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Topic initiated on Thursday, July 14, 2005 - 3:50 AM
Multifaith Community Stand
Multifaith Community Stand in the Royal County of Berkshire
Following the London bombings the local borough council organized the above on Monday the 11th July'05 in order to give an opportunity to the public members to bring forth their concerns and clarify misunderstandings.
There were Christian, Muslim, Jew, Bahai, Hindu and Sikh representatives on the stand. Each stand was hosted by religious representatives who also displayed some informative literature about their faith. One stand was hosted by the members of the Council and the local mayor was present.
The Muslim stand was hosted jointly by Studying Islam UK, Islamic Society of Britain and UK Islamic Mission.
The event took place in a friendly environment on a sunny morning in the heart of the town centre. A refreshment stall was set up by the council. Those effected by the London bombings were remembered in prayers.
It was suggested by the personnel present that more such events should be organized frequently in order to provide opportunities to bring the communities together.
( Report: Dr. Henna Khan. Regional Rep UK Chapter & Coordinator Communities @ Studying Islam) |
Posted - Thursday, July 14, 2005 - 5:30 PM
Muslim Unity Convention
7th August 2005
United Kingdom (UK)
For more information vivit |
Posted - Thursday, July 14, 2005 - 7:48 PM
Sister Heena, what was the general view among the Muslim participators in the assembly? were they feeling guilty and justifying that its no where in Islam? Is the view to deny sucide bombing been shared by all the authorised imams in UK? Did they say anything about the political problems behind that? Did they condem the extremism in Islam? Can you tell us the Muslim Participators views, and specially those from studying-islam, please.
Edited by: gohar on Thursday, July 14, 2005 7:49 PM |
Posted - Friday, July 15, 2005 - 4:17 PM
w'assala'm hv seen your post gohar. shall come bak on it soon inshallah as i wish to reply in detail and am tied up with a few things presently.
regards |
Posted - Sunday, July 17, 2005 - 11:28 AM
Sister Heena, what was the general view among the Muslim participators in the assembly? were they feeling guilty and justifying that its no where in Islam? Is the view to deny sucide bombing been shared by all the authorised imams in UK? Did they say anything about the political problems behind that? Did they condem the extremism in Islam? Can you tell us the Muslim Participators views, and specially those from studying-islam, please.
We did not need to clarify ourselves, niether was there any sense of guilt as we know the teaching of Islam which is what God and the Prophets of all times have conveyed that saving one life is like saving the whole humanity and killing one is like killing the whole humanity. Same is the stance of Studying Islam, which is logical and according to common sense. People visiting the stand were from different faiths and backgrounds. Most of them quietly picked our information leaflets and booklets which included Islam & Terrorism by Khurram Murad and another by ISB on the same topic, Misunderstandings about relationship with Non muslims from Monthly Renaissance March'02 was available for reference and some of the EMEL magazines, information about Query service of Studying Islam and the site as well as Renaissance and Understanding Islam. Some visitors talked about the sources of Islam and we had a chance to unveil the commonolaties between other religions and Islam. Also the religious leaders had an opportunity to discuss the stance of religion and terrorism over a cup of tea in a friendly environment.
Hope this answers your questions.
Edited by: hkhan on Sunday, July 17, 2005 12:34 PM |
Posted - Sunday, July 17, 2005 - 11:56 AM
Assalam-u-allaikum ! One of the teachings of Islam is that we should not believe a blame without verifying it. We shouldn't believe everything the western media gives us. If they want us to believe something they must give us proof.
