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Are Oral and Anal Sex considered Fornication?
Question asked by Anonymous.
Posted on: Friday, July 14, 2006 - Hits: 4796

Are Oral and Anal Sex considered Fornication? Is punishment required in addition to repentance in order for Allah to fully forgive someone? If someone only repents with sincerity and stays away from sin, and does not undergo punishment, will he or she be able to enter Paradise?

I would appreciate your response

Fornication involves vaginal penetration by the male sex organ. Anything less than that is not considered sexual intercourse. Therefore, the punishment prescribed for fornication is not applicable in this case. The court can decide any kind of punishment for this act if a case is brought before it. It may be noted that Islam wants people to not report such sins and to hide them if they come to their notice.

Thus if a person repents truly and stays away from the sin he or she will be forgiven by the Merciful God. The Almighty has explained this in the Holy Qur'an in no unclear terms.


Tariq Mahmood Hashmi
Research Assistant, Studying Islam

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