Apologies to the People of our Land....for the War & Bloodshed...
(Added: 9-May-2009 Hits:3667)
There is no doubt that the State has to make sure that our country is safe and secure, but is force, war & bloodshed the answer or solution to the present problems of extreme views and violence in Pakistan or anywhere in the world or does the solution lie in spending resources on the education of the people about the real concepts of Islamic way of life, from the original sources of Qur'an and the practices of the prophets (peace be upon them) Sunnah
Why are muslims suffering?
(Added: 23-Apr-2009 Hits:3829)
An analysis of the possible causes of the present situation of Muslim ummah globally. The blame culture we are living in and the facts behind it.
us Sat-Nav...
(Added: 30-Jul-2007 Hits:4274)
it takes much less of the pains to try and find out the Truth. before following every star blindly-than the pains we take for the trivial things of attraction in life but the consequences can be tremendously disastrous or fantastically brilliant..
(Added: 30-Apr-2007 Hits:4654)
a reflection of a self criticism, which i think we all need to do quite often! if we wish to carry on in the right direction.
Worship Buildings cause Isolation or
(Added: 10-Apr-2007 Hits:4607)
a local mosque needed to be shifted due to the local muslim population areas. there have been interesting comments by community members coming from various backgrounds as this one published in a local news papaer.
What Is
Hard In The Heart/Peace
(Added: 10-May-2004 Hits:4863)
The money, the material and fame will be what they look for and live for; feeling self sufficient just with those; needing/spreading no warmth of TLC(tender loving care. "A person gives away what he/she receives as a child" is a general rule,with few exceptions.