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Punishments (8 links)

Doctors and the Punishment of Unintentional Murder
(Added: 19-Sep-2011  Hits:4792)
Is Blasphemy Punishable by Death?
(Added: 30-Jun-2010  Hits:2543)
Reporting Sexual Misdemeanors
(Added: 16-Nov-2009  Hits:2602)
Reporting Sexual Misdemeanors
(Added: 15-Apr-2009  Hits:2632)
Are Oral and Anal Sex considered Fornication?
(Added: 14-Jul-2006  Hits:4701)
Punishment of Apostasy
(Added: 31-May-2006  Hits:3620)
The Punishment for Apostasy
(Added: 15-Aug-2005  Hits:3730)
The Punishment for Incest
(Added: 9-Aug-2004  Hits:11687)

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