheikhs of the present day. It is also well-know that he has memorized hundred thousand hadith. [2]

Al-Albani was awarded the King Faisal's International Award for Islamic Studies in 1999 in tribute to his scientific efforts in authenticating and studying of the sciences of Hadith.

Al-Albani died on October 2, 1999, at age of 85 and was buried in Amman, Jordan. Al-Albani was described as the mujaddid (reviver) of the Mohammedan nation who is raised up at the beginning of every century. He was also the upholder of the Sunna (norms) of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh), a supporter of the truth, and opposed the people of fabrications.

What great scholars used to say about Allama Albani:
Al ‘Allaamah ‘Abdul ‘Azeez ibn Baaz also known as Bin Baaz the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia (1993-till his death in1999)stated:
“I have not seen a scholar of Hadeeth under the shade of the skies like al ‘Allaamah Muhammad Naasir ad Deen al Albaanee in this time period.”

He was also asked: ‘Who is the Mujaddid (reviver) of this century?’ He replied: ‘In my opinion, the Mujaddid of this time period is Shaykh Muhammad Naasir ad Deen al Albaanee and Allaah knows best.’

Al ‘Allaamah Muhammad ibn Saalih al ‘Uthamymeen(*), may Allaah have mercy upon him, stated:.

“…he possesses vast knowledge of Hadeeth, whether it is in the chains of narration or the understanding of the texts. Allaah has benefited many people through his written works, in terms of knowledge, Manhaj, and inclination to the knowledge of Hadeeth. He has had an enormous influence over the Muslims, and all praise is due to Allaah."

Al ‘Allaamah Muqbil ibn Haadee al Waadi’ee(**) stated:
“What I firmly believe and worship Allaah with is that Shaykh Muhammad Naasir ad Deen al Albaanee, may Allaah preserve him, is from the Muhadithoon, those whom the following statement of the Messenger of Allaah - صلى الله عليه وسلم – falls true upon: “Indeed Allaah sends someone who revives the affair of the religion at the end of every hundred years.’

Al ‘Allaamah ‘Abdul Muhsin al ‘Abbaad(***) stated:
“I do not know anyone of his caliber in this time period, in caring for Hadeeth and the extent of his knowledge. I or other than me cannot do without his books and benefiting from them.”

Amongst his achievements:
1. He was selected by the Faculty of Sharee’ah in the University of Damascus to make Takhreej of the Ahaadeeth of transactions that were specifically collected by the University and published in 1955.

2. He was selected to be a member of the Committee of Hadeeth that was founded during the union between Egypt and Syria. It was tasked to oversee the publication and editing of the books of the Sunnah.

3. He was requested by the Salafee University in Banaris, India, to be responsible of the affairs of Hadeeth. He excused himself from the position due to the difficulty of taking his family there during the time of war between India and Pakistan.

4. In 1388 H. Shaykh Hassan ibn ‘Abdullaah Aal ash Shaykh requested that he assume the position of supervisor for higher education in the faculty of Islaamic studies in the University of Makkah, he was unable to take up the position.

5. He was selected to be a member of the Higher Committee in the Islaamic University of Madeenah from 1395 – 1398 H. He also lectured at the University.

6. He accepted the request of the noble Shaykh ‘Abdul ‘Azeez ibn Baaz, may Allaah have mercy upon him, to travel to Egypt, Morocco and Britain to call to Tawheed and the adherence to the Qur-aan and Sunnah with the correct Islaamic methodology.