Any way here is a web site that truly presents that :
they can't fool all the people all the time, and some interesting events that lead to prove otherwise. Interesting latest updates section "In times of terror the truth takes a tumble " |
Posted - Sunday, July 17, 2005 - 12:36 PM
this bit is understood that the people held responsible are still "suspects" only. |
Posted - Saturday, July 23, 2005 - 8:09 AM
dear sis, its not only our problem with different faiths, its the same within ourselves too. have a look at the incidents in Pakistan when they bomb in mosques. And when they slain other muslim brothers for their outspoken nature. blaming them for being too liberal or communist. |
Posted - Saturday, July 23, 2005 - 2:13 PM
thnx asim for the links. 
you are right gohar. change needs to come from within us. however we ought to face the problems where we live and find solutions. i'm sure you all and our islamic organizations' leaders must be trying hard to tackle with the situation in pakistan may allah protect all human beings everywhere in the world and let all of us worry not only for this world; but for its pair, the hereafter as well. |
Posted - Saturday, July 23, 2005 - 8:01 PM
Its the islamic organisations whom we have given authority over our faiths that they have taken control of our lives and decide whatever they can concieve with their rigid and limited approach. We are never faithfuls as we never believe in what we say otherwise we would have believe in ourselves, and percept and concieve events and objects ourselves. There is no such thing as religious leaders or imams, yes there could be teachers of specific field of knowledge, and knowledge is never religious.
Edited by: gohar on Saturday, July 23, 2005 8:08 PM |
Posted - Monday, July 25, 2005 - 4:23 AM
I think the present problem is general ignorance in religious matters and religious education of common muslim from the basic sources Qura'n and the beloved prophet's sunnah is the job to be done every where in the world, as is the aim of this site. so that muslims can learn the true and balanced message of Islam instead of self imposed laws from out of the basic sources.
presently according to a rough statistics only 1 in 1000 muslims know what is written in qura'n , let alone the sunnah. |
Posted - Monday, July 25, 2005 - 4:28 AM
I feel that messages like the following put a lot of responsibility on the Muslims of today, everywhere.
My dear friends, I am so very proud of you. You have acted in the true spirit of Britishness, or I should even say Englishness, in your stand against terrorism.
I am a 61 year old English,retired lady teacher who watches the events of 2005 unfold with horror and bewilderment. I grew up in a post war era of hope, peace and simplicity, whereby our goals were straight forward and our lives were sunny and simple. I had wonderful parents who dedicated their lives to the happiness of their children. I am now so very sad that life has become so complex and confusing. I wish I understood what is happening in the world today, but I don't. However, I think that British Muslims are the best in the world. You are the only ones who have spoken out in real and straight forward terms about terrorism. I think you are unique and I thank you for your leadership in this field. Who else, in this confused world of ours, would take such a positive and noble stand? Only a British Muslim would have such courage. Please go out into the wider world and take your views and values with you. You are our only hope. Oh dear, I do hope that I don't sound a little prejudiced. It is so hard not to be in this confusingly politically correct world of ours, but I do think that you have the essential values that we hold so dear in this country, of courage, honesty, integrity, and truthfulness. Whatever our faults, and we all have them, you show the same spirit to me of any English person who would go forward, whatever the odds and speak out in truth and honesty for what they believe and hold dear. Keep talking. What Islam needs is people like you. It needs your understanding, your honesty and, above all, your leadership. Who else, but a British Muslim, would speak out to the world about what Islam is really all about and what it believes and where it is going. You are unique in the world today. You have real leadership and we need you. I do apologise if I write with any racial undertones, or have offended you in anyway but I do believe that it is because you have the same tolerant and visionary values as us, that you have become, seemingly, the only Moslems in the world to take a balanced view and at the same time have the courage to speak out and tell the world what this all about. Who else have we heard calling for restraint or peace? I do believe that your Muslim youth should integrate with ours and not be separate from us. They should join us in our schools. Our lost children need your values and it would raise the values of our youth today if yours could integrate with ours and give them a little leadership in a world so hopelessly dominated by the media. Youth are ready for leadership, idealism and principles. They would, I am sure, benefit from the high standards that Muslims expect from their own youth. I wish you peace and courage in these difficult times and hope that I have caused you no offence or belittled you in anyway. Yours sincerely, Jennifer Dyer of Eastbourne, East Sussex.
United Kingdom |
Posted - Monday, July 25, 2005 - 11:46 PM
I dont know who is the sender neither the addresse.
The British have to sort the incident out anyway either this way or the other. Its their country and they have to keep it peaceful. They know how to defuse the situation.
The problem is with "our" individual/--us.
