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Posted - Monday, May 21, 2007 - 11:19 AM
thnx S. this is why studying islam has also introduced this forum and we encourage our members to take part in this-bringing in to share what they find in their communities;including suggestions like this-to implement peace which is purpose of islam; |
Posted - Friday, May 25, 2007 - 5:34 PM
we should all come together with unity. |
Posted - Monday, May 28, 2007 - 10:40 PM
faith could be a good platform for unity
Look out for our forth coming local project 'Faith Anchor'
outline: posing just 1 question to the members of general public on high street on a few busy days of summer-who wish and stop to talk to us for a minute- the response will be recorded and edited for public education.
'Do you think Faith is something needed in your life or various entertainments, alcohol, drugs,smoking etc. are enough or better of an alternatives?'
the members of the local Faith partnership would be posing the Q. and would be there off n on to discuss any issues/Q.
community champions org.UK has kindly funded this project ;putting your heart back to the communities'
may organize similar in own areas. |
Posted - Sunday, September 30, 2007 - 10:09 PM
(the following verses must be looked at with the full contxt of the surah and its pair surah a'l e imran which details the mistakes done by the people of the book of the times before and during the presence of the last prophet Muhammad sws/pbuh and they deliberately rejected his prophethood. it does not necessarily apply to the jews and christians of today's time 'n age.)
They say'Become Jews or Christians if you would be guided (to salvation).' Say you:'(I would rather) the religion of Abraham the True, and he joined not gods with God.' Say you: 'We believe in God and the revelation given to us, and to Abraham,Ismail,Isaac,Jacob, and the Tribes, and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that given to (all) Prophets from their Lord. We make no difference between one another of them:and we bow to God in Islam' surah baqarah 135,136 |
Posted - Friday, October 12, 2007 - 8:01 AM
Invitation fwded from: John Newton
Building relations with People of other Faith
led by
Rev. Dominic & Mrs Awais Moghul (serving the Anglican & Methodist churches in Bradford in interfaith work)
Sunday, 28th October 2007
St Andrew’s Methodist Church Merton Road, Slough
4.30 – 6.00pm Workshop on Theological foundations and practical implications of interfaith work
Circuit Service followed by light refreshments
Please let us know if you will be attending the workshop by calling telephone number 01753 534079 or via |
Posted - Tuesday, October 16, 2007 - 1:31 PM
Muslim Exhibition in Slough Museum, Slough High Street. UK
Organized by Cultural Insight UK in association with Renaissance Readers Club UK. From 3rd to 27th Oct 07
We hope to have this on a broader scale in London soon.
Visit and send your comments.
Contact: Rani Bilkhu. Director Cultural Insight UK ph:07958603541 Dr.Henna Khan. Chair Renaissance Readers Club UK ph:07880748913

Posted - Wednesday, October 17, 2007 - 12:14 PM
More pics from the above exhib which is organized as a cultural and religious mix-renaissance readers club uk contributing to the academic part with our journals on various topics clarifying misunderstandings about Islam in the recent past years
 Museum Entrance from High Street

Theme of the corner:Research project by Riffat: 'Use of various plants of henna/mehandi in Islamic world' (Please ignore the manequin-wasn't ready yet-it does have a head and a proper size matching dopatta now :) |
Posted - Thursday, October 18, 2007 - 2:40 PM
My reply is to shahidas;
It is true that the majority of people who would tick the "Christian Box" in hospital or questionare are not "practicing Christians". None-the-less, if pushed, they would respond along the lines of belief in "Jesus as the son of God". Church congregations are populated by believers who have a very dubious view of the faith, and my work with the "Faith Junction" project has led me to believe that Chrisianity is not the only religion to suffer from ignorance at grassroots level. It is common to all faiths, and I have found that it is the enquiring mind that seeks God, and the enquiring mind will not be satisfied with a simple set of rules. Indeed, the simple rule-set will breed fundamentalism, whereas the enquiring mind will delve deeper and deeper, and will be interested in all aspects of faith, and inter-faith, in a search for truth and wisdom, whereas the grassroots seek God's favour. |
Posted - Monday, October 22, 2007 - 2:49 PM
Thank you David for your reply. I am very much in agreement with what you have said that "its the enquiring mind that seeks God". One has to be very open minded to learn and find out about other faiths. Its been stressed in our Holy Quran many times "Tadabbur, Tafakkur and Tazakkur" ( to find means to learn reading, to think and to read again and again so you remember whats been written ) means that why does not one adopt methods to learn and find out, think and to read Quran over and over again to actually understand and remember while you are carrying out your daily routines. One dont have to just have blind faith upon it so read, understand and think and you will get convinced if you are wholeheartedly seeking truth. What I am trying to say is actually its Quran that teaches us to think and have an enquiring attitude. Its ok to be born a christian, muslim or hindu etc, but it is each individual's responsibility once they reach a certain age where mind automatically starts questioning and reasoning to seek truth and strengthen their beliefs. Attending interfaith meetings and participating in different activities encourages more tolerence and respect towards each other and also to get a chance to find out about other religions and their practices. |
Posted - Monday, October 22, 2007 - 5:21 PM
Please continue your discussion. Just jumped in to deliver some more pictures from our on going exhibition. Dave's 'Faith Junction' DVDs playing in the museum have added colours to the setup; thank you.(Mind you this is one of the exhibitions from the chain where various Faiths are being displayed. The previous one was 'Sikhism' in Spring.The next will be Hinduism soon after the Muslim's as Dewali comes along. So stay tuned for more info and displays.
 Five pillars of Islam-Cultural Insight's director Rani's wish to display them at the exhibition along with the explanation.Very basic and informative.With our websites and Query services displayed in the background.
 Renaissance journals on various topics-for the academic corner. |
Posted - Monday, October 22, 2007 - 9:34 PM
Religion has a very important role in our lives. It can not be confined to mosques, temples, churches etc. It needs to be practiced at all times. All religions tell the same basic and good principles to live our lives. Every one is born with this inner sense to differentiate between good and bad regardless of their faith, something we all know, and this has been told in Quran. Matters requiring specific knowledge and ruling have also been told in Quran to provide guidance to live our daily lives. Man made ruling can always be questioned and can be seen as biased where as if there is one from our creator through our holy Quran no one will deny that to end a dispute. People in all faiths will turn to God at times of trouble or disasters. Why is God forgotten at other times when there is peace and prosperity. Without God's mercy and following the teachings we will not make a success in this life and hereafter. |
Posted - Thursday, October 25, 2007 - 4:36 PM
I came upon this piece from the Suni mystic Mevlana Rumi: Many have been led astray by the Qur'an: by clinging to that rope many have fallen into the well. There is no fault in the rope, O perverse man, for it was you who had no desire to reach the top. III, 4210-11 |
Posted - Monday, October 29, 2007 - 7:34 PM
without any prejudice,its actually true; Qur'an and all the Divine guidance, be it innate, revelation or via prophets' teachings- comes to guide us-it's upto us how much we take to success/or fall.
history of various nations is witness upon this fact. ps 2nd and 3rd surah of Qur'an re: jews and christians and then the present status of muslims since past many centuries.we all have been repeating the same mistakes |
Posted - Saturday, November 3, 2007 - 7:32 AM
Renaissance Readers Club UK
An Interfaith Exhibition was organized for 3 weeks from 2nd to 27th Oct 07 but is still ongoing due to it's popularity in the Slough Museum Berkshire UK.
Representing Muslim Faith and a part of their culture
Organized by Cultural Insight UK in association with Renaissance Readers Club UK where the club has contributed the academic section of the Exhibition promoting the literature which endeavours to bring in light the true essence of the virtues of Islam as a religion.
Posted - Saturday, November 3, 2007 - 7:39 AM
Look out for our next Exhibition organized by our sister organization Understanding Islam UK in Manchester UK in Nov'07.Details will be sent out soon. The following Exhibition in Slough Museum is going to be 'Punjab to Slough UK-Hinduism' starting at the festival of Diwali in on 9th Nov 07.
Edited by: studyingislamuk on Saturday, November 03, 2007 7:45 AM |
Posted - Sunday, November 18, 2007 - 8:09 PM
Details for the Understanding Islam UK Interfaith Exhibition Manchester (vide supra) Date: 19thNov'07 pm Contact: Dr.Mujahid Zaheer
Edited by: studyingislamuk on Sunday, November 18, 2007 10:12 PM |