7. He received the National King Faisal prize for Islaamic Studies in 1419 H. for ‘Efforts on the knowledge of Prophetic Hadeeth’

Amongst the books he authored:
1. As Silsilah as Saheehah.
2. As Silsilah ad Da’eefah.
3. Saheeh wa Da’eef Sunnan Abu Dawood.
4. Irwaa al Ghaleel.
5. Saheeh wa Da’eef Jaami’ at Tirmidhee.
6. Saheeh wa Da’eef Sunan an Nasaa-ee.
7. Saheeh wa Da’eef Sunan ibn Maajah.
8. Saheeh wa Da’eef at Targheeb wat Tarheeb.
9. Al Jaam’ as Sagheer wa Ziyaadatahu.
10. Mishkaat al Masabeeh.
11. Al Adab al Mufrad [Tahqeeq].
12. Mishkaat al Masaabeeh.
13. ‘Dhilaal al Jannah.
14. Ath Thamar al Mustataab.
15. Takhreej at Tahaweeyah.
16. The Prophet’s Hajj.
17. Tamaam al Minnah.
18. Adaab az Zafaaf.
19. The Rulings of Funerals.
20. The Jilbaab of the Muslimah.
21. The Night Prayer.
22. Mukhtasar al ‘Uluw.
23. Manaaasik al Hajj wal ‘Umrah.
24. Mukhtasar ash Shamaa-il al Muhamadiyyah.
25. Saheeh as Seerah an Nabawiyyah.
26. Wiping Over the Socks.
27. Al Kalim at Tayyib.
28. Riyaad as Saaliheen [Tahqeeq].

(*) Al ‘Allaamah Muhammad ibn Saalih al ‘Uthamymeen
Date of Birth: 1347 H | 1926Died: 1421 H | 2001 Country of Origin: Saudi Arabia
Former member of the Council of Senior Scholars of Saudi Arabia from 1407 until his death.
Former member of the Scholastic Council of the Muhammad ibn Sa’ood Islaamic University.
Former member of the council of the Sharee’ah and Usool ad Deen faculty as well as president of the ‘Aqeedah branch of the Muhammad ibn Sa’ood Islaamic University branch in Qaseem.
Former member of the Council of Education and Enlightenment during the Hajj season from 1392 until his death.
Former president of the non-profit Memorization of the Noble Quraan Society in ‘Unayzah from 1405 until his death.

(**)Shaikh Muqbil bin Haadee Al-Waadi’ee (19??-2001) ( مقبل بن هادي الوادعي) was a renowned Muslim scholar and a proponent of Salafism.
After finishing primary education in Yemen, Muqbil spent roughly two decades of Islamic studies in Saudi Arabia under the well known scholar Muhammad ibn al Uthaymeen in Najran and attended Halaqas led by Hadith scholar Muhammad Nasiruddin al-Albani and former Grand Mufti Abd-al-Aziz ibn Abd-Allah ibn Baaz.[1] It was after this that he enrolled in the Islamic University of Madinah.
In 1979 his stay in Saudi was ended abruptly when he was indicted on suspected involvement in the Grand Mosque Seizure. After spending a few months in prison Grand Mufti ibn Baaz negotiated his release, though he was forced to return to his home country; it was there that he began to spread the Salafi Da'wah in Yemen.
While there he would go on to establish what would become one of the most important educational institutions of Salafi Islam in the world - the Madrasah Dar al-Hadith al-Khayriyya in Dammaaj. After a prolonged illness, Muqbil died in 2001.

(***)Allama Abdul-Muhsin Alabbaad
Date of Birth: 1353 H | 1935Country of Origin: Saudi Arabia
He was selected to teach at the Islaamic University of Madeenah by the former Mufti of Saudi Arabia; al ‘Allaamah Muhammad ibn Ibraheem, may Allaah have mercy upon him, and he was the first person to lecture at the University.
He was chosen to be the vice president of the Islaamic University of Madeenah by King Faysal, may Allaah have mercy upon him, in 1393 H.
He became the President of the Islaamic University of Madeenah in 1395 H after its President; the former Mufti, al ‘Allaamah ibn Baaz , may Allaah have mercy upon him, left, and he remained in that postion until 1399 H.
He currently lectures in the Faculty of Sharee’ah in the Islaamic University as well as the Prophetic Masjid of Madeenah.

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