Edited by: gohar on Monday, July 25, 2005 11:57 PM |
Posted - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 - 8:48 PM
that message was recvd. in an isb(islamic society of britain) mass email but doesn't matter; just take the message plz which lays a tremendous resposibility on muslims everywhere in the world; to live, present and spread the true picture of Islam, the essence of which is peace and harmony; wassala'm
Islam and Peace
People of the world Do you know the truth about Islam? Or do you think, it’s bombing planes/trains and killing innocent people?
Forget about the lies. I’m here to tell you how it really is. You deserve to know about this beautiful way of life.
People of the World, Islam is all about peace, Terrorism, it doesn’t teach It’s all about love, and family and charity, And praying to one God…
It’s something you should know I know its really helped me grow; It doesn’t agree with arrogance And teaches us morality.
A perfect way to live So don’t believe all you see and hear Too many people wear the title of a Muslim But they don’t practice Islam…
People of the World, Islam is all about peace, Terrorism, it doesn’t teach It’s all about love and family and charity And praying to one God…
And it teaches us the Creator has made This life for us a test; And if we follow Truth and do good deeds He’ll reward us in the next.
If we remember God and teach each other The Truth and Patience In this way, together we can Live in peace.
This is Islam.
People of the World, Islam is all about peace, Terrorism, it doesn’t teach It’s all about love and family and charity And praying to one God…
Song adapted from Adam's World Nasheed Group
Edited by: hkhan on Thursday, July 28, 2005 12:51 AM |
Posted - Monday, August 8, 2005 - 5:28 AM
LIVING ISLAM FAMILY CAMP UK 28th to 31st July'05
This was a great success as the last one in July 2003 alhamdulillah. Organized by Islamic Society of Britain and Young Muslims UK; open to people from all faiths and cultures. A wonderful oppoirtunity to stay in a camping environment for 4 days away from the hustle and bustle of the city life, on vast green highlands ; joining eachother not only while collecting pearls of knowledge from muslim scholars attending from different parts of the world, but also in the shopping area where you could buy stuff from different parts of the world including books and audio visula material of knowledge, tea and coffee halls, creche and the prayer hall and while eating together in food marquise; sometimes for prayers in open air when weather allows and last but not the least during the entertainment sessions. One night of special entertainment for ladies only is an interesting event.
Our children had an opportunity to join healthy indoor and outdoor scout activities all three days and teenagers had an opportunity to help younger scouts which is a teaching for themselves as they teach youngsters. The scouts' tea shirts had the slogan of ISB and "Make Poverty History" as sponsored by Islamic Relief who had their stalls as well.
There were men and women sport activities for those who did not want an afternoon nap and rather continued while older campers had some sleep. Special workshops with different scholars continued during afternoons as well while tired mums had a chat over a cup of tea while under 5s played in creche which had loads of indoor and outdoor fun for these kids.
So if you took an air view you would find more than 4000 campers busy in different healthy activities at a time.
The main theme of the camp was helping and serving humanity rather than one clas, group or creed of people.
There was a good number of male and female police pfficers staying in the viscinity for extra security due to the recent and sad incidents of London bombings. They looked quite hard and reserved the 1st day, but by day 3 they were playing football with our children and joined us in queues on Asian foodstalls including halwa puri stalls when they were teased by some campers that police is not allowed halwa puri and they smiled"once in a while may be" ; Some of them were present in talks as well specially during the discussions and Islamic stance about recent events as well as healthy criticism on the state's foreign policy. |
Posted - Monday, August 8, 2005 - 11:30 AM
I always fail to understand this appologistic behaviour of being a Muslim. And this pleasure and merrying when we are accepted as second degree humans by Westerners. Being peaceful does not need to ensure other people of it rather it speaks of itself.
Does being peaceful and loving Muslim means to be only with westerners, not to own muslims, hindus, our own community christain sweepers.
Why do we term our interests, shortcomings and lust as Islamic.
Do we always have to think about ourselves from other people's perspects and specially the stronger ones?
I really do not understand this, as some kind of compromise, confusion, hypocricy or utter missunderstand.
We would never be able to live our own lives.
And yes one more thing I know most of us are waiting till these Westerners converts to Islam and do good for us and Islam. |